Owen Benjamin

He's redpilling thousands of people every night on his livestream.

Finally a rightwing comedian whos the real deal and walks the walk. Leftist Fitness Instructor is better than anything Sam Hyde ever made:


>climb that hill to the abortion clinic!

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Other urls found in this thread:


OB i higher IQ hyde without that 99 layers of post irony BS , in him the boomerish aspect prevails whereas in hyde its the zoomer
thats why he still keeps going vs hyde is doing some BS and cant get his life in order like a typical millenial fuckup

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the cult is crumbling

imagine what a raging sodomite you'd have to be to start a thread about this low iq hollywood reject

low effort

Jesus Christ it must be a brutal existence being a manlet. Ben Shapiro looks like a literal child.


fuck off shill

Death to Israel and all Jews

>in hyde its the zoomer
you like a little baby

Hyde is not about the zoom
it is about the messianic satanism.

Sam Hyde = Judaism personified

Attached: messiah.png (691x455, 384K)

and this owen guy is pathetic boomer anecdotes.

What's it like being in a cult?

how much is soros paying you to spread your lies?

Hi Owen

OP is a jew, see the meme flag, and so is Benjamin

Owen Benjamin is 6'6".

Almost 20 inches taller than 5'7" Ben.

You shills are so obvious now it's pathetic

Is he funding my sodomite tendencies too?


Saved in manlet folder.
Goddamn that's an absolutely brutal mog.

>sup bears, no homo
>today, I cut trees
>I'm like so fucking intelligent dood
>sodomite jews
>aaaaaaaannnnnd now you're banned
>that's literally insaaaaayyyynnnneeee
>I'm not crazy
>Toe Rogan is 5' 4"
>you're retarded
>my mom told me my IQ is 147
>I'm man-sized, 6' 8"
>I have a mustache
>Vox Day
>we never went to the moon
>ducks have 20 inch penises
>no one's having a better time than us
>today, I built fences
>that Nimmer stole my bike
>now you're banned for life
>filthy sodomite
>Toe Rogan is 5' 1"
>you're all cowards
>thanks for your support
>dood, I'm like really fucking smart
>5ft of solid lead to get through the Van Allen belts
>I'm gonna land the plane
>Toe Rogan is 4' 4"
>147 IQ
>fuck you sodomite
>it's the Jews
>subscribe to my patreon

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>Owen Benjamin haters

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Literally who?

Owen Benjamin is a fag. He showed an edited video of Jason Momoa "groping his teenage daughter" in public. It's not even his daughter. Jason Momoa's son just has long girl hair. It took me two seconds of searching to find that out. He's basically a meme. He does barely does any research on the shit he talks about and then repeats what little half information he knows to his cult. Nimmer is a Valor stealing faggot too.

That's misinformation. How many cents do you get per post, shill?

He's an annoying, federal addled joke. And this best shit is embarrassing, go lead a cub scout troupe if that's your kink faggot, and I don't give a shite about you and your wife's sex life, though I would have to bet the dude's hung.


Owen's new comedy is not funny and Americans walked on the moon. He's losing his mind because he had daddy issues.

owen really can say anything to you bears and you'll believe it.

>148 is a low IQ

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This video is medium funny

This guy is a faggot who can't take criticism (copyright strikes videos against him) and created a hugbox for himself (chatting in the livestreams cost cash and if you say one thing he doesn't like you're banned).

He's not funny, but support our troops. I guess.

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>Effort is Rape

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>doesnt know how free use works
Fuck off Owen


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>thinks Owen really has an IQ of 147

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not crazy

>Leftist Fitness Instructor is better than anything Sam Hyde ever made:
Really wrong there buddy


that's pre-mustache Owen though. Now he is unlocked and calling out the Jews.

Hello Bear! Daily reminder that we know you guys are monitoring Jow Forums.

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Theres a difference between being funny and being correct, and they're independent variables.

Sammy boy is much better at the comedy aspect of things.

Seen a little of stuff prob one of the good guys on the American Right.

Owen has an established career in comedy and has worked with all the big names, and yet he chose to give that up to raise his family and live morally.

Who has Sam worked with, what has he even done except fuck shemales?

What happened to this guy, why is he just a walking regurgitated right-wing talking point generator now?

None of these bears will address that these screenshots f rom their chatrooms has them xaught red handed.

Attached: unknown-5.png (1177x517, 71K)

Owen's kinda hit or miss in his comedy. It never really gets old, but a lot of his content is mildly amusing at best.

I dont disagree. But humor doesnt work that way; its not based off merit or sacrifice, but simply comes down to whether someone is naturally funny or not.

Sam is hit and miss, but when he hits, he hits hard. Owen is a great guy, and clearly has the right idea about a lot of things, but simply isnt anywhere near as funny to me

Maybe you'll like his new vid (not a live stream) , one of his best in ages:


What a fucking retard. Anyone who still shills for Owen after waiting patiently for a "What I am Zionist" explanation and getting rewarded with a photoop with a Trotskyite is a fucking faggot

Thanks for providing that, and gives me a more balanced view of his content. Speaking only from my perspective, I dont like it at all as I feel most of the humor seems to be based off of him trying to be edgy. I almost always lose to Chinese stereotypes, and somehow even this failed to deliver there

If anyone else finds this hilarious thats fine, but certainly to me I cant really laugh at this.

>ben shapiro's size
omfg israeli are the ugliest people on earth

jews>niggers>arabs>pajeets>chinks>slaves>american goblino>anglos>spanics>white european

damn its the other way around
white european>spanics>anglos>american goblino>slaves>chinks>pajeets>arabs>niggers>jews

No he is not. He’s not funny and everything he says is cringe as fuck. Owen Benjamin will not be allowed in the ethnostate

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I have encountered feelings.
For one I hate this unironically retarded kike and hate seeing his faggot face all over the place.
But in the other hand this is owen bur ing his last bridge. Motherfucker already has an hour and a half documentarie by porsalin (check it out so you realise how much of a failure this underachiever pos is) and this shilling in pol could bring metokurs atention on the guy and oh boy I WANT to see that.
Still dont know if its owen being amazingly stupid and shilling himself or some 4dchesser shilling him hard in here because it will have this negative effect...
Anyways, sit down user, Ill bring the drinks.

>Who has Sam worked with, what has he even done except fuck shemales?

You sound like that goblin Jew in the video with the guy playing trumpet.

too real

>if you hate him you're a kike

You know just because the Jews let you say the K word online doesn't mean they're still not controlling you right?
the best way to get someone to do something is make them think it's their own idea

that was some pretty unfunny low IQ comedy, not even in the same league as Sam Hyde and MDEs worst videos

He lies about people trying to poison his kids and doxes the innocent people he accused. He did this because they made fun of him. If that wasn't enough he files false copyright claims against another guy for making fun of him. This was after banning his fans for trying to tell the truth about his friend Nimmer pretending to be a veteran.

He's a grade A piece of shit.

>Being kicked out of jewlywood for standing up for your beliefs is a bad thing

Fuck off

Yeah I'm sure he can't find work because of huis beliefs and it has nothing to do with the way he acts. He's a real martyr.

kek, Owen was a normie who said nothing controversial before he said making kids become trannies is child abuse. He got kicked out for going against their narrative.

He was on Twitter calling people fags and niggers. He was trying to get banned because there's a market for the outrage and the tranny shit was the last straw. He's making more money right now from his cultists than he ever did before.

>muslim is currently raping and decapitating Svens sister; he's here calling people shills
truly a strange world!

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That was after the tranny shit.

>Make fun of Jesus getting killed = Get millions in shekels and a career
>Make fun of Jews = get black listed

Owen Benjamin is the same crybaby that made a video about other comics not being nice to him right. He's the guy that doesn't know how to edit video and struggles through unfunnny jokes right? He is the comedian that plays piano because he isn't funny right? Owen Benjamin is a complete joke and his career illustrates that.

You cant possibly be serious. Go be a buttblaster liberal somewhere else.

Owen comes off as immature and myopic. He spends his days sitting in the dumpster fire of twitter arguing with bots and shills. He's bee completely hooked, addicted even, to the social media juice

Sam Hyde has never actually been funny. His humor is dry and esoteric.

Please educate yourself.

I don't find him engaging

>lol sjws are stupid and dumb
this whole thing is getting old, beating up retards can only be entertaining for so long.

Lol kill stream was amazing when they talked to those revenge of the cis guys . This cult reeks of kike and I can't believe anyone on pol is retarded enough to fall for it.

I liked Owen for a long time but he's clearly got a crippling drug and alcohol problem and seems to be in a agitated state of coke-fueled delirium every single day. His nights must be FUCKED. When someone has gone that way (and I'm not teetotaler) you can't trust them to do the right things because they are degenerate due to their addiction. Bad face for the movement.

Now he just babbles. Even his BFF Steven "Neocon" Crowder treats him like a joke now, which actually made me feel bad for him and dislike Crowder a little for it. No true loyalty.

didnt even smirk

Sad pathetic cringe sjw tier crap that is not needed. Society needs a reversion to the pre-pozzed culture, spreading information through publications, not through hackneyed mediums.

It's the same thousand people every night. Guy is pure cringe. I had to unsub.

>eceleb bashing
Obvious slide thread.

I kinda didnt know what to think about him u til he started negging for crowders favor on a stream and my bullshitometer went crazy. The next thing I know im watching an hour and a half documentarie on the guy by porsalin and holy shit my bullshitometer its on point.

Yet it fucking scapes me how people would want to follow this guy and all his bear shit. I mean seriously all this shit reminds me of that cult who pumped synthol into their balls amd got one of them killed.
I dont know from what kind of a really fucked mental state you have to look for someone to take the wheel of your life. And Owen benjamin from all the people.

m my mom says it's true
>earth is flat guys

Nah, the guy might actually be in breakdown and this fireworks are for real. Dudes reaching to the sun fast. You are seeing the next metokur lolcow unfold in real time. It deserves some lurking.

>The next thing I know im watching an hour and a half documentarie on the guy by porsalin and holy shit my bullshitometer its on point.
Yeah, I slipped down that same rabbit hole, man.

Owen Benjamin is a false flagging faggot. It's going to be great when his wife leaves him.

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>Almost 20 inches

Is this some extremely low effort b8?

Its a new trend bro. Idk about you but I have career choices in psichiatry and these "mockumentaries" reveal a new light into the digital life of interestingly broke individuals. These dudes now have an internet history so we can now get into the minds of these guys like never before. A new era of psichiatry will be born of this. Remind when memes were just memes? We are getting into phd levels boyos.

I am honestly impressed how he manages to be the most predictable individual to ever upload on YouTube. That leftist fitness video is peak boredom.


mixed feelings. he says a lot of spot on things but he seems like a total piece of shit with regular social interactions.

convinced thousands of people he was destitute and needed money when he was being kicked out of hollywood only to reveal later that he always had revenue from several rental properties he owns. he now owns a compound from all the donations and he regularly turns on the people that made it possible.

OP needs to fuck off with his Owen Benjamin man crush. He comes here to Jow Forums multiple times a day trying to turn us into his personal army to attack the people exposing the truth about Owen and Nimmer. I guess he's trying to get Cult Member of the Month or something.

Owen Benjamin is a copy striking fag.


Oh, I'm aware. There is a mountain of scholarly articles waiting in the wings once we have a little bit of perspective on this crazy shit.

He doesn't even know what Leftism is. Owen is a low iq normie.

>how to spot jew
you fuck off retard.


Nice maths, burger.

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