The Man in the High Castle

>Bbergruppenführer John Smith is too based in the first season
>everyone loves him
>they make him a degenerate in season 2
Damn them!
Damn them all!

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How is he a degenerate in season 2? Only thing I remember is his wife fucking up

Tell us what he was in S1 and then what he became in S2. I've only seen the first two episodes.

That is patently false, Nigger. He is based through and through. Only when he begins to doubt the party ideology is when he dables little bit too far, but only in his convictions as he tries to find his place in things. Nothing about him has ever been degenerate.

I couldn't finish the first season, after it started showing all the powerful scenes of closet Jews praying (as if any Jew believes in God) and repeatedly talking about the 2nd holocaust in NYC over and over (as if the 1st actually happened, and why are there still so many jews after a successful holocaust?). Then we as the viewer were supposed to cheer for the squad of diverse black power kill whitey revolutionists (ironically needed a Jew to lead them). Plus somewhere down the line they decided that German and American Christianity disappeared ahistorically.

There just wasn't much I could stay interested in, I could just picture the sweaty kike producer and writer rubbing his hands.

Is The Man in the High Castle actually worth seeing?
I was 100% sure it was just going to be a bunch of bullshit about le ewil nazis but I've seen Jow Forumstards talking good about it multiple times.

Is it, dare I say it, based?

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it's accidentally based, mildly entertaining, that's about it

The original writers did accidentally make Smith and the American Reich look based and comfy as fuck. It's got an interesting plot. Smith is best in season 1, but is generally great throughout the whole series. Even when it looks like he is wavering in his loyalty to the Nazi cause, it makes perfect sense as to why. The bigger issue is that after season 2, they got new writers for the show. The Nazi leadership was originally fairly well-portrayed. In season 3, they turned them into cartoon characters with a laughably retarded plot. I mean it's a shit-tier straight-to-video B-movie plot.

But in any case, Smith is perhaps the best, most positive representation of a good Nazi you will find anywhere in media. He's intelligent, pragmatic, loyal, wise, and ruthless, all while still remaining a human being in your eyes. The show actually makes you root FOR him and what he tries to accomplish. The anti-fascists main characters are all basically awful people, especially the main woman Juliana. The show does glorify jews and other minorities, and it perpetuates the holocaust shit, but in general, if you watch it for Smith, it's worth viewing.

S1 - fairly boring and slow. way too much time in the Neutral Zone. Picks up at the end.

S2 - Nazis are split into traitors plotting against the Fuhrer and loyalists like Smith. Nobody in the resistance is remotely likeable and the loyalist nazi's and the Japs trying to keep the peace were accidentally made the unironic protagonists and good guys of the series.

S3 - they realised they fucked up S2 making the nazis too based and tried to reverse course but Smith is still the most likeable character and the Jap kempetai commander even becomes a pretty likeable character especially when he hunts down and beheads a the faggot kike who's been annoying ever since S1.

they'll probably give him a 360 in character in later seasons. PROBABLY. But, then again, the show has been a big surprise in so many ways.

The other way to look at his upcoming turn is not refuting the ideology he lives under but in simply not agreeing with the destruction of his homeland. That shift is definitely coming and is warranted. Hell, they may make him the most based and red-pilled character ever by rebelling against ANY globablism/imperialism, including the Nazi NWO. Maybe the creators are socialists and nationalists...

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>But in any case, Smith is perhaps the best, most positive representation of a good Nazi you will find anywhere in media. He's intelligent, pragmatic, loyal, wise, and ruthless, all while still remaining a human being in your eyes. The show actually makes you root FOR him and what he tries to accomplish

>tfw we find out he was a closet homosexual the entire time and visits the underground synagogue every week

Seasons one and two are good, three is hyper woke stronk wahmen with LGBT flags waging war against the Nazis.

>asks if he should watch jew media
kek. I unironically only watch anime shit now because I can't take the jewish propaganda anymore.

It was meant to make nazis look bad but they also put a lot of effort into making things believable and the characters feeling real, and that suddely doesn't make them out to be utter monters.
You have to yell nazi at everything to think that the nazi in this are pure evil.

>watching more than 1 season when they hook the potential brainwashees

Book written in 1962. Show is true to the book.

What the fuck happened to this show in season 3? It was mature and restrained in the first two seasons. The factions were morally gray.
I don't think it can be salvaged anymore. It became yet another muh freedum and equality muthafucka revenge porn shitshow.

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>Book written in 1962. Show is true to the book.
is season 3 true to the book?


Reichsmarschall John Smith*