Brugers its time you start your civil war

Brugers its time you start your civil war

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Fuck off mossad.

This is mason btw, he died last week at 17 years old. F F F F

What did you feed him?

You shouldn't have given him cancer with your threads.


I always fed him chicken and fish.. he wouldnt eat anything else, i think he was just too old :(
Don’t say that man

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like what if we had another civil war but both sides agreed to only use muskets and bayonets?

Civil War has been raging in America and with associated Assets for two years.
You have eyes to see
and ears to hear
yet you are blind and deaf.

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Go suck your cats dick.

A civil war between Urban and Rural lifestyles that will always exist in every state?

Learn some history faggot.

I would have liked your half nigger/ half jew cat a lot more before you mentioned his death kicking off a civil war in my country.

he's right, you know.
>his death kicking off a civil war in my country
nigger, a civil war has been waged against you for years now. you just haven't been fighting back.

As in people from Bruges? Who do you hope would win the civil war, the Flemish or the Walloons?

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Cats taste pretty good. Why wait 17 years though?

It's not time yet. You're going to have to be patient, Olaf. It won't be long.

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It will happen.
If those Libtards just killed those MAGA kids we could be in a full civil war by now.
They will kill some kid eventually because he has a Trump hate on or says its ok to be white.
Then game on baby!

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RIP Mason. You were a very, very good cat.

F F F F Feline

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Are we boring you?

You guys are very mean, he was the toughest cat. He used to hunt a bird every week until he got too old for it. He used to scratch my bed every morning to wake me up and rub his face on my face. Fuck you pol, be mean to me not to my fuckin cat.

Rest in peace mason :’(

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we dont start shit
We finish it

F for Mason