You look out Into The universe
We look in all directions and see 13.8 Billion Light years (Not very Big as some say)
Meaning that we Earth is in The center
You look out Into The universe
We look in all directions and see 13.8 Billion Light years (Not very Big as some say)
Meaning that we Earth is in The center
Other urls found in this thread:
Holy shit I'm looking around right now and I"M THE CENTER
stop being retarded the earth rotates around the sun which also rotates around the center of the milky way which also is moving
Brainlet comments
If you would be near The corner than you would see different distances
Yet The Earth is still in The center
What a coincidence
This. Holy fuck I'm the center of the universe
Look here mister!
Read that brainlet ---->
>be in void
>there are limitations on photons meaning there is a radius of perceptibility that is consistency all around
>interpret this as all there is
there would only be differences if we were extremely close to an "edge"
Or maybe the corner is so fucking big that we can't observe it
Literal Pseudy science these photons you talk about dont exist especially in The way you described
Brainlets this entire thread
if your new Read that And yes The corner is there and Its 13.8 Billion Light years away
Arent you a fucking dumbass
Were you to be located 13 billion lightyears away from earth, that location could also be considered center of the universe
Then you would be Close to The edge you fucking idiot
>I made 2 times the same thread because people weren't converting to christianity in the first try
proles can't handle high iq thoughts swedebro, this is known
>Our ability to observe the universe is strictly restrained by distance
>We can only observe from Earth and its locality
>Therefore the *observable* universe is a bubble around Earth
What the hell do you expect? This doesn't prove anything theological at all, except that the universe is probably bigger than what we can see
You can only see x in all directions.
You are at the center of what you can see.
You are at the center of the universe.
Holy shit your dumb.
Phoneposting Swede BTFO. Sage
Cosmic radiation shows we are indeed at the centre. Athiests aren't able to think about what this means.
They'll have to wait for a CNN report about what to think.
there is no "edge" dumbass
Glad to se someone here with half a mind
HEIL Jesus
>6 gorillion goy years.
Fuck off kabbalist scum.
We actually see something like 48 billion light years, due to the expansion of the universe
This man is correct
3 people in here with half a mind
Oh shit yeah I forgot about the famous galactic corner of the universe, there's a giant fucking space paki shop there.
>The place where all of the observations are made is in the centre of the OBSERVABLE universe
Well that's a surprise
yes just half each
what if 13,8B light years is our field of vision?
i can see things up to 100km, that doesn't mean i'm in center of universe because i know when i move 100km in one direction there will be beyond.
im somewhere on the ocean.
i can see like.... 50 miles around me, in every direction.
This means im at the center of the ocean, and there is nothing beyond these 50 miles.
How does it show that? Because everything is moving away from us in all directions?
>Meaning that we Earth is in The center
Well, yes, Earth is the center of observations. Call me when you try the same thing in the other star system.
No I am in the center. I am a centrist. Just like sweden
Lol God looks like an npc
>red satan man bad!
>photons moving at C is psudoscience
just fucking hang yourself somali nigger
>hurr durr our field uhhh vision
we're not seeing it with the naked eye you dumbasses
we're using very finely tuned equipment to measure the cosmic radiation and have been doing it for enough years that if the universe went on forever we wouldn't be witnessing the "edge" we'd just keep getting new information over time on the outer regions as its reached us
we've hit a point where we can measure we're not receiving new cosmic background data from outside that range for long enough that it really is the "edge"
and now that we know where the "edges" are, we're in the fucking center
Yeah but everything is moving away from everything else too. And everything is accelerating away.
Holy shit you might be right. if the universe is truly infinite, and we can see perceive a radius of 13 bil lightyears. then we should be the center of our reality.
No you fucking moron. The stuff we see at around 12 billion light years away are early galaxies because the light has only reached us now. At 13.7 billion lightyears all we see is pure radiation because that is what has reached us now. Beyond that whatever is there has not reached us yet. The early galaxies we see are not there anymore but they are so far and it has taken light that long to get to us.
okay, i don't know about any of that. thanks for the info.
so, universe is not infinite?
i thought the expansion was still going on.
they have been seeing a definitive drop off "edge" for awhile now, shit beyond the "edge" has been reaching us
every point in the universe is its centre.
infinity n shiet.
If everything is moving away from everything what makes us the centre?
I thought the universe went on forever.
the universe is is spherical and immanent. take that GOD lovers! no, no it is perfectly flat and infinite! no it is slightly curved and infinite but no it is infinite and immanent, oh and its made of one dimensional vibraty "strings". no its quantum bubbles. no wait we are having trouble explaining thins without God, so we will just say there are a million billion flat, curved, sphereoid universes and we exist because we live in the one good one!
Universella isnt infinite you fucking brainlet
Its 14 BLyr
the edge is further tan that. the universe is larger than it should be, thats why we have to say it magically expanded for a bit and then stopped because muh gravity unraveled
Idiot posting
Arheists dont even know their own religion
To summarize
and is expanding by One light year every Year
All these idiots are simply just that
Read that
how can you hope to get information about objects farther than 14 billions light years if the universe is supposedly 14 billions years old?
Brainlet Read that
What we're seeing at the "edge" of the observable universe is the light that was formed some time after the big bang.
When you look at the most distant galaxies, they're also the most ancient ones.
Space is expanding, making everything fly away from eachother, making everywhere seem like they're the center of the universe.
More brainlet posting Read that and that
Real Science Man talks, great watch.
>possibility of beings from previous iteration of universe using photos as a medium to "upload" themselves into during heat death
Just how fuckind dumb are the people here?
this only applies if space is only 3 dimensional; which we know it is not.
pace is bent in itself, kinda like a donut; that means that where ever you are within it, you will always be limited to certain distance due to its 'shape'
post yfw Atheist are finally in hell
The observable universe and the universe are two different things.
Yep he’s a brainlet. But, why’d you tell those anons to read what bainlet posted?
Are you also brainleted?
Let me give you the real existence pill here.
I'm the center of existence. Everything that exists only exists because it has to exist for me to believe reality is real.
You only exist because I browse Jow Forums and saw this post. This same logic applies to everything. Some random person in some shit hole factory in China only exists because one day he is going to make a pair of shoes that someone I walk past is wearing. He needs to exist purely to make those shoes I will one day perceive.
If I didn't browse Jow Forums and never had any reason to perceive your existence, you wouldn't exist because you'd have no reason to exist.
Prove me wrong.
wtf i love god now
>we've hit a point where we can measure we're not receiving new cosmic background data from outside that range for long enough that it really is the "edge"
This blatantly contradicts the entire scientific community. I demand source.
>tfw chad were right all along
o, you are retarded. I am the center.
whoa dude you sound like hermit trimegneto. deep, brah
More brainlets of low iq
Amen to that brother
All arheists will burn and i will laugh
>Let me give you the real existence pill here.
nah its you burning in hell for all eternity
>If you would be near The corner than you would see different distances
only if the corner was closer than 14 billions light years
what if it isn't?
shut up te universe expanded for one second and immediately stopped.
this is called the unflating epic.
grow up little bitch
Damn right
Based netherlands
>Meaning that we Earth is in The center
No. It means the universe is bigger than we can see and hydrogen started fusing into helium 13.8 billion years ago.
This site is plus 18
Go back to red.dit you fucking brainlet
Your entire existence is down to you making that one post you just made. Had I closed this thread after making my initial post or stepped away from my computer for a while, you wouldn't even exist.
And you cannot prove me wrong.
Burn atheist
How do you know its not 3d and how many Ds does it have? And how do you come to the conclusion that it must have x Ds?
dude, everyone knows the universe never had a felatio tupac, its existed for a million years. stupid science denier. go back to your shanty. you are beneath me.
What's an arheist?
If you meant atheist, I am not one. I believe in God. Still we have seen no corners to the Universe.
Im a theist, you heretic.
atheists rule!!!
Just don't eat the special space kebabs.
Just don't, trust me.
no, i was just browsing Jow Forums from my home. Liar
How could you be intelligence enough to use a computer or phone and type out this shit?
philestine. get with the times gramps. watch dawkins!
brights rule!!
Have fun in hell you heathens!
What's fun to imagine is that space can expand faster than light. Eventually some future civs will see that they're the only galaxy in the universe.
>And you cannot prove me wrong.
One day we will
>mfw when you are screaming in the fires of hell
B-ut b-ut i was just trolling Lord
No it just looked that way, the centre of the universe is actually your house.
Be sure not to cut yourself on that "edge"
You are that random Chinese factory worker, you knew that one day you would have to walk past those shoes so you incarnated yourself into that life so you could make those shoes so yourself could walk past yourself in the street wearing them.
I will have you burn kid
Based dutchman deliver The truth
You only exist because I visited this thread and read your nonsense. Checkmate bigot
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You’re a horrible fucking person.
Stupid asshole fag
Christianity only exists because in my life I've met or witnessed Christians. God, heaven, hell and so on all only exist as a concept because I've heard about them.
Reality centers around me. When I die reality ceases to exist.
according to you you are, I'm not even joking according to einsteins theory of relativity you are the center of the universe. There is no true center because it expanded from a singularity.
no bullying please, or you might end there with us.
The question isnt whether the earth is the center of the universe but rather what the earth is, since that's where we are, and what the sun is since that's what helps keep us alive.
-ATHEIST+ imagine no religion...whoa mind. officially. blown.