Merkel replacement talking shit about refugee wave?

what did she mean by this

>“We have made it clear that we will do everything we can to ensure that 2015 [when nearly 1 million refugees entered Germany] won’t ever be repeated,” Ms Kramp-Karrenbauer said on Monday.
>“We must make clear that we have learnt our lesson.”

article is paywalled so zh is quoting it

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is this dyke going to remove kebab? if not fuck 'em

i doubt it but its interesting to see a prominent CDU member is openly calling it the mistake it was
i assume she is just saying this to pander to non-leftists while having no plans to improve the current situation in germany

They're just trying to damage control the rise of the AfD (will be the second biggest party after the European elections, iirc).
Same reason she's replacing Merkel, it's basically a transparent marketing tactic.
If their grip on power wasn't in question then they'd never have even acknowledged it.

If the politics play out like normal:They recognize that there is growing sentiment against mass immigration. They’re going to say it was a mistake and try to regain trust from voters they lost. If they win, they’ll change little to nothing, and possibly even ramp it up even harder.

5 million a year from now on?

What she really meant is that i was way to few and that they will work harder to make sure even more people enter on a yearly period. Screencap this

She means she wants even more.

yeah thats what i was thinking to
she looks like the type of person that wants germany to be non-german

>is this dyke going to remove kebab?
LOL never
she is just telling lies before the EU election

>i assume she is just saying this to pander to non-leftists while having no plans to improve the current situation in germany

yes. she isn't going to do shit. She's just trying to appeal to voters who are leaning towards AFD.

And of course, they are wrong.
The mistake was to let a woman into a power position.

Holy shit. Finally some sanity.
I'm sure this won't be like that time that Merkel said multiculturalism has failed and then proceeded to invite literally the entire world to Germany.

We can trust the centre-right!

we will not let germans get upset at "imigrants" one mere time!
(next time we gonne hide our tracks better)

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behold, a Woman has spoken. surely, things will really change with German conservatism. especially gender quotas will be reached, as Stalin declared.

>The mistake was to let a woman into a power position.
Germany and the UK are toast having female leaders.

Yeah, just like our commie PM was saying he'd opt out of the german loansharks only to disregard the referendum and cuck us even harder once he got elected.


So does Sweden. What a coincidence.

they're just trying to get ahead of a populist nationalist uprising that will see them beheaded at worst and completely stripped of power at best. just like some faggots are still bafflingly apologizing for trump's obvious sell-out, some faggots will actually believe they're "understanding the problem" and keep voting them into office. meanwhile, all the shitskins they've brought in will continue to outbreed the natives and they'll get what they want in 20 years instead of 10.

these kikes play the long game and people en masse are far too stupid to stop any of it.

The eternal Amerinigger talks shit again. He projects, as he strikes you.

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>heh yeah i guess we really were boiling you guys too fast, not gonna make that mistake again
people either act in your interests or they do not, if this doesn't culminate in removing these people from germany then her words mean nothing
they play both sides and switch them often to make people think that some change has occurred while in the background they always do the same things they always have
she's merkel, whoever was before her is merkel, whoever is after her will still be merkel, they're all basically the same person working for the same wretched people

Trump is a disappointment, but he's not the disaster that Hillary would have been, and he's not the disaster that Merkel is. Germany is done. When will Germans wake the fuck up?


>there will be no more refugees
That's why they made all migration legal

People seem to have forgotten the little UN document that was signed recently.

Probably lies. Standard politician tactics to sway over the low iq voters.
She has to get elected in the current political climate somehow.

Watch her do an 180° if she should become chancellor.

A lying politician, loyal to the ziomarxist kikes and shills, trying to quell civil unreset?

And it's in full effect already. Everyday you can see more scum on the streets.

Too late, she's a Merkel-bot (means left-wing of the CDU). She has no Charisma at all and recently adressed her Party (CDU) with the freudian slip 'Liebe Sozialdemokraten', she adressed them as SPD-members.

This. It never changes.

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Elder Germans always give off an icy, industrious vibe.

Their language too, very businesslike and thorny.

she has a good pair of milkers

Means absolutely nothing. Trying to keep voters voting for them when they won't change anything. See Donald Trump for an example of a politician who says they'll stop immigration and does nothing.