Are you guys ready for $1000+ phones with poo stains included?

Are you guys ready for $1000+ phones with poo stains included?

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it will probably have a stench of curry that will never go away

better than communist spy software/hardware

good for india

Lefties will love that.

did you know that cashews are shucked by poos?

Virgin Iphone vs the Chad Android.

I will never buy an Apple product again.

Imagine that the state forced you to submit to the attachment of a monitoring device that listened to every word, photographed everything in its field of view, and reported all back to the state, every minute, of every day.
Imagine the outrage, the skull fragments raining down out of the stratosphere...
But if you package it as a kewl, fun, hip, trendy gizmo, and sell it to the zeks, they'll sleep on the sidewalk for a week to be the first proud owner in the slum.They will kill and steal to buy a new one every other week.
Why in the name of Orwell would anybody have one of those things at all?

BMW motorbikes are made in India.

People still pay for them like they're luxury vehicles.

Why do people buy anything made by Apple? Overrated, overpriced shit. Paid 150 in 2012 for my 8 gig moto g. The fucking thing is a work horse. Not a single glitch. Battery is just as stong today as the day I got it. Dropped it ten times no damage. Colors are perfect. Pictures are good. Not one single issue in over 6 years. Plus no BS spying on my ass with all that Apple betrayal. Thanks...I'll keep my workhorse, the rest of you Apple fags take it up the pooper for a phone that does little more than mine. Hhahahahaahhaha.

Better ram management, status symbol, and a great camera. I don't own an iPhone myself but some day I wish to own one

you have to be 18 to post here

Honestly fuck iPhones. Crap phones and a pain in the ass to fix

>Better ram management

Attached: 1521820580614.png (542x512, 52K)

how do you play candy crush saga though?

Apple was ahead of the curve in both phones and mp3 players and it trapped a lot of people in its unique ecosystem early, now they can't leave. Sad but true. If you're not part of that ecosystem, Apple products feel retarded. My ipad can't do half the shit an android tablet 1/2 the price could do.

>status symbol
>broke dick poo in loo
>autism on computers

ive met enough of you guys in the usa, geez

Around 40% of Samsung phones are made in India also. Love my S9 though.

>I don't own a toilet myself but some day I wish to own one

I’m done with apple after this phone goes. Jobs is dead. The magic is over.

That's not it.
What he means is that because there is a singular unified OS to work with that applications can be custom tailored specifically for them, beyond this, Apple gets into shady dealings to gimp Android applications.

Because there are so many varieties of Android phones and different OS's the optimization of applications isn't quite on par with Apple, leading to typically equal performance despite far better specs.

my previous phone was android based. i hated it. now switched to apple iphone 8 and its really really great. iOS is so much better, even gives you better benchmark results with lower quality components.

Because Android isn't a unified OS

Attached: 365242165829566465.png (128x128, 26K)

Because I can afford nice things.

Android is a creepy OS that constantly spies on everything. Fuck Google.

Stop lying faggot

i dont have a ((((((((((((((((smart))))))))))))))))))) phone anymore and it great really.

so that i can rub it in your face


My 10+ years old Nokia is on its last leg... what should I replace it with? Iphone, Samsung, chinese smartphone?
I only use my phone for calling and texting, no internet and apps cuckery.

>gives you better benchmark results with lower quality components.
The Apple processors are not lower quality.
They have a deal with Intel to produce better processors for Apple phones that nobody else can get. Phone benchmarks that stress processors will typically blow Android phones out of the water for this reason. In terms of graphic processing, and RAM the advantages of the S9+ over an iPhone X for instance are apparent.

Beside this, nobody gets an iPhone for "better performance." You get them because you're tech illiterate and need a grandma phone that doubles as an accessory.

Thats... what I said.
>there are so many varieties of Android phones and different OS's

Windows phone

why would I lie?
iOS is way ahead of Android.

Attached: iPhone-8-benchmarks-1.jpg (1920x1143, 169K)

The hardware being different doesn't mean android isn't unified dipshit.

>how do you play candy crush saga though?
I fuck women instead

The S9+ destroys the iPhone X in Graphics benchmark.

Attached: 111.png (661x559, 410K)

>cant leave
Is this really how you people live your lives?

Support will stop this year, fuckface.

Belgium bantz strike when you least expect them.

well i got an iphone beacause its much easier to use and i don't want to fuck around and root my newly bought device in order to deinstall pre installed shit like on android.

Even better

whats the iphone X on that pic?

It isn't unified, dipshit. The OS has to be tweaked for every individual phone, this is why it is often not as simple getting a new version of the OS, as is the case with Apple.
Go take your pill.


apps won't make full use of screen (notch isn't shown)?
well that sucks

Seriously this. I never in my life owned an apple phone. Always went with Nokia and then with various android stuff

People have been saying the same shit since the 80s. And yet...we are all still here. The bottom line is...some people save money and get a fine product. Some people pay MORE money so they can be trendy gay faggots. It's universal. Some people buy Landrovers or Minicoopers because they are faggots. At the end of the day I just don't need an ass warmer in my leather seats. If I wanted a warm ass I would not have bought leather seats. Can you see my logic here?

Didn't you hear? We're making iPhones in the US now. They will cost $10,000 and finally plebs won't be on the internet.

If I were going to get a phone for my mom, I would get her an iPhone because it is retard-proof. Bloatware is usually a product of deals made by retailers to sell the software along with the phone. More of an issue with retailers than it is with the manufacturer, in most cases.

>It isn't unified, dipshit. The OS has to be tweaked for every individual phone
You're giving a lot of credit to a handful of drivers, do you have autism or something? Serious question, this level of inane precision screams aspie.

I don't own an iPhone.
I just work on them. Sometimes it triggers the elitism in my customers when they see me taking apart their phones for profit while I'm using a Samsung.

>My phone is a nanosecond faster than yours and renders color sharper than human perception can differentiate. I'm glad to spend 5 times the money for shit I can't see or feel, but I can quote some nerd tech site.

>do you have autism or something? Serious question, this level of inane precision screams aspie.
I guess if being right, to you is autism. At least you'll never were about "being an aspie," because I doubt you're ever right about anything. Whatever helps you cope.

Mobile phones are one of the last bastions of politically incorrect thought.

People whatsapp me racist and non pc jokes and memes that they would be terrified to say out loud now.


we it M.I.G.A. yet?

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a yes would've sufficed

I don't know why you are so angry. I have attempted to simplify a very technical issue so even a total retard like you could understand it.

Based. Lmfao @ (((benchmarks))), as if anyone is using their phones under this type of load anyway. Apple products are for normalfags, plebs, and s󠀀oyboys.

Precisely why I stay behind the time and lag tech. Keeps me off their radar. You faggots stick your dicks out with all the new gadgets. I'll keep my protected in its nice safe turtle shell of low tech old tech.
My phone 150
Your phone 1000
Difference 850
Times 5% compounded interest over 30 years
= 3,673

Uniform doesn't mean exactly the same, again, I think you have autism. Might wanna go see a doctor or something mate.

If we can somehow bring food and hygene to the poos we may actually have a decent alliance here

Rub it in my ass and you have my attention.

I'm rather a normalfag, than a linuxcuck hyping semi-finished shit. on desktop its even worse, but heyyyyyyyy its muh open source

Why are you still arguing, you were wrong because you are a drooling retard and are talking way out of your depth. Go ask your mom to read you a story and let the adults discuss in peace.

>USA vs china
i'll stick with the united states, thanks

Go to Republic wireless or Mint and use one of their suggested phones. They have the cheapest service for what you are looking for. Been on Republic since 2012. Grandfathered in a TOTAL include all taxes of $13 a month. Suck on that all you faggot anons. unlimed calling and text and wifi of course. NO fucking data required.

you are fucking retarded if you dont know how to use an android lmao, and that explains why its the normie phone

Attached: whatweretheythinking.png (1020x698, 514K)

I use my phone to house a 900 PDF book library, to learn other languages, and do math courses. There's just too much utility in these softwares for me not to stay up to date since any downtime I experience is spent improving myself.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, all my posts were berating you, not arguments.

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>t. Apple shill

I have noticed a lot of mutts shilling for poos. Is it because you look and smell the same? Because you both cant control your bowels in public?

>all my posts were berating you, not arguments.
At least you acknowledge you were wrong. That's the first step toward incorporating yourself into society despite your mental illness.

>i can deal with problems on android that doesn't even exist on iPhones
>I'm so smart
>Heil Linux based shit
>Heil Open Source

Next year's model already packaged as "unique shades of brown"

You laugh user. Bought a windows phone this year for 100 bucks. Comprable to a 600 dollar phone. fucking apps worth a shit but I can still use it on some service providers. It's my backup phone. You can get them cheap on the microsoft website now and then. 65 gigs expandable to 128 I think. Could use it as dash cam if I wanted. For a hundred bucks you guys should be picking up one or two just for the cameras in them.

well i'm a bit prejudiced on open source because i have to deal with that shit all the time (job related)

>that doesn't even exist on iPhones
Yes, like connectivity into devices.
It's pretty pathetic you have to have all your utilities shat out by Apple in order to have them work with each other.

I have windows phone it cost me fifty, if I drop it like I did the last one & it breaks it didn't cost me $1000.

Apple is one of the most pathetic companies in the world, they are so fucking terrible even their brainwashed fanbase started to criticize them.

You can do all of those things on a cheap $150 phone. How dumb are you?

So you work for Apple?

>Heil Linux
>100% of donations received go towards funding diversity programs.

The poo stains will be from Tim Cuck after him and his boyfriend have personaly tested each device.

Gotta make sure the vibrate function works.

Attached: (600x400, 24K)

>900 PDF book library
Too bad you can only read one book at a time. Do I REALLY have to say more?

>reading books on shitty screen resolutions
My learning app requires at least Jellybean, and while this would work on most dated/cheap phones, it also lags like fuck. I only recently got rid of my HTC phone.

But good job on improving yourself.

No. But theres no way around to using linux when you are an embedded programmer.

I'm often flipping between books simultaneously.

It literally is

Nice...what phone was it? I got an Alcatel 4 ram I think and 64 gigs with two slots for sim and memory. 5.5 screen I think. Maybe bigger. I think 24 pix camera. Something crazy like that.

So what you're really saying is that you're a wagecuck slaving away for the Jews while sitting hunched up im a cubicle cell staring at a screen?

I just want my eyes replaced with electronics so I never have to see the real world again.

Attached: 1220839079214.jpg (1520x1923, 317K)

That is not a good way to learn user. Take your ADHD meds and calm the fuck down. Enjoy something to it's complete experience. Do you buy three ice cream cones and lick all three? Try to be present in everything you do. That is where deep, meaningful improvement comes from.

pretty much, yes.
but we are a really small team, so we're not sitting in a cubicle cell at least.

If those eyes come will nigger blockers...I'm in.

I thought you faggots were woke, but I was wrong.
Keep using apple shits. lol

I wish they'd make Pixels in India so my phone wasn't a CCP backdoored chinkphone

ok wait so why is Apple good again?