Were they coming to enrich the man with their culture?
Any Germans familiar with this?
Either Antifa faggots or Gypsies.
Niggers here only rape in night clubs, sell weed or generally waste gibs on booze and bullshit.
If they try to muscle in on crime they quickly get beaten up by slavshit or turkroach mobsters.
No but i do support it, foreigners should ofc. be killed.
How could have this baby killer kill his uninvited houstguest....
Black on black crime probably
>Go home Ami you're killing our refugees and black people
depends on the judge but he should be fine.
sure, he had some other means to defend the intruders but also very limited and since he didnt kill both, intent of killing isnt proven.
german law allows killing of intruders when there are limited options within your home, to deescalate the situation.
And where are the Germans in this circus?
Unoronically this
>US Army
That checks out, Hans.
Hope they weren't shitskins. He will end up 10 years in prison for preventing the mud creatures from having acces to their rightfully promised western belongings.
Especially US military. Feel free to kill all the US military based in Germany you can.
I want to watch Slavs beat up a pack of niggers.
this is unacceptable. one of our "terrorists" murdering an innocent Pakistani should not go unpunished. The authorities even CONSIDERING that he acted in self defense is appalling. Do the right thing, Germany!
>US Army
My sides
Obviously the Antifa faggots because no foreigner would deign to indulge in that bullshit unless they are after underage pootang.
>possibly killing
As apposed to impossible killing?
>german law allows killing of intruders when there are limited options within your home, to deescalate the situation.
That's very odd. Once someone enters my home uninvited (or without probable cause/warrant), I can shoot them dead. There's an inherent right to provide one's family with safety and security in one's home.
This. I actually don't hate Gopniks because I realize they would probably actually just start a race war.
who gives a shit literally nobody likes Germans
Simmer down, Laquan.
God that is the most pathetic shit I've ever read. The fact that there is even a question if he will be alright in the eyes of the law for an obvious act of self defense is just ridiculous.
The Germqn law specifically allows you to kill until the situation is safe. So unless you want to shotgun kids playing on your lawn, youre fine here too.
My uncle shot a burglar point blank a few years back, and he didnt get any problems at all.
They wanted to make him feel at home
>even if it was, police need to investigate. If they confirm an act of self defence, there wont be a trial. Trials only happen when police is unsure, which is how it should be.