They seem pretty pozzed and commited to it from twitter and tumblr is concerned. I don’t really mean in a race mixing sense but more of a social level
Do white girls in America hate white boys irl as much as they do on Twitter?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kaitlyn Jenner is looking pretty good these days.
Is it because you seem to think that what you may read on the internet is in any way, shape, size, form, or fashion related to actual events in real life?
nobody cares u simple cunt
>are a bunch of screeching sociopaths on Twitter the same as real life?
Jow Forums has influenced my world view quite dramatically yes
Nobody hates white boys they are by far the most desired mating partner by literalky every race
Because you saw that on television. Show me definitive proof of this shit site influencing events in real life.
No you fucking idiot and stop posting this retarded post you absolute retarded faggot.
Go to any fucking pub and see nearly every white lad who isn't totally autistic with a white girlfriend or getting laid every now and then.
literally get out of the house once, and stop posting this retarded shit.
90% of girls don't give a shit about politics.
So was it the Russians that influenced the election or Jow Forums? Or was it Russian actors on Jow Forums? Which one is it?
You can't bump your own thread and your ID doesn't change when you put on a memeflag, you absolute fucking chucklehead
is that Caitlyn Jenner?
She is Spaniard....
Ik I was just talking to someone on another thread and forgot. I can bump my own thread because I did.
I always assumed Russian bots were a metaphor for /ourguys/
>anal del rey
No i dont hate white men.
I respect my boyfriend, father, and all the males in my life.
but the again my parents are immigrants from europe.
Why do you make this same thread with Lana Del Rey pics every day? No, they don't.
(((White girls)))
No female race on the planet can actually resist the allure of white men. That's one part ego and one part factual reality speaking; no other race has the same draw across racial lines like wh*te bois.
White girls who aren't bitter who can get and keep white men aren't bitching on twitter.
This, literally another thread right now: pic related
Probably because you're a retard.
Kek thought exactly the same
how many of them married niggers or others do you see?
you have your answer
No Lana is a beauty queen
Statistically very few
Stop posting this thread your question has been answered hundreds of times faggot
>today's post on "the state of Jow Forums"
Someone post the screencap of Twitter roasties admitting they want to get dicked down by white guys
usually the ones who bitch about white men are typically nearing 30+ and single with no children
No. They like to complain because they aren't getting their way and refuse to believe it's a problem with themselves. Truly they want a stable loving relationship but are simultaneously unable to improve upon themselves and make themselves worth having a relationship with.
Slit your wrists then slit your throat. Every fucking day with these pointless threads.
He's been making these threads for months on end.
It's a combination of tsundere and virtue signalling when you consider that white women are actually statistically the LEAST likely group to racemix.
Nope. Whatever gets their pussy tingling is whatever they will most likely fuck. So it could be a whitey or a nignog.
yes in major cities
'She' has very big feet and broad shoulders.
That's only because everyone else is mixing with white men due to higher social status. White women can only lose social status. Additionally those stats include a huge population of white women that live in all white rural areas with no access to nonwhite men to race mix with. If you look around in metropolitan areas where racemixing becomes actually possible you will see how many dumb white thots really hate white men.
Highlighting the fact that they're slavs suppose do mean something? They're closest Europeans to China and poor enough to work for peanuts
damn i fucking hate women, makes me even happier if they find me hot while i shit on their face with facts and logic.
she is purty, reminds me of brittany pettibone
She’s so pale. It’s so hot
If this doesn’t prove to you that nigs will fuck anything nothing will
Idk the Slav who posted it in the other thread is all butthurt because he thinks it’s degrading
This is 'her' 'sister' Chuck who is also 100% a woman and not a tranny!
why do you keep posting this thread?? get a job you faggot
If she’s a man then I’m gay for her
Because retards keep replying to him and bumping the thread. As long as he gets replies he'll continue to come back and spread disinfo with a ready band of newfaggots to eat it up like candy.
Then you are gay for Lana. She's very convincing but you only need to keep an eye out next time you watch any of her videos. It's a man. No boobs. Broad shoulders. Huge feet and hands.
Zero regrets
What makes her hot is her voice you stupid bong.
She's a seductress, and it's not always about titties and ass.
Best face money can buy.
She’s got the face of an angel though
Sometimes I hear them repeat Twitter-esque memes, but if you brush it off and they find you attractive, they forget about that shit really fast
No you faggot
no the only ones who do are used up roasties, ugly cunts, or fat land whales
no she doesn't
Came here to make a reference along these lines.
6/10 tops
>She’s got the face of an angel though
Make up. Does this non-photo-shopped paparazzi picture look like a woman to you? Or a dude in a dress? Be honest now.
Those stats are pretty old but this isn’t about racemixing
Best post by a kraut fag.
Just bad posture
It's as simple as this:
>Look at me look at me look at me I'm doing things that minorities do, too. Aren't I progressive and diverse?
They just want to be "in" on whatever is fashionable and can't see two feet beyond that.
all women love the white man regardless of the shit the spout on social media. never listen to a womans words, only pay attention to her actions
Spam cuck bait fucking retard. Makes this thread 20 times a week along with other spam threads (hides under white nationalist memeflag).
Again with the shill threads from britnigger
Women are just anti white online for the good goy points, i guarantee no woman would turn down a white chad
why are people so stupid as to bump this thread and not sage. this has been posted many times, everyone who replied without saging should go back to plebbit or kill themselves.
Nice meme
Didn't we have this exact same thread yesterday?
Jannies were being cunts and shoah’d it early on. Today jannies are nicd
Fuck you
isnt lana del rey the slag who whined in an interview because some other roastie was whining about having to fuck her way to the top but lana was like "bitch please i had to suck way more cock than you" or was it some other slag?
either way wicked selfpwn
bitch looks like bruce jenner
Wow what an original take, Jeez
sorry you're gay user
This. It’s an attempt at demoralization but it’s stupid.
How is it a demoralisation thread when it’s a question. I didn’t say it was true.
If she’s a man then I’m gay for him
I dunno and I’m not gonna look it up because i want her to stay the way I think of her
Please stop feeding seething browncel (You)'s
No I need (you)s and I still want an answer
Please go beat off into a cheese grater, paragon
Don’t oof in my thread you filthy kraut