/ourgirl/ needs your help

Watch the documentary that AIPAC doesn't want you to see.

The Lobby Pt 1.

The Lobby Pt 2.

The Lobby Pt 3.

The Lobby Pt 4.

Download, mirror and help spread.

Attached: Ilhan-421x320.jpg (421x320, 25K)

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grow up
muslims are filth


bump, the doc is pretty lite duty, though

It's normie friendly

Nah, i'm far rright, i would rather ally with muslims than just sit back and watch jews reek havoc on the white race

You can hate both of them, retard. Omar is nothing but a tool that has quickly outlived its purpose

>ally with muslims
you're an idiot
you may think you "ally with muslims" but muslims just look at you as a bomb carrier
also don't know if you've noticed but here 90% of muslims vote labour

>a nigger
nu/pol/ in a nutshell. Back to fellating your BASED black men, pal

these are the people who shepard r/the_donald. they worked hard during trumps election. any mutt flag you see calling anons shill for lil reason is a jew or retard.

nah by going out of our way to back her up (even if its bullshit to promote our agenda) we can prevent the jews from sliding her moment under the bed, really get the leftists WOKE to the jewish question on another level

>commie muslin
>our girl

None of these leftist women are "our girl." They simply represent the matriarchal order taking full control.

I:m surprised they didn't wear pink pussy caps to SOTU.

i'm interested to hear what all those free speech advocates on the right think about that anti-bds bill. any links ?

Attached: jazzaoc.jpg (540x720, 251K)

Nice retarded logic

You can't spell and use the wrong words. I strongly suspect you to be a muzzy nigger shill. Come back and shill after you learn English like a white person.

Shift + left click.




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This,go fuck some camels OP.

fuck off jew. watch the docs.

Be a demented quasi relious perverted inbred evil freak.
have lightbulb idea that changes shape of head
get refugee status in a liberal utopia in USA
marry own brother.
get liberal backing
get muslim brotherhood support
get nation of islam backing
violate all campaign finance laws
get elected in spite of ridiculousness of situation
by dumbfuck Liberals and moslem swine
push islamic agenda
Only In America because Diversity Equality Stupidity