Why are Americans so fucking dumb?

Why are Americans so fucking dumb?

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I don't know, but this smarmy German faggot sounds like a cuck to me. In Germany we show our patriotism by welcoming foreign invaders with open arms and allowing them to abuse our social systems & rape our women :DDD
Don't get me wrong, America is shit too.

Doesnt the same literally happen in america lol?

pick one

Attached: flag germ.gif (320x180, 1.56M)

>Voting for a 50% tax to GDP
They really are this delusional

He is happy that he is paying high tax for all those shitskins?

Why are you a fucking cuck?

>voting for higher taxes on ourselves
>giving the government money = patiriotism
Imagine being this cucked

This guy says he's German but he sounds Swedish to me, OP
Mind you, Krauts are ashamed of their flag


>Why are Americans so fucking dumb?
>posts about hans cuck

Meanwhile in America...

Attached: Trump flag hug.webm (720x720, 1.68M)

I was kind of proud .... until we had to take over the fucking east, which almost bankrupted our economy, and until that evil Stasi witch became chancellor.
What do we have now? The slowest internet and the highest energy prices in Europe, and the centre of each town that has more than 10,000 inhabitants looks like fucking Baghdad thanks to Merkel's "guests" that are swarming around everywhere like rats.

Fuck Germany. Kill the establishment. Hang Merkel. Holocaust 2.0 the moslem invaders!

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A Georgian complimenting poorly written ZOG trash put out by a shitstained German newspaper? Notice how the Shills have started using the Flags of white nationalist countries to shill their shit?

>gives his money to ungrateful people that hate him

typical US bashing

we are helpless
oh no terrorists! Germany will stand with its allies (in third line)

hahaha USA stupid
>dollar has a minor economic hickup
oh mah gawd we are all screwed

>thinks US has no culture
literally watches no german movies or TV or music, doesn't go to classical theatre, goes to vacation in foreign countries
>>wants to live in US

You misunderstand the psychology of the leftist. They aren't happy paying 50% tax. They're happy the people they hate are being taxed. They themselves paying the 50% tax is instead what keeps the world from being perfect, and fuels their inconsistent and incoherent rage at The Other, e.g. people who don't in fact or don't want to pay the tax.

This is why all leftism leads to mass murder, because eventually you've accomplished all the things that are supposed to make life great but life still isn't great and the last thing to fix are the people themselves by putting them in death camps. It is an inevitability.

Things can change very quickly, don't lose hope. It wouldn't take very much effort to kill all the shitskins in Europe once the order is given. The ability to do so is there, all that it takes, at the end of the day, is a policy change.

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>In Germany we show patriotism by prepping the bull
What a colossal faggot, fucking hell.

“Why are Germans such whiny faggots” should be the question op.

lolololol Holy fuck that's so true

shit its even worse
Imagine carrying a flag of traitors that tried to over throw the US.
Literally pretending to be a patriot yet waiving a traitor flag at the same time.

But you know what.. the last few years has taught us a lot about conservative leaning folks who pretended to be patriots

people who went nuts if the military, any part of the DOJ, or anyone affiliated was ever criticized.
Then these same people threw their spines, principles, and honor in the garbage for Trump.
I LOL every day seeing the unbelievable amount of delusion in the face of such obvious hypocrisy

Should this be an Israel flag

True. If you want to support less fortunate fellow citizens you'd better donate some money directly to a school, orphanage or whatever rather than give it to parasite bureaucrats and politicians who'll eat half and spend the rest on kalerging you out of existence.

This whole post

Attached: 1541794379107.gif (400x224, 1.16M)

>over throw the us
>waiving a flag
Learn to spell Schlomo, your proxy fools no one.

Be Deutsch youtube.com/watch?v=HMQkV5cTuoY

haha sure thing you walking pussy cowards

Your flag fetish is pretty weird. That poor flag.

lol sad nazi

Because the stupid asshole Germans had a good thing going and then threw it all away trying to import poor people as a way to solve poverty, but there's no shortage of poor people around the world.

How the FUCK can you be patriotic about this shit? PIC RELATED.
As if there's a fucking Germany at all anyways.

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What a cuck.

No. Not nearly like Germany.

You need to mind your own business.

Sad pathetic cucked liberal

>walking pussy cowards
You're too retarded to be insulting.

>Your flag fetish is pretty weird. That poor flag.
Yeah it represents freedom. I understand you don't really know what that is being German, but it's so nice that you actually grow to deeply love it when you have it.

Beaners dont rape nearly as often as mudshits.

>Sending 18 year olds to Iraq to die bad
>Bringing Iraq home to kill your 18 year olds good.


>voting for higher taxes
looks like i am not very patriotic then
also pic related is what it looks like when these Starbucks faggots "pick up after on another"

Attached: die-tonnen-mull-produziert-von-hunderttausenden-von-menschen-am-berliner-love-parade-mussen-aus-dem- (1300x946, 261K)

>Is afraid to upset people by displaying national pride

>The rare good post by a leaf

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lol ... germany ... clean

>In Germany, you show nationalism by raising your own taxes to pay for achmed to fuck german girls to extinction

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the average pole could probably take 5 of your "scary" monkey nigger thugs without breaking a sweat t b q h

Germany show their patriotism when they let their women get raped by niggers.

breddy gud OP

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I just had an epiphany. The Jews literally are forcing all these migrants on us just so we will genocide arabs and niggers for them.

Cunning plan really. Too bad they dont realize we know who's behind it all.

It's almost as if they were trying to clear them out of the middle east so they could expand their borders into those lands or something...

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>In America you show patriotism by showing patriotism
>In Germany we show patriotism by licking the boots of the government

Neither country has patriots as a majority.

Agree to disagree.

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I support this and woud like my joke of a country to do the same.

You're country isn't a joke, user. It's just ill at the moment. We all are. All of us deserve our ethnostates back, and all of us are in this fight together. What would Charles XII do?