Ilhan "Slay the Jews" Omar strikes again

Holy shit she's so good

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The only people allowed to question global permanent war are a 65 IQ female somali muslim retard that is immune to consequences and 300+ IQ Randlet who's too intelligent to give a fuck. Healthy society you've got there, kid...

>t-thats an attack
btfo kike

She has more IQ than you, Jow Forums shitposter. She was a refugee from a war-torn country, made something of herself, and is now in America influencing your government lmao.

It's easy to criticize the Jews when everybody gives you a free pass for being a low IQ weaker race

She is all taqiya, all the time. She is an interloper.

she was elected solely because she hit the oppression trifecta

>she hit the oppression trifecta
Sounds like Jow Forums


This retarded sandnigger is definitely giving us the lulz. She’s making kikes mad AND destroying her career one post at a time. It’s just too much.

Awww, you sad today, Obamaleaf?

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now I love this woman

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You're special because you have a 4th thing to hide with your memeflag.

You care not about truth. If not you would have added: Islam has been illegal in the US since 1786.

Hang both the traitors, I say.

Omar's coming yo!

>liberal shitskin muslim woman
>Jow Forums shills for her nonstop
The absolute state of this brainlet board and its retarded mutt posters

JIDF out in full force today.

>so good
I agree, fellow Jow Forumstard
You can JUST tell she's based because socialist kikes keep endorsing her.

A country torn by war...because of Muslims...dont forget the fucking details faggot...This aint reddit

Yeah, the disingenuous shilling is hilarious to watch at this point. They can't seem to accept that a group of internet racists can like and promote a socialist muslim nigress because she is the greatest way to redpill the left we've ever been presented with. I personally look forward to increased muslim prominence in public life, they're already here so we might as well use them. Of course, eventually all of this will break down as it reaches its likely conclusion of two people on a screen alternatively shouting "antisemitism" and "islamophobia" back and forth with no context whatsoever.

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It's funny how jews are responsible for her current position due to them poisoning the well with the type of rhetoric that ultimately put her path into the position in which she is in and she's now using that to allah akbar the fuck out of them.

If she keeps going at this rate normies and the left will turn against the jews in no time. They definitely fucked up. And if they suicide her thats a nail in their own coffin.

>that reading speed and hesitation

lmao, is she even literate

And just like
the Zog brings down itself

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>jews suck
Omar in 2020 lads!

You're the retard that thinks muslim shills are actually Jow Forums

>wtf, I love sanctuary cities, economic collapse, white privilege taxes, gun control and social justice now because muh Israel

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>I personally look forward to increased muslim prominence in public life
You are literally, not even figuratively, retarded

All of that is only there because of Jews, Jidf

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Quick some one commission Shadman to do Omar and Ocasio

This i fucking love this timeline and i fully support this libshit!

whats the big deal with iran contra anyway? seems like a lot of hot air that only liberals cared about

That’s what I was thinking. Why did she have to read her own statement and have so much trouble doing so?

Were you pretending to be a communist in another thread and forgot to change your memeflag?

>implying voting for this subhuman will make it go all away

But you already know better, Selim.

>tfw a somali shitskin muzzie has more balls than the entire republican party

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Let her do the dirty work while we sit back and laugh. All we have to do subtly egg them on.

No arguments against her so lets make fun of her accent.

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Literally seething

>because of muslims
yikes you definitely have less than 70iq

Look at him squirm
Top kek

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Yeah you fat amerifucks don't give a shit about kikes ruling you. Sad, that muslims do a better job than you useless right wing pigs

I don't expect you to understand just how fucked up my country is. The area I live in (fort lauderdale florida) is about 20-30% jewish, 15% black, and probably 50% people from out of state (new york/jersey, boston, canadians etc.) leaving 5-15% natives and people who are of "white" culture. Also, we have a huge gay population. (there are some cubans too but they usually stick to miami/hialeah) So basically I live in a hellhole but I don't leave because I have a really awesome job (construction) and I like the people I work with.

I now have people (other than me) calling out the jews and hypocrisy of American politics. This is a welcome development for me. I am a doomer though so I don't see much hope for the world and I really love to laugh at clown world. Things won't get better until they get worse anyway.

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not gonna lie her smugness and sense of authority gave me a boner, i'd unironically nut inside her and make beautiful mixed babies

>Asks a question
>"if I could respond"
>"That wasn't a question sweetie!"
Fuck this woman and all the other Democrats like her desu.

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It literally wasn’t a question, user

>I now have people (other than me) calling out the jews
And those (people) are being endorsed by socialist kikes.
But go ahead. Celebrate that a third world negress has more freedom in your own country than you do.

>your government
> you won't steal the valor of these colors don't run

It wasn't a question.

I say whatever I want, I am not in a position of power that allows me to broadcast my message to millions of people. Nor would I want to be, I love my job (trades, I don't get fired for liking Hitler) and I don't want to be a public figure. Now, not only is someone publicly calling out my enemies, but it is one of my enemies pets turning upon its master. It's somewhat poetic, and thoroughly entertaining.

oh my, but you trigger easily

Jow Forums BTFO

twice convicted Jewish criminal Elliot Abrams being utterly destroyed by a
>65 IQ female somali muslim retard
and everyone in the room laughed at him
Jews upset they've failed again

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And it's beautiful.
I can't imagine a world where they've been exterminated and we don't have propaganda shoved down our throats all day

All fields

"rubs hands"

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not trying to shill but...
listening to this bitch read out loud you can tell she's practically illiterate
>pretty telling that the only politician standing up to da joos is to dumb to know better

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Wtf i love muslims now but unironically

Didn't she marry her own brother so that he could remain in the USA?

She ecen calls him "Adams". This girl is best girl.

Parkland here.
I thought I was the only white. Great to know I’m not alone.

>whines in jewish

>she is the greatest way to redpill the left we've ever been presented with
tru dat
>two people on a screen alternatively shouting "antisemitism" and "islamophobia" back and forth with no context whatsoever
based logical conclusion poster

Agreed fellow discord tranny

>F-fuck off discord tranny!

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Literal muslim equivalent of pilpul.
She asks him the question "do you endorse this massacre" which he never implied in the first place. He is irritated by such an idiotic questionand her childish insistance on a 'yes or no' answer, but then ultimately answers 'No', after which she says "I'll take that as yes".

Shes going to be deported for felony defrauding of the US government in relation to her marrying her brother for citizenship. Attacking the Jews will ensure this happens. She might as well dump as much as she can, while she can. She is already being investigated by several LEAs.

>Diversity hire

She got in by her own merits!

>Honesty = anti-Semitism
>Honesty = hate speech
Truth is now illegal


just the way God intended it user

Israel must restore Omar's Wikifeet page.

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The Jew squirms when found out

>65 IQ female somali muslim retard

How exactly is she a retard? I don't know who the woman is. So, I'm genuinely curious if this is based in any stupidity in real life or if you are just farting out of your asshole.


I bet she has no gag reflex.

Fuck off to /ptg/ you weak cunt.

please to see the shitposter loicense, la

Woah, g-guys are we going to get the first female Islamic president?
Or are they going to make sure she is not in politics anymore to disrupt things?


came here to post this

no she didn't. she had the way paved for her a
very long time ago.

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g-guys... i kinda want to support her
when jew namers like Patrick Little run for public office they will seem normal in comparison to this creature

She's awesome, was that bloke she was attacking on the Muppet show?

She is not turning on her master, she following exactly what they want, to attack every country in the world that still has the idea of nationalism, following the comumist agenda. At the same time she does that, she also advocates for open borders and all other progressive agendas of this same international click. She is not against her masters, she is following the agenda perfeclty.

kys kike

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daily reminder to ignore all tranny shill threads. Do not reply to tranny posters

stop overwatering her she'll die!

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Which is why he asked to respond instead of answer, retards.

I think the jews know they have to have someone criticize them so they deliberately picked this nog woman because they think we'll hate her and side with them but I really doubt people are gonna be that dumb

You follow the devil. That angel in the deep dark cage was not Gabriel, was Samael.Why an angel of the Lord would be in a dark deep cave? Why Mohammad thought he saw a demon and the second time the demon showed himself as an angel? Why a angel would feel the need to use the mask of a angel? Your soul have been poisoned with an abomination created to look like the laws of God, for this is a mockery, the saddist see pleasure in corrupting the law and making God children belive they are following his laws. If you seek for answers you will find it, its near the end but its still not too late.

Agreed it's fun seeing them pissed that we dgaf she's a nog muslim

Maybe someone else wrote it for her? Who gives a shit, she's redpilling lefties

>she called him Adams instead of Abrams
I'm not as fully redpilled as her, can someone explain why everyone in the replies is calling that antisemitic?

There is nothing wrong with genociding commies during the Cold War you fucking faggot. Especially if it is in the interest of the US

She doesn't rep the USA, she is subversive scum


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This is why the world hates you.

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