Is pedophilia a sexual preference?

Attached: rainbow haired cunt.png (2090x1414, 2.82M)

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no, it's mental illness.

Reminder - LGBT endgame is and always was the acceptance and normalization of pedophilia.

In 1989 two Harvard faggots developed a blueprint to brainwash America into accepting homosexuality (and subsequently, all of the other RSTLNE sexual debauchery). This book is their blueprint.

This is taken from After The Ball - How America Will Conquer Its Fear & Hatred Of Gays In The 90s.

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Why do you people like rainbow hair, you know you'll get bullied for looking like a faggot right?
the day Hitler returns you'll burn in an oven faggot.

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Answer this: Is homosexuality a sexual preference? The same answer applies since it stems from same primalistic origins.

Do not mix hebephilia (which is absolutely normal) with pedophilia though.

Aim was towards the YT'er, NOT OP.

Do we need /ourmuttqueen/ to BTFO this thot again?

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>gas chambers wernt real!

>ill get the gas

yes but that doesnt mean its ok

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>avatar youtuber

not watching, all of them are faggots. I'll give this guy some credit for not having an animal avatar at least

Tumblr still has both.

Yes it's a "sexual preference" but it's also "degenerate", for now at least until the Overton window pushes further.

~this shit right here.

kill the jew kill their good goy kill their faggots and pedo shitheads. Death to the jew will be the death of all their works.

Pedophilia is a mental illness that's only curable by death.


What difference does it make for the solution?

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I want to have sex with this mutt more than I want to do anything. FUCK. Every time I see her it hurts. I hope I don't ever see her in real life because she WILL be raped.

No it's not fuck off

Boxxy bluepilled af now ultra femifaggot.

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>A well thought rainbow hair faggot avatar
>talking about tumblr
wat the fuck did I just watch?

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take the cunnypill

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