Enemy (shitskins) of our enemy (Israel) will always be our ally. Btfo pol shes based

enemy (shitskins) of our enemy (Israel) will always be our ally. Btfo pol shes based

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We can hate them both and enjoy the shitshow, ahmed

She was correct to call out AIPAC.

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She shouldn't have apologized. She showed weakness to the kikes and they exploit every weakness relentlessly.

>Report shill threads
>Hide shill threads

My name is emilia and no, jews are our prime enemy, we can kill muslims after we are done with jews


I am talking about killing jews and this is a shill thread, bitch who made you so retarded?

she cute

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She needs to become educated about the other tentacles of the Jewish fiend as well. JINSA, ICJP, The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, and all the other organized militias the Jews have set up to subvert the Western world. ICJP alone is an obvious violation of US law and a threat to every government on earth, even though its website doesn't appear to have had much activity in recent years.

Attached: ICJP subverts the western world.png (350x563, 226K)


Tits or gtfo

Yea, but we cant let this opportunity slip by, we must support her before (((they))) remove her.

The rabbit hole is deep.

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based and redpilled!

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>(((they))) remove her
Not gonna happend she is jew tool

Even trannies are better than kikes, Shlomo. We can get rid of them after we get rid of you.

Trannies are kikes

I agree. Any weapon against the Jews is worth preserving, we just need to encourage her to oppose Israel and the Jews, and whatever else she does, we don't need to support. Give her encouragement in the right direction.

Exactly! ^_^

Didn't think norwayfags were like this

Please, Anne Frank, don't confuse the issue. The trannie problem is separate, and they're just a bunch of dumb fuckups. Jews are a menace.

She’s based until she comes for you

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>She’s based until she comes for you
our problem with muslims began with jews when the federal government was manipulated into being israel's golem in the middle east. it gave wahabbists/fundamentalists the ammunition and moral high ground to declare jihad against the west. without jew influence and divide & conquor this wouldn't be nearly as much a problem as it is today.

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why jewish are so into plotting against humanity as a whole? what are they going after?

WOW! A Muslim doesn’t like the Jews! Whoever would have thunk that. Barsed.

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No. Shitskin muslim filth will never be our friend. These are awful people right down to their rotten cores, don’t let your blind hatred for all things Jewish convince you otherwise even for one second

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Wow. I didn’t even see that writing on that meme, just copied it from Google thinking it was just ‘Thas rite’. Divine intervention.

That thumbnail is 100% true. We warned the police of this just before they blew their selves up in the arena.
Imagine them imagining that they are better than Jews. How delusional.

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She isnt based, she is a fucking idiot Muslim spewing typical Muslim shit.

I live in Minnesota. These shitbags hate Israel, yes, but they also hate everyone else, and were they smart enough, would try to kill everyone who isnt one of them. Thankfully Somalians are easily the stupidest people on the planet without question.

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We are overdue for a shoah. Every few decades there is one. The next shoah will be done by brown people. Enjoy it jews, you brought this on yourself.

t. when the only guy attracted to her on Jow Forums

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That's the thing. Any legit non-JIDF/kike user would gladly fight beside a nigger, a spic, a tranny, anybody, if we were going after kikes, and then once that's done we can all go home to our own respective ethnostates where we run things according to the direction of our collective racial soul.
I don't hate muzzies: I hate that kikes flood our nations with them. I hate that they blow us up in retribution for kikes making us blow them up en masse and destroy their homeland.
I do hate niggers though and will be glad to see the billions of niggers die off once we win and stop all international aid, thereby removing 80% of all their food, and I see the necessity that is exporting every last nigger back there.
I think spics are a disgusting near-nigger race that the world would be better off without, but as long as they stay in their shit holes I don't care.
I would fight beside any of them against kikes.

Horseface replacement slide thread

Doesn't our Constitution have something in it about no taking of noble titles? Aren't these Jews pretty much being Knighted by Israel??

Norwegian breasts NOW or get the fuck out!!!


“Married her brother to defraud immigration...”. When is something gonna be done about this?


Know all these women. You can search their name plus the word "antisemite" can get more articles on all of them.

These are /our niggers/ Send them everything you have on jews running the slave trade. Jews starting communism in Russia in 1917 killing white Christians in war and gulags. Plus another 100 million Asians, Africans and Hispanics as their evil communism spread.
Farrakhan has some great videos on slavery and jews. Dr. Tony Martin.
The women's march is destroyed because of the JQ. We can keep this division going.
Intersectionality is dying boys. Keep the memes rolling. It's working.

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Send her the 729 meme. That is Israels UPS bar code identifier. BDS is strong and getting stronger.

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Trannies can suck a mean dick. Jews are just mean dicks. Meme that anons. If you can.

>it's another "Jow Forums slam dunks their entire worldview to appease a based minority" episode

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