So Jow Forums, when did you realize glorious leader Vladimir Putin was right about everything?
Will you join his army when he comes to save you?
So Jow Forums, when did you realize glorious leader Vladimir Putin was right about everything?
Will you join his army when he comes to save you?
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very soon you aussie's will be over run by azns
This your idea of a cope Juan Miguel?
Ough, three posts in a row. Cope harder, Alejandro.
>talks about shitskins in other countries
>promotes shitskins in his own
That's like Western politicians who pretend that there is literally nothing wrong with shitskins but somehow even worse.
Russia"s going to the doom
What army? Pidorashka's with rocks and axes?
Putin knows.
Does Russia not have non whites?
Diversity is key in a successful environment.
what are those coffee things called? I could use one of those.
You mean a fuckin tray?
Meanwhile, every Russian I've met is either Cambodian, a jew or a criminal.
>Less than 50% now
So... Still more whites than Russia has people? K
No the fucking glass warmer thing with a candle in it you dipshit.
Yes, they're called Russians
It's true.
It’s still called a coffee pot Genius.
Russia pushes both sides to destabilize America and other Western countries
they don't give a shit about you, only about the weakness of their geopolitical enemies
Jow Forums is too stupid to realize that Russians and Chinese can't be trusted
This, it's so fucking hypocritical.
Putin is just dog-whistling to the rapidly increasing far-right/nationalists.
I don’t know man I feel like the people who can legally fuck in public are the ones not to be trusted.
I'd like to hope most of you aren't dumb enough to think Putin is your ally or friend at all.
it's not a one or the other situation
both options are trash and we should be extremely wary of both of them
I bet you also like Jews huh?
of course not retard
Better than Russia which is about 0% white.
They're just a candle tea pot. You can get them at David's tea I believe. My secretary has one and she said she got hers there.
>Will you join his army when he comes to save you?
you stupid fucking manosphere egocuck, putin is coming but its not going to be to 'save' any of us.
someone needs to keep posting those forum posts.
>not a white christian country
Can we please remove the jewish cancer that is christcuckery.
I'd rather get RICED than BLACKED.
imagine being this butthurt
You have more muslims than russia, but your argument is "yes, but we are counting per capita".
Nigga, per capita is only relevant if your country isn't 51% white (which the USA is).
Most immigrants ever, but they have to come here legally.
Russia won, as the USA will become Brazil, and then Russia will open up Siberia for Burger and Canadian refugees fleeing divershitty.
>Will you join his army when he comes to save you?
If he invaded, talking wild about saving white nations? FUCK YES I WOULD.
>when /sg/ posts outside of /sg/
>Can we please remove the jewish cancer that is christcuckery.
Why not start with AIPAC?
About the time the US killed Gaddafi
Brah Spicmerica is like 35% true European at best. The mutt meme is real. Fuck my life.
meanwhile in Siberia
Fuckin putin callin us out...
Feels bad man
This. It's really, really bad. We have over 30 million illegal immigrants. Nearly 10% of our country is mestizo just from that.
sounds like a good start to me
Russia doesn't give a fuck about you, Putin is speaking here to his own people.
He is telling these people what the direction of the society will be in the future.
You are retarded if you believe that every video of him is somehow a message to the West.
>meanwhile in Siberia
The gooks don't go there anymore according to Siberia-user, and he is a more trust worthy source than burgers.
>sounds like a good start to me
So how do we make it happen, as shitting on Putin or Russians don't help us much.
>preserve our culture
i lol'd. would read again
>Russia doesn't give a fuck about you
So what? Our own elites hate us.
Cups. Amazing things, really. You can put all sorts of liquids inside them -- not just coffee!
Have to say it's really easy to tell White muttricans when they visit the UK without opening their mouths. They do not look like any other European.
>Russia won, as the USA will become Brazil, and then Russia will open up Siberia for Burger and Canadian refugees fleeing divershitty.
Stupid bastard. Everyone in rural Russia lives like its the 1700's. Youre completely clueless.
>Everyone in rural Russia lives like its the 1700's.
That is just the more reason to open up for N-American whites fleeing state enforced divershitty and Globohomo.
I dont get it, russia is not white because of the muslims and all the people from central asia, its not fully asian or black but they are becoming mutts too
Racial agitation was an old Commie trick and it continues. The Neocons are right in this regard when they say that Russia hasnt changed; but Neocons are as happy as Putin is when it comes to balkanization and White disposession.
really? i'd move there in a heartbeat if that's the case. something tells me they're just as pozzed as the rest of the world tho
That picture is from the UK dumbass
Whelp, guys, this is how fucked up our country has become.
Our congress has been establishing laws since the 1960s making any white collective groups, wether businesses or politcal organiations, to have to have diversity or you will be thrown in prison. They tax you to death to prop up other minorities because of some sick sense of seft virtue.
Meanwhile this same Congress spent the past two years trying to get us to go to war with the only country Ive seen whos president calls out what is going on in white christian america.
Fuck this congress and I hope you dumb faggots are buying guns and getting ready for the inevtiable.
This isnt some game on the internet.
Your Congress people want you dead,
wake the fuck up.
>That picture is from the UK dumbass
Because the USA (or Norway) is different?
For 1 mosque there at the very least 5 more churches being built. How can a man be so ignorant about his own country?
>something tells me they're just as pozzed as the rest of the world tho
Probably a different flavor of pozzed.
>How can a man be so ignorant about his own country?
It's always correct to whine about there being too many Muslims.
I'd prefer not to have any sort of religious shit at all t.b.h.
>r:the zognald
and the pic holds true to the label
I agree. Not including those New York "Italians" and half Mexicans who identify as white, America is definitely below 50%.
Imagine being this retarded
Russians ethically white and there are 80% of all Russian people.
White genocide is real burgerboy. Thing is your fucking stupid country is at the centre of it
We aren't wh*te. Fuck wh*te """people"""
trust no one but yourself
Russians are a north European people, no matter what you call it.
So, are we friends now? Wanna be my friend?
Russia has 17,000,000 Muslims. The US 2,000,000. 58.9% of the US is European
>Wanna be my friend?
The Norwegian people mostly want good relations with Russians, but the media is full of anti-russian propaganda. It's probably the same with most western nations, but the problem is that what we want don't matter.
The U.K is more mixed race. 2.7%. The US is 1.8%
yeah , but you are filled with niggers and halfbreeds.
A muslim can convert to christianity, but a nigger will always be a nigger.
Someone has to come out and say it. The USA of the 1950's is no longer a thing. Most of the world still believes in the existence of the anglo-saxon american stereotype, which is no longer the case as the mutt hordes have taken over.
12.6% black.
1.8% mixed race
12.6 plus 1.8 plus 18.1 Hispanic.
32.2 plus 60.7 “Non Hispanic White”
6% Asian.
Russia has never been a white country.
Russia is white.