Why did racism start being okay again in 2018?

why did racism start being okay again in 2018?

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It happened when people redefined what racism means. Now it's just basically classim with skin color involved.

they think it's "impossible" to be racist against white men.

divide and conquer

>letting other people ask questions is racism
Literally what mate

Why are you saying it’s “racism” when it’s clearly racism and sexism?

Holy shut

Can you finally realise


racism = prejudice + power

(((((white))))) """people"""

Don't worry brie, the we only have one nigger on our local news and he's a gayboy too and we have him review movies and do interviews.

Nobody else can manage to look interested at Aquaman, adventures in Spandex AND romantic comedies.

>Not allowing people drink from the water fountain is racism
Literally what mate

If she can stop white men from being involved with her press tour then that is power, you retard.

funny how white women have snaked their way into the oppressed category

So chinese can be racist to a white man in China?

take that headline and make it any other ethnicity

>someone picking cotton for you is racism
Literally what mate

Bug people can't be racist.

>takes the role of an originally blavk character
>virtue signal the best u can before people find out

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>acting like a fucking WHORE with everyone
well, Billy Chadson the ORIGINAL Captain Marvel and a white TRUE AMERICAN HERO will have to deal with this bitch

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Aren't press tours primarily late night tal shows? So she won't be doing any of them? Or does Colbert count as a straight white "ally"

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How can we get Armond White to interview Brie?

Yes, Brie Larson is prejudiced, and she uses her power to discriminate.
Your very definition of racism.


I tried...

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Do you morons stop just once and think that these things are publicity stunts by big studious or companies like the Gillette ad to bait into talking about them?

t. SEETHING Jow Forumsincel

Brie Larson does have power, and she is showing prejudice, so it is racist.

That's only for white men you stupid, everyone else LITERALLY CAN'T be racist

When Obama said that Trayvon Martin could have been his son

That's the original nazi definition of racism.
Fortunately we now have a better definition that's also woke.

I just dont get how any white man could go and pay to watch this shit. Do you guys have no self respect?

Racism never died. Anyone with half a brain always knew that. White people showed weakness by folding to social justice, and the (((interested groups))) were more than happy to unleash the brown mob on them. The hilarious part is that white women, perhaps the dumbest creatures on Earth, think that in the end they will be spared as an 'ally'. They won't. Sadly, white men won't be around anymore to witness that last second moment of clarity, they will be either dead or on the other side of the globe enjoying asian wives.

Self respect is a social construct created by the european patriarchy to opress minorities and women.

that's exactly why they're marketing toward the SJW/miniorities. white men won't see this shit so they have to convince other people they are saving the world from racism by buying a ticket

>they will be either dead or on the other side of the globe enjoying asian wives
lol literally me
i am married to a vietnamese woman

I always think that but it legitimately makes me not go see the movie 100% of the time. I'm not even white, I just fucking hate racists which is for some reason pretty common among liberal Americans nowadays. Disney in general is racist as fuck
>company is only owned by white people
>try to act as if making a BP movie with a black director and cast is the next big thing for all black people on the planet
>try to alienate white males with Captain Marvel
Every Disney supporter out there is flat-out dumb because if they weren't, they would realise how the company is stirring up shit all the time only to benefit from minorities while never actually helping them

white men will still go out in droves to watch this shit because omg its marvel! need to see it for endgame!

fuck white men
the future is white females and their black bulls

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This is such a stupid argument.

It's literally not the definition of racism.
And even if it somehow became that, is that supposed to make it okay to hate and belittle an entire race of people?

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It's the nu-marxist definition

how much money did gillette lose

was the controversy worth it?

i unironically would pay to see the big titted jew monster get gangbanged by blacked niggas

if obama or oprah spits on a white homeless man and call him garbage

are they racists then?

And they're retarded.


>no such thing as bad publicity ;^)
If stirring controversies actually worked, these companies would be sparking them by making conservative statements. Progressivism is a boring status quo shit by now, and companies obviously do that to appease the investors.

>is that supposed to make it okay to hate and belittle an entire race of people?

When they are backwards savages in or outside of their home nation bringing the same problems with them no matter where they are its more than fair to make generalizations its survival 101

In other words, alienating the core audience

>company is only owned by white people
Are Jews now white people?

I don't even give a fuck. All I know is the ad made sure that I will never buy a single Gillette product ever again. Granted, it's easier not to buy their shit because I finally made the switch to safety razors which are a thousand times more efficient and cost effective (and that shit never hurts me unlike the 4-5 razor bullshit Gillette sells)

Hell if I know. You still get the point. This isn't some company with minorities' well-being at heart. They literally let strangers buy tickets for poor people instead of providing the money themselves

That seems rather pointless.

How the fuck could a Captain Marvel movie need more publicity that desperately?

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don't worry brothers ALLAH swt will deliver us from this evil

Why is she going out of her way to be so edgy. WE FUCKiNG GET IT YOU HATE WHITEY.

Definitely going to see this over Alita. Fuck white men.

>muslims take over
>new captain marvel movie is a real life snuff film of the actress getting gangraped to death


No one likes wh*Toids

The intelligent response to stunts like these is to just try different products. That was my response to Gillette. I'm gonna try other brands.

no silly they were slaves 200 years ago that's just reparations.

>iam gonna go watch a movie made by a white man to to show white man how much i hate them

>an originally blavk character
But Captain Marvel was a white character originally.

>wishes he lived in a white country
>wishes he had a white girlfriend
>wishes he lived in a white neighborhood
>wishes he was white
You sure?

Obama's nigger father wasn't even an American.

Everyone wanna be white but nobody wanna be white

Wh*tey enslaved all of africa too, sweetie. Didn't you learn about it in history class.

They were brought over on jewish ships


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I think Marvel retconned him out of existence.

That's what happens when you elect a racist who enables other racists


>enslaved all of africa
But they bought their slaves from tribes that had taken prisoners from enemy tribes.

But Obama isn't in office anymore.

No he's just the one character in the entire universe they haven't brought back from the dead.


and found the black/woman.

Absolutely savage


you are not left wing

gillette is a multibillion dollar mega corporation, they always win

>comic book nerds are majority white and male
>these are the people that will probably watch your movie
>insult them before movie release

Are they trying to get this movie to bomb?

Have women always been this fucking childlike?

t. Boomer

Hey look it's this thread again.

when was the last time it got posted?

kys filthy phoneposter

Five or six times a day. Matter of fact there's one just like this in the catalog RIGHT NOW:

She should be shot.

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One on the left isn't even white. She fucks mutts too if their part nose.

Based. Encouraging white people to not consume corporate poison.

I do senpai

Perhaps it will lead to a white Male boycott of marvel. You can only shoot yourself in the foot so many times...

Who/what was stopping women and non-whites from "asking questions" at this or literally any other press tour?

General lack if interest.

Yeah I'm sure a bunch of triggered white incels on Jow Forums will REALLY put a dent in the movie's box office kek

Fucking same.


She really thinks she's going to have the same effect on girls/women as black panther had on niggers.
But they really don't care, therefore the focus will be shifted to the toxic males who ruined it.
just like star wars.
they want that female market because women piss money away, but their just not into it.
Women love to act like they can do what the boys do, and that they like it, but they don't.
They just want what they don't or can't have, anyone who's had any experience with women knows this.
Hollywood and the left however have their heads so far up their asses when it comes to their near religious belief in 'equality' that to acknowledge its fallacy would be to acknowledge that the way they define themselves is a lie.
women deceive themselves, pic related.

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>main actor says they hate white males
>white males say they won't see it
This is great

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It's not. Most people think this is cringe. Stop worrying.

Seething incel

>triggered incel manbabies on Jow Forums =/= white males in general
Your average person doesn't give a fuck about any of this and will watch the movie regardless.