The rehabilitation center is being kept very dark so it was hard to see her. Most patrons didn't actually know she was there until leaving.
No photos were taken but people close to her say she is looking "Amazing" and "Very healthy."

Attached: 18082715001.jpg (460x259, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Apologies for poor english

where were you when Darth Vader Binsburger died

i was sit at home natsoc when donald ring

build the wall


shes dead. there is a death certificate for january 28th, female, 86 years old, named RUTH BADER GINSBURG. when we found it the whole site turned to foxes, pic related. the anti Trump pedophiles have been shilling here ever since.

Attached: 1548820999584-pol.png (2478x938, 1.37M)

Good job faggot.
Could you have at least used a picture from this year?

>No photos were taken but people close to her say she is looking "Amazing" and "Very healthy.

Someone said they saw her set a personal best on the bench press, hitting 12 reps at 250 pounds

that's a man baby

Post it.

Pics or fuck off

> tfw RBG will never be your gymbro
> you'll never flick towels at one another in the shower
> you'll never laugh at the manlet on the rowing machine and the landwhale on the treadmill

Why even live pol?

It's funny that RBG is in better health than most of the pasty, white, balding, clogged-vein racists on this site.

Rehab Center

Very Dark.

Checks out, she’s fine. Time for breakfast!

Attached: 5F8CADED-A4ED-4D81-BCDE-61C60C0A6960.jpg (421x578, 247K)

You are what you eat

It makes you wonder what the Elite (((Pussies))) are holding back for. Just trying to squeeze a few more votes out Ginsburg's handlers? What major money and fame must be on the line for them to be so butthurt over her death? What kind of 4th string cheer squad was put in charge of the blitz attack for them to be so frozen with fear, shame, hate and disillusionment? If the Elite has become this completely helpless, then they are paper tigers who need to be lit on fire. (That means scare them into destroying themselves.)

Attached: 2B5BD431-D7F9-4538-BD5D-F46233263914.jpg (1024x503, 62K)

>at 250 pounds



>No photos were taken but people close to her say she is looking "Amazing" and "Very healthy."

Attached: 1540221812515.jpg (480x477, 16K)

Attached: F421537A-1B26-43FC-B257-4FFCBF5269D1.png (910x689, 349K)

That's a fucking robot.

What if they are doing this just to make us look crazy when they finally reveal the android

Yeah well we don't have unlimited access to fresh baby blood, dick.

>shit i am not recovering from my physical ailment very fast bro
>oh dude you just gotta dim the lights, your eyes doing less work lets your body focus better
>sweet bruh makes sense, but doesn't this pose a health hazard for king tutankhamen over there?
>oh shit thats a person? i thought someone melted a mannequin

my sides

Attached: ruthanimate.jpg (464x600, 76K)

>oh we are totally going to win 2020, look at the polls
>just pretend she's alive for 2 more years and we can enact a replacement



you fucking fags said she was dead now she out there slamdunking like Shaq

hippity hop
hoppity hip
the witch dies this week

Attached: 52402633_295628694435508_2469131098802618368_n.jpg (960x530, 80K)

this is bad karma first of all she was a hot kike in a country not digitally connected.
now its a digitally connected country, and shes just recovering from major surgery for the major disease

>Need a pickle jar opened goy?

Attached: RBG.png (670x634, 416K)

If she was actually healthy we would be seeing a lot of her.
The media is covering for this
At her age, with her injuries and cancer the absolute best case scenario would be for her to be bed ridden and maybe semi lucid
Shes either dead or dying, i have to think they are just hoping to delay long enough to get their political ducks in order so they can delay trumps pick until 2020 at which point they will just refuse to confirm anyone based on the non election year confirmation rule they suddenly think should be a thing again.
I'm going to guess there will be some minor mueller shit, combined with the new congressional investigation which the dems will claim is good enough reason to not confirm.

Attached: 1458328697227.gif (170x247, 1017K)

Listen to me faggot. Anecdotes and shopped images aren't fooling anyone with critical thinking skills. Maybe the npcs will fall it but that's it, you are completely wasting your time on this one.

Death to Israel you kike

>has time to work out but no time to actually work
OK, faggot

Attached: 1549378578551m.jpg (1024x576, 87K)

Checkmate, Blumphkins

Attached: 7228F5D8-5C9C-4F9A-9C13-C153308EA84E.jpg (2732x1830, 1.39M)

She’s got about thirty more years left.

If she's doing amazing then she can get back to work, yes?

Shit I remember that. Anyone save those pics?

Attached: monty python.gif (500x335, 952K)

>If she was actually healthy we would be seeing a lot of her.
This. The media wouldn't be saying anything about it.

>no screenshot

Attached: 1531923953166.png (1000x1070, 404K)

>No photos were taken


look she's fine. This picture of Ruth was taken last week. What more proof do you need

Attached: she's fine.jpg (921x572, 287K)

>No photos were taken but
still dead.


my God she looks great in this photo. its like she lost 40 years!

post double screenie with the real alien
crashing this site with no survivors

Attached: bane_im_cia.jpg (149x255, 8K)

Doesn’t matter what the dems do. Senate just needs to be simple majority to confirm justice. It’s what republicucks do that has me nervous.

Attached: B014EDC2-A69C-4ECD-B506-BD49E41A0341.jpg (1000x1000, 189K)

I’ll bet 90% of pol doesn’t get that without a reverse image search! Kek by the way.

>August 22nd 2018

she ded

Please get out of my ethnostate.

>No photos were take but
Just take a photo of her and there will be an end to the horror.

Attached: 1547320252523.png (561x480, 470K)

If they could get a photo of her off of the vent it would be on Page One of The NY Times.


Attached: 15466185577555.jpg (727x1187, 260K)

Ginsburg is in better physical shape than Tom Brady. She is peak performance

Not a death certificate, that shows she was discharged on December

Those trips are suspect there, Sata- Norman.

Bro, we need to see pictures before anyone will believe it

Ok aboman. Also checked.

So it's a meme specific to some threads that I almost never visit. Yeah, not knowing it isn't going to get cured by lurking more.

>they don't recognize every pasta and meme of the last two decades

newfags baka desu

Satan's being subtle here

J-jew too.

Training for the Olympics?

Holy shit guys it's true RBG just won the local marathon, no one knew she was participating, actually, no one fucking cares who she is in Chile, so they had her participate here to keep it low while she prepares to come back.

I saved it.

Attached: E705ED45-DDD6-4502-978A-A8719A709528.jpg (750x1334, 232K)

>rehab center where injured people that are learning to move again is kept dark for reasons


Based bonglander.


No Photos taken.
No Proof of Life.
She needs to step down that is if she is even alive.

spread this

She was at my local gym 2 weeks ago and I swear to Allah she was deadlifting 600 pounds. Clarence Thomas was there too yelling something like YEAAAHHH BUDDDDAYYYYYYY

Welp, I expect Jow Forums to be a complete shitshow today.

No links - no proof.
One (1) post by this ID


Holy shit can someone confirm if real?

Attached: 1549878317028.jpg (573x400, 65K)

saved. looks amazing. very healthy death notice.

Attached: friendo.jpg (700x382, 91K)

umm guys i’m sleepy, I think I’m going to take a nap

>still no picture
>still no video
nah she ded m8

Attached: honk.png (700x700, 615K)

Is this real? How can one verify it.

you need to stop sucking dick.

Attached: rectal_cancer.png (900x536, 608K)

check the morgue?

dead dead demon

>No photos were taken
She would not be in a public facility around the general population.

Who the fuck do they expect to believe this shit? If an 85 year old woman's exercise routine is strenuous then you should just neck yourself now.

Attached: RBG_2-4-19.png (765x654, 298K)

>85 year old suffering from multiple cancers, injuries, surgeries and sickness is out mingling with a bunch of germ factory kids and adults during flu season.
Either fake and gay or extremely ill advised public appearance.


Fake tweet. The guy has like 6 followers too. Some unknown rando.

Attached: DSCN9324.jpg (3648x2736, 2.09M)

Found it, but the picture is over a year old... Oops

Attached: Screenshot_20190213-074848_Twitter.jpg (1080x2220, 602K)



Attached: 1521517126370.jpg (269x187, 16K)


The guy just posts a link to the article where she's wearing the same coat to an event last year. You bois must be some ballers never using the same coat ever.

Trump is a zionist kike friend. He is not the one.


Based and canuckpilled