Italy will be the center of restoration

/OurCaptain&Defender/ cant stop winning. Unlike utterly cucked Trump, he’s already making changes to Italy’s refugee policy:

While trump is forced to submit to globohomo Jews and Democrats, Salvini already passed his own decree and is already deporting dindus.

Unsurprisingly, NYT is shilling a (((grassroots))) resistance:

Trump is now sabotaged, which is obvious from his cucked statements
>I want the most people coming in ever

ITALY is now the focal point for fighting (((their))) influence.

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>If I agree with OP, Trump is cuck
>If I disagree with OP, Salvini is bad

What to do?

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maybe try stop being a cocksucker

But I like both Trump and Salvini

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Based Salvini

Ah, Roma 2.0.
A man can dream...

And he managed to create a diplomatic crisis with his most powerful neighbour.

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Trump is not a cuck, and Salvini is based.
There you go.
Don't fall for the Tranny's fallacy, user.

>Micron can't do shit against Italy because Salvini is friend with the joos.

Can someone be more based?

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>Implying that Macron isn't also a zionist puppet

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I like trump, but he’s running out of time to get the MAGA agenda really going. And yielding to leftists won’t do any good, but he doesn’t have a lot of choices right now

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We need more migrants, though. How are we supposed to earn big mon-- i mean, meet diversity quotas this way? wtf italy?!

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Salvini is a kike puppet, stop sucking his dick.

Yea, I have noticed the pattern, you are so out of new strategies that all you can do is screaming: he's a zionist!

Fuck you globalist scum

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Fug, I wrong pic, not a manga girl

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>t. kike or useful retard
Salvini is the actual globalist and you retards are falling for his schemes. Notice how he was against the EU before the elections and now wants to change the EU from the inside, despite the fact that the EU has long be proven to be irreformable. Let's not talk about how he constantly says that "legal" refugees are his brothers.
The problem with you larpers is that you think in 2d:
>he's against refugees -> he's based!
Never crossed your mind the fact that jews rule the world because they can anticipate and direct trends.
It's clear that europe is swinging right, jews anticipated this and put their puppet parties in the position to lead this right wing "revolution". In the italian case the didn't even need a new party, they just converted their old puppet party(because lega was jewish anti italian from its inception) to fit with the new alt right memes.
Seriously, it's so fucking clear that I can't understand how it is possible for anyone with 90+ iq to not see.

italy and europe will be blacked
it's over

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So, what you propose? don't vote at all? civil war?

The political climate is changing, for the good. Now is possible to openly criticize immigrationism and islamization. Antifas, communism and ANPI are publicly despised by everyone, and it's all because of Salvini have given hope to Italians.

I'm also preparing to the incoming war (yes, a race war is inevitable) and the more people get the feeling of what is happening, the more people will be ready to fight. Salvini is breaking the veil of silence and oppression, I don't care if some joos is making long term plans behind him, the whole economic system is rotten and destined to crush anyway.
Do you have guns, user?

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we should just accept that they won
it's over