How can we eradicate this America disease?

We all know America is the most evil and filthy shithole on earth, how can we eradicate them?

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You're supposed to be our shitposting bros. Why would you hurt us like this?

Let them eradicate themselves. Am*ricans killed all of my family back in Haiti.

Because everybody hates Am*ricans. They should all die.

Build more schools and reduce gun laws

Guess your family was weak, then.

Those things hurt Am*ricans more. Let them die because they deserve it.

that's kind of offensive. can't you get arrested for being offensive? are you living under sharia or labor? is there a difference?

embargo food

And how would that work?

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Tractor master race by 2020

they've already eradicated themselves. There's no recovering from their demographic crisis. The US will be another Mexico ruled by cartels at the next financial turning, in other words when the big govt loses oversight. They will never recover. Look at them fighting against the border wall, the only thing that could save them.

How are you going to embargo a country with massive massives sea access and the 2 largest navys in the world?
Never mind the fact that I'm pretty sure we export more food than we import. Though I could be wrong on that.

all nations stop to sell food to americans

Being black is what killed your family.

Stop blackpilling me.
Vae victis

You couldn't eradicate a bunch of fucking birds with military tech, ya dumb cunt. You could have set a few of these fat bastards loose in ATVs armed with flamethrowers and BBQ cannons and had not only the problem solved but a lucrative fast food chain franchise start up if they didnt eat all the profits. Get on our fucking level, Bruce

remember burger,
we have jews here too

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no thank JIDF

I meant more guns and schools because it'll eradicate them quicker

The absolute state of Brazilian education

well played, skippy

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