Why do you view this as an unironically good thing Jow Forums?

Why do you view this as an unironically good thing Jow Forums?

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Because I want to see you culled along with the Anglokikes

>some people have more stuff than I do????? This can't happen!!!!! Take it from them!!!!!

You'll grow up one day, kid.

because capitalism decides who is rich and who is stupid, natural selection is the natural order of things

I don't particularly approve, but fuck niggers

It doesnt matter if rich people are rich if poorer people can afford cost of living, which according to consumer confidence indicators they are.

Do you support monopoly?

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of course, the government should have no hand in private business, besides they are still out to make money, they will never charge more than the merit value

Because they created ways of amassing the wealth themselves, legally. People gave them money, so now they have millions. They don't outright steal money for doing very little with no accountability, like the government.
Why do you advocate theft from lawful citizens to fund criminals and the poor?

what do you think about monopolization?
nvm thanks for letting me know rabbi

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you got a lot to fucking learn

These burgers really think that the 1% us rich because they are good at money instead of them lobbying, abusing intentional loopholes, bribing and far exceeding moral lines.
This sort of capitalism is whats called an oligarchy.
You are so goddamn brainwashed.
All of america is a business, ALL OF IT so every single goddamn thing is lobbied for even though its terrible morals sometimes.
Like doctors get more money if they give opioids, accelerating the opioid crisis making coeporations more money.
I know this sort of practices with lobbying exists in most capitalist countries but it is on steroids in america.

Corporations are wholly intigrated to your political system and your two parties are at blame but nothing will change because you are brainwashed, keep blaming the other party for problems and keep voting for your own party, and think that 3rd party is a wasted vote.


>Why do you advocate theft from lawful citizens to fund criminals and the poor?
I don't, I advocate taking the wealth rich jews exploited out of the country through money changing and usury and using to subsidize white births.

>i need protection from wolves to succeed

>literally gives his sheep to the wolf

BTW, the vast majority of those rich (jews) you want to protect so badly in turn want YOUR taxes extracted out of you in order to propagate the real system of the United States - Socialism For The Rich.

You're a faggot, you're a pro-monopoly cuckold, your wife's boyfriend pegs you every time you advocate for plutocracy.

a predators heart knows no remorse


In our current monetary system, wealth only exists, because debt exists. If the wealthy become wealthier, either the state or some poor bastards accumulate debt. It's socialism for the rich. Anyone, who isn't filthy rich and supports this system, is an idiot. Eco-national-socialism is the answer


Why wouldn't a monopoly that controls your life be just as bad as the government controlling your life?

Based and Ron Swanson pilled

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Cuz u can choose some1 els-oh wait

quiet the opposite, literally :^)

a monopoly is voluntary, you aren't required to participate. Take roads for examples, they are already built by private corporations using your tax dollars, in an anarcho capitalistic society you would just be charged by the mile to use them however you wouldnt pay taxes either so it would work out in the end. They wouldn't charge more than the fair market value to use them because they would want to make money. The difference is that if you didn't want to use their roads, or didn't need to, then you wouldn't have a portion of your salary forcibly devoted to their construction and maintenance

>1% from 100 years ago are still the same person today

capitalism is such a crazy self fulfilling prophecy.

commie jews make shit up and call their free market opponents "capitalists" with strawman descriptions of what they stand for. eventually their opponents become the strawman because they hated the commie jews so much and perverted the free market and became capitalists.

A monopoly is not voluntary when essential industries are taken over. If I am required to eat, but can only shop at one food store, I do not have a choice. The company controls your livelihood.

>a monopoly is voluntary, you aren't required to participate
>what does monopoly mean again

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>Like doctors get more money if they give opioids

I remember seeing this.
I'm pretty sure if doctors were found to be doing shit like that over here they would be sent to jail.

i'm doing better than i was 10 years ago so why should i give a fuck that the rich have gotten richer? the poor are getting richer too, but nobody notices

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This is extremely antisemitic.

no one is requiring you to shop at the food store, you can grow your own food. But again, even if there is one food store, its not going to ever charge more than fair market value for the food

did u know doctors get $200 bonus for each complete vaccination schedule in children 0-2 years of age? imagine a pediatrician vaccinating 500 kids in 2 years? that's a $100000 bonus!

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>They don't outright steal money for doing very little with no accountability, like the government.
You do realize most of these massive companies are heavily subsidized?
Google is not a separate entity from the us gov.
Lolbergs are so fucking retarded.

Describe the scenario in which you are *forced* to shop at one food store in an anarcho capitalistic society.


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Lol do you think you live in an Ancap society? Or that sort of society would go the way you think?

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Company cities.
Already done.

What is moving?

>literally only paid in Mickeybucks your whole life that are only good in the company city, thus making it impossible for you to leave

>Why do you view this as an unironically good thing Jow Forums?
Because I don't buy into the bullshit wealth inequality claim like you do.

Technology allows a few people to produce a lot of stuff and trade that stuff with so many more people than it was possible.
Imagine if you found a way to produce enough bread to all 300M Americans, and also a way to deliver all that bread to everyone on a daily basis, with a smaller profit margin than any conventional bakery and still making huge gains? Instantly all wealth related to bread production becomes concentrated in your business.

And no, it has nothing to do with capitalism, since in socialist societies the top 0,1% (the politicians and their cronies) has even more concentrated wealth.

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