Man Made Climate Change is a Lie

If you live in civilized Western nations, next time they try to tell you to degrade your life to save the planet, just look at this picture and know they are telling lies. While the USA is barely a blip on the radar, China and India are doing hundreds of times damage to the environment daily, not to mention Africa.

Attached: pollution.png (747x718, 888K)

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So how does that disprove man made climate change though?

seems like an argument for it desu

The point is those countries will never do what we are doing so who gives a shit I hope it happens at this point white people thrive in cold weather.

>order all your shit from china
>manufacture your shit overseas
>hurr, they are the ones polluting their side of the earth. We dindu nuffin.

chinks and poos are not human

No shit, faggot. This is why anyone with a brain shouldn’t support fucking their countries in the ass with absurd carbon taxes unless China, India and soon Africa are on board. Lowering our living standards when these other countries will continue to pollute the environment at a greater rate is pointless. It achieves nothing.

>China and India

Can we just nuke both of these fucks already? They provide zero in terms of production and contribute nothing towards actual development of shit. Their existence at best yields low quality rip offs of other products and fucking shit engineering satellite offices for American firms.

how is the middle of the sahara desert polluting anything?

If this is the argument, it's a bit strange. China is actually one of the countriest with one of the most realistic concepts for an environmentally sustainable future, and they are working to realize it. This has a lot to do with them being a technocracy, and having educated people who can actually READ DATA in charge means they also understand that they absolutely must act.

Of course they still lack behind, as seen in above picture. This has a lot to do with the amount of people in these countries, and the effort it takes to superview them. It also has to do with them being advancing industrial nations, who depend on the creation of cheap produce for income.
However if you take a good look at the way the asian markets are progressing, it is clear that this is bound to change within the next 5-10 years. A technologically advanced China is more likely and presumably more efficient at implementing policies and technologies, that will have a lasting beneficial impact on not exceeding the 1.5° limit and thus saving our species.

I'm not so sure about India ...

What about the Chinese industrialisation of Africa? You give them too much credit. They’re locusts.

At this point denying man-made climate change is pretty ridiculous. It's mainly some city kids who never went outside concrete walls.

Anyone who has been interacting with nature for a couple of years, even the not so bright ones, have real life experience with man made climate change at this point.

Farmers realize that the conditions are changing and that spring and autumn are slowly disappearing.
Some have noticed that certain kinds of insects are becoming less, while others more frequent in regions they previously weren't home in. (Don't you love mosquitos?)
Anyone who lives in viewing range of a glacier can tell you, that it's been melting faster these last ten years than the 90 before that. (If you're from the mountains, Go in old peoples' home and look at the pictures to confirm.)

Floods are a lot more common for people who live in susceptible areas.
Or the favorite beach you used to go to as a kid, now a sea of plastic and jellyfish. (because these fuckers thrive on climate change)

So yeah, the majority (and don't doubt it, even if it may not seem that way on here) of people have at this point understood that man made climate change is real. Doesn't mean they'll do something about it.

So yeah, enjoy the last 20 years of meaningful civilization.(or act)

Industrialisation is a control mechanism. Once the mechanism is in place, you can change the situation much more easily. (much like releasing or closing a pressure valve.)

Because what this industrialisation of Africa also means (and please don't think I completely agree), is that IF China were to implement tighter environmental policies, these would now effectively also concern Africa. Which they didn't before.

Of course I'd rather see a united Africa take their own measures to protect our planet, but I fear we simply do not have the time.

But pollution is real, we are drowning in plastics.

we never deny the climate changes, but the earth has had these kind of climate changes before.

Are we ready to admit oil, gas and coal reserves are ancient landfills and that new elements periodically appear on earth as a new superspecies appears and manufactures it in mass numbers.

in a few million years a new sentient species will be arguing over whether plastic can naturally form in nature or wether it is proof of god creating the earth.

the earth has never warmed so quickly before

if you want to die just off yourself right now

It warmed up much quicker after the asteroid impacts.

>>china has too many people
>>effort to superview them
>>depend on the creation of cheap produce
>>progressing 5-10 years


>>be china man in 2030
>>get woke up by chip on neck
>>chip electrocutes you
>>ok ill get up
>>go take a shower
>>water ration no shower
>>go eat
>>forced to eat certain foods
>>forced to take pills
>>toilet analyses poop sending records to govt
>>green light on top of front door lights up
>>door unlocks
>>walk out door
>>facial recognition program kicks in
>>follows you all the way to work to make sure you take the shortest route there and you do not pollute or cause accidental pollution
>>you cross the street not seeing a car coming ur way
>>car breaks and makes 4 other cars break
>>all cars get a red flag for wasting gas making an unscheduled stop
>>get a red flag for making cars stop
>>get to work
>> negative 350 points since this morning
>>get reminded by boss that -500 points means a demotion and a demotion means -500 points and -1000 points means relocation.


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this thread seems related.

I seriously hope you’re trolling.

You know it was warm enough to grow grapes in scottland during the medieval warm period right?

>Buy more oil, goy
>don't worry, actions don't have consequences
>surely I could not smile so widely if I was lying

>we never deny the climate changes, but the earth has had these kind of climate changes before.

I love that argument because it's very subtle. It implies, that natural climate change and man made climate change are two things that can not exist simultaneously. This is bullshit, because they can and do.

Yes, earth had climate change before. And we can pretty much pinpoint, how much it was, and how much it will change.

However we have been deviating from these norms ever since the onset of...industrialization.

However we can with certainty DISTINGUISH between NATURAL and MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE. And guess what...MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE OCCURS AS WELL. Additional to any natural changes in climate, and much faster than we are ready to prepare ourselves too.

Seriously, the amount of data on our impact on the environment can no longer be denied at this point. (See parts of first chapter

At this point, people denying the gravity of the situation, and our responsibility for it, are like the priests in times past, who killed people the earth wasn't the center of the universe:

Smelly and dangerous in their time, Ridiculed for their funny hats and inability to read data by the modern human.

These faggots in the US do not give a shit because as long as they have their iphones they could care less.

>However we can with certainty DISTINGUISH between NATURAL and MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE

No you can't. You clearly have no fucking clue how fragile and stupid the climate models actually are. None of them are accurate even a week into the future.

>Environmentally sustainable future
Top kek. That's why when someone goes and actually photographs the reality of China he gets unpersoned by the Commie ruling party.

How fucking retarded are you question isnt "is climate change real" anymore temperature is encreasing by 2°C and if it goes on like most of the species of earth will disappear

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>Man made
Top Kek

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me breathing changes the climate you faggot that doesnt mean it matters on a macro scale

all of these increases in C02 were caused by humans and their anscestors

This is just for fun, but:

So let's do the math here. The average human breathes out 1,04 kg (or 2.3 pounds) of carbon
dioxide on any given day. Multiplied by seven billion that's 7.28 billion kilograms (or 16, 1 billion pounds) of carbon dioxide a DAY. As opposed to 1970, were those numbers were half as much. So yeah, breathing damn sure has some effect on climate. And if we continue to grow like we do, it will get significantly bigger.

If you have a picture or a link to a YouTube video, you know they have reliable sources and know what their talking about.


>confusing weather reports with modelling of co2 emission pathways.

>telling other people they don't have a clue

top kek. But seriously, the data is there. I know reality is hard and scary, and it's even more scary to admit that your very existence has been detrimental to human development so far. But it's not your fault. You feel scared and small in opposition to systems that are vast and not made to be understood by you. Just relax. It's ok if you don't understand something even the most limited humans have grasped by now.
Just..don't stand in the way. Don't let billions die for your misguided ego.

Yeah, that what everybody thinks who looks at climate change over the course of less than a hundred years. Look at the graphs showing a hundred thousand years and then we can talk about the man made weather. Is the climate changing? Yes, always. Will it suck? Undoubdtedly. Did we cause it? Not really, maybe marginally. Can we fix it? Lol no. Maybe if we kill off enough people that we set the clock back a thousand years. Humans are made to live in small societies anyway. Inb4 start with yourself.

CO2 as a greenhouse gas is a meme. The more there is CO2 the less effective it is as a greenhouse gas. Even if we burned all the oil it wouldn't affect the climate a zilch.

Now that we have destroyed this CO2 meme driven solely by jews trying to impose taxes upon taxes on WESTERN countries we can start discussing some real environmental problems such as plastic and toxic waste. Too bad that these problems mainly manifest in the shithole countries and not the West.

The sooner we stop exporting our industry to these shitholes the faster things go back on track. At the same time we should stop exporting any plastic to these savage animals because they have shown us they are unable to handle the waste properly and are shitting up our oceans.

And the effect on climate will be next to nothing. CO2 as a greenhouse gas is a meme.

Let me try to break this very easily to you:
We have loked at climate change over the last couple thousand years. Then we have compared it with climate change over the last hundred years. ('Actually 150 ,because this is when industrialization kicked in)

What we found is that the answer to your question:
>Did we cause it?

Is not 'marginally' , but quite a bit. While climate will always change, the industrialization has heightened these processes in a manner, that will make them MUCH MUCH faster than anticipated. We are talking about changing the timescale from millenia to decades.

We do still have the time to stop the worst, albeit barely. If you have any idea on how to read data and check out sources, please have a look at 2019/02/SR15_Chapter1_Low_Res.pdf

If you do, you will find that the datasets behind this are staggering, and the sources are much too diverse to be shaped into anyones' agenda.

I know it's probably shouting at windmills, but: Please reconsider your stance, at least a bit. If you can't agree with the scientific community all across the world, at least don't stand in the way of people who are trying to save your life and that of your children. Stop spreading misinformation that was outdated 20 years ago. Have a nice day.

Post with your actual flag. I'm curious to know what country you're from. You're unusually coherent compared to the average Jow Forums-poster.

>Let me try to break this very easily to you:

All the models of you doomsayers have failed hilariously. The reality is spitting on your face and there is nothing you can do about it. Just stop slinging this shit on the wall and start concentrating on REAL environmental problems.

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I believe in man made climate change, but what pisses me off about it is that they want every day people like you and me to change our ways of living when 80% of the pollution comes from big business. Fuck off, if you want to stop climate change, go after big business. Don't expect billions of people to change their way of life. Fuck I hate the elite parasites that run this gay fucking earth. Yeah, let me eat less cow meat, that'll definitely save us. Let me walk everywhere instead of driving. Meanwhile major international corporations are raping the earth and dumping tons of CO2 into the atmosphere but somehow its our fault.

I'm retarded. You already have; Austrian. Well, thank you for posting. As I said, it's rare you get coherent posts here with actual sources. Good show.

Climate change is real but much of it is caused by shitty 3rd world countries. I think that’s the consensus of the board. Countries like India(pic related) where they just throw trash wherever and the there’s a thick layer of smog over every city.

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>Man Made Climate Change is a Lie
No, it's real

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Climeate is always changing. Remember that before global warming we were heading towards an ice age according to the same people that now shill the global warming aka climate change.

Of course it's real. You fart and the climate changes.

China is actually one of the countriest with one of the most realistic concepts for an environmentally sustainable future

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Its easy to be environmentally sustainable when theres no environment left to sustain. Take a look at global fish stocks. China is literally raping the ocean to feed its ever expanding nation. You know the tragedy of the commons? China uses that as an inspiration and completely ignores any Global fishing laws. To top it all off they just fucking trawl because they are lazy as shit. This results in like 60% of ocean animals getting caught in the trawlers path and they are killed and dropped off the side.


>Industrialisation is a control mechanism. Once the mechanism is in place, you can change the situation much more easily. (much like releasing or closing a pressure valve.)

So, lets polute SHITLOADS more so that we can polute marginally less in 150 years.

You have to be a jew.

Why does the shame of climate shame come down on the common people? What are they suggesting happen? If it was such an existential threat wouldn't it be up to governments to enforce solutions?

*climate change

Oh it's real. They fly over my house spraying god knows what all day. Creates clouds, stops rain, who knows what else. Man made climate change is real, but it ain't from the proles driving their cars.

I'm not a doomsayer. I have always held the claim, that some of mankind will persist, regarding the circumstances. All historical ends of the world have been bullshit after all.

Mankind will not perish. Some will survive, however in circumstances that most of you (justly) would not consider worthy of living. I do not want to see all the people I love suffer, so I try to help you understand.

I am a living breathing creation of this planet. I am also capable of understanding data. It took me quite a while to accept what it is as real, but it is.

Did you look at the link? If it was too long for you, here's a shorter version:

and also some greentext:

> be convinced climate change is natural
> see the world climate change
> think, "yes , it's natural"
> Living situations change for people
> Do not do anything because it is natural
> Scientific community gives suggestions on how to prepare for the changing climate
> 'caring for the environment is leftist'
> Don't do anything
> continue to advance nationalistic agendas
> Famines and catastrophes hit a world is that not globally prepared to deal with it.
> Society crumbles in the ensuing wars and mass emigrations
> cry yourself to sleep at night, thinking about your dead family
>it's natural

My point being this:

You're not going to deny that there were some visible changes in climate, compared to the times of your father? Now ok, so you say it's not man made. Fine. Still, we WILL have more catastrophes and extreme weather events in the near future. If you can't get yourself to work on preventing it, at least help create a political and social system that will be able to deal with the changes.

Amerimutts, it doesn't matter if climate change exists or not. There are many other situations in which our current civilization is in great danger, when we run out of oil, or run out of farmable land for example.
You should downgrade your life anyways so you can transition into post society collapse much much easier. Also it is very masculine and rewarding to live a low tech/low comfort life style.

>lack behind
That's wh*toids, you racist fuck.

>Man Made Climate Change is a Lie
Das right, it's caused by the sun and is normal solar cycles.
Turn the furnace up and temp goes up
Turn the furnace down and temp goes down
The sun is a furnace we can't and will never control.

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I was about to give you a riddle, but you figured out. Thannks for the flowers.

This is definitely true. Even if all people changed their ways at once, big business will continue their hate fuck fest with the planet. However who's going to stop them? National States that depend on them for income?
The responsibility will always come back to you, the consumer, and the pressure you apply on Business and Nations. I know it's scary, and it's not fair to put so much responsibility on a generation consisting of keyboard warriors and instagram girls, but there is no way around it. (also goes to )

That is not a bad argument, and I can understand the frustration. However it's ultimately just a description, and not a solution. YES, third world countries are responsible for parts of pollution. Is it the fault of any individual living in these nations? Of course not. They, like everyone, just want to survive and fit into their respective roles. And I do believe that, if you educated and fed and housed all those people properly, that they would start to care more about climate. Of course, we can't bring all the world up to western development within 11 years. But we still need to do something, and antagonizing poor people is just not gonna help.

I knew this would get some hate, and some of my points were a bit whacky. I didn't say they are doing great right now. What they (and so many others) are doing to the seas is appalling.
However talking to Chinese officials , I have found they at least UNDERSTAND the issue at hand. They realize that there is a definite deadline to our existing on the planet, if some actions are not taken. Change is slow, even more so if the biggest country on earth is concerned. But again, there's absolutely no progress made in antagonizing them. If we create the right incentives, most asian nations would follow.

>This is definitely true. Even if all people changed their ways at once, big business will continue their hate fuck fest with the planet. However who's going to stop them? National States that depend on them for income?
>The responsibility will always come back to you, the consumer, and the pressure you apply on Business and Nations. I know it's scary, and it's not fair to put so much responsibility on a generation consisting of keyboard warriors and instagram girls, but there is no way around it. (also goes to )
There's your problem. I refuse to change. I and billions of other people refuse to change because the 1% want to rape the planet. We can all die then, if the 1% will not fix their own problem. I don't care. I'm fine with our extinction. I think it's long overdue.

That doesnt explain anything, why is this in the hands of consumers? Why does it all lead to global government solutions?

I think most people would be ok with living in a more local, calmer world. The thing is, we either change now in a controlled and positive manner, or we watch big business wreck our planet and force us to change in an uncontrolled, violent manner.

The moment people step out of the consumer/production cycle, big business has no gains of making money. Or do you think they will produce useless plastic garbage and import exotic foods, if no one buys them?

>Why does it all lead to global government solutions?

Well, it does, and at the same time not. Global solutions are required to solve global problems. Different parts of earth will have to support each other, if we're going to make it.

On the same side, what is required to achieve any meaningful future, is more local communities and individuals being energy-indepenent. Now I know that none of you is going to do that in the NEAR future, but give it a couple of decades living in hell and you'll reconsider. Probably too late.

Have a nice day!

>450000 years ago
>co2 increased by humans
It couldn't possibly be that our oceans naturally release more co2 as the earth warms, not to mention volcanic activity and animal life contributing various other gasses and compounds (methane for one).
Earth as a whole has been cooling over the past 5 million years. We have paleoclimatology records from sediment layers stating as much. 99.9% of all "climate change" fear-mongers argue their position using graps dating back to only the 1800's. Why? Because if they didn't cherrypick what amounts to a grain of sand relative to the millions of years of climate records available from ice cores and sediment layers, they wouldn't HAVE an argument.
Fuck off.

>stop binding your bloodline to flesh consumption

dumbshit saturnic cog

Please see the link provided by Scientists do look at all of earth history. The reason that the focus of research starts around 1850 ish is simply, that this is when anomalies started occuring. Things that do not fit into the framerwork of such events and processes that you describe. There really is so much data backing up that the industrialization had a detrimental effect on world weather.

The time is not 450 k years ago. The time is now. And we are fucked because peopel like you are desperately clinging to some sense of 'being right', instead of providing sustainable solutions for the imminent problems of the future

>China is actually one of the countriest with one of the most realistic concepts for an environmentally sustainable future
Let’s implement China’s enviromental regulations on the west. RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. Please.

who cares, co2 is not a thermal insulator. their entire premise falls apart under critical observation.

>coincides with timeframe established warming cycles as depicted in graphs dating back millions of years.
Pick one.
Furthermore, volcanic activity and oceanic dispersement of co2 are exponentially greater sources of "greenhouse gasses". You are just a faggot.

Shhh! They've "adjusted" away the MWP. Hell, when I started college in 1993, it was still called the "Medieval Climatic Optimum." Now they pretend it never happened, despite the historical evidence.

What a nice "unbiased" no-agenda source

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bingo we have a winner