>get banned from all boards for breaking global rule 1
>ban dates back to january 3rd
>get unbanned
What the fuck is this shit, literally havent even posted anything close to breaking global rule 1.
Get banned from all boards for breaking global rule 1
the mods are mostly kikes and you can get banned for literally anything u post here.
welcome to hell, newfag.
>reset router
>delete Jow Forums related cookies
>ban removed
Wow, so hard.
Jow Forums only filters by IP. You’re IP is not really “your IP”. Someone using that particular IP may have been a bad boi. Happens a lot on mobile networks
This too.
I’m used to private browsers
Dynamic IP.
>Have dynamic IP
>Every fucking day
>I did no such thing
Sometimes I have to renew 2 or 3 times before I actually can post again.
Fuck you, whomever you are that uses VPNs with a Detroit prefix.
Oh shit wrong board
Yhere are Muslims in the board doing mass reporting if you try to sage "muh based Islam" threads.
They report you as "sage" announcing even if you don't announce it.
The jannies are either not doing their due diligence or there are a few muslimscas jannies trying to censor criticism of Islam.
These same shill-reporters are the ones in memeflags posting the "based nigger omar" threads calling anyone a "kike" who points out accurately that the bitch is against the free speech that this board was created for.
I mean, fuck AIPAC i hate thise mfs. But goddamn Muslims ruined discourse on all social media already, they did the same shit there with ban reporting, and instead of "kike" labeling the use Islamophobia.
I just wish pol would ban memeflags and stop banning people for sageing altogether.
Fucking nigger muslims ruin everything, no different than kike Hollywood.
Yeah, I was posting the other week and suddenly I can't because of a three day ban in 2016.
I've never been banned so it was someone elses ban.
>say something that triggered someone
>get banned
>three day global ban that you can't appeal all because someone got butthurt
What happened to /a/?
Sure. I do this as well. But I shouldn't have to is the point.
OP is the grand master ruler of faggots
Are you a nigger? If not how are you holding up in that shithole
lmao get that ass banned see you on Reddit kid
When Metro Detroiters say Detroit, we mean Metro Detroit.
Shhh don't tell the newfags.
it means you're a phoneposting newfag
WTF resetting router changes IP?
I got permanent banned for posting nigger shit in /TV/ fuck this board