Jow Forums humor

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Other urls found in this thread:

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If anyone ever bothered editing out the Onion logo it'd be great.

Attached: the last heil.jpg (500x435, 34K)

Nigeria is one of the best African country. Story below is hard to believe.

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>100% natural cotton
>4.99 less
Nigger version, made by nigs for nogs

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Nice pic.

700 people died collecting fuel? Sauce?

Blue rubber band lobster is labeled republicans.

It's like you are not even trying any more pol.

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Oil explosions happens there once every few months, major ones every few years. Sauces below, I think the guy is referencing the one from 1998.

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kek ive never seen this

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you Jow Forums humor threads... something poc... never be successful....

fucking kek

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badabi badabong

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I'm choosing to believe this is a troll, if only because the sheer stupidity of the alternative threatens to kill me.

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Rate pls

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> 0/10

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kek 8/10

muh ancestors :)


Imagine actually believing this lmao

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Classic Onion is an absolute beast of a comedic goldmine. I remember getting a bunch of those compilation books they had before many of the Border's and Barnes and Nobles shops shut down. Good times.

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Well it's kinda true.

White """people"""

Attached: 1541634157373.png (577x387, 273K)

>got root tshirt

I want that. Ring 1 for life

Americans are so ignorant it's actually unbelievable

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Is that actually in the book? I'm fucking dead here.

Take the rainbow pill user.

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>the megalodon of mudsharks
Gets me every damn time.

Attached: 7cFhkNy.jpg (724x717, 125K)

>Crack open pipeline
>Entire community and then some gather to fill every single container imaginable with free fuel
>Then someone lights a cigarette.
Such is life in Africa. Nothing new.

yea IMAGINE that heheh

Walls definitely work.

Attached: president of nascar.jpg (600x500, 82K)

Can you faggots not create your own memes? Every lefty meme I see is just an inversion, i thought the left were supposed to be more creative...
Kys obviously

im assuming they mean 4ft 8 lol

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Shut up.

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>posting an edit of a righty comic that makes commies look bad then thinking nobody will tell.
14 billion.


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nah, they'll all be dead by then

Attached: Unavngivet.jpg (885x329, 68K)

keked but wrong board, bukko.


I wonder how that sp101 handles? Maybe it's the picture, but the ergos look funky with that grip style.

If that kid built that, it's pretty impressive.

We can't let this man get the nuclear codes

Jew magic isreal

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>Pissing in an ocean of piss
Just make sure to keep coming back user. We arent done with you

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About like any other revolver
>source me

I sincerely hope you get cancer, and lose everything, and everyone you love you filthy communist jew

Oh Jow Forums, don't run away from your feelings.

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I miss my childhood