Why do europoors think they know anything about the states?

Why do europoors think they know anything about the states?

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Fuck niggers

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im white

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yeah you are a mutt

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have fun resisting suicide loser.

>greece and lmfao, the balkans

I do have some bad news for you my dear mutt

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Sounds American to me.

Praise Jesus.

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slavs are actual garbage

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atleast we dont have niggers

imagine have the audacity of this poster

I know Alaska is fuck huge but is it actually that fuck huge?

because there's absolutely nothing to know about the states ?

Will be fixed in the next patch.

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OP is a retarded faggot

no khokhol , simple google maps search is enough


because your history is about two weeks of happenings compared to ours.
It's all pretty easy to remember after you just learned about 2000+ years of history

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the less i know about the states the more in common i have with americans, no?

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Its funny when eurofags think they matter
you literally ingest all of our culture, politics, and memes.
we don't even think about you, at all.
most Americans probably couldn't even find your shithole on a map, that's how non existent you are.
The rest of the world could burn up and Americans still wouldn't notice.
Literally the greatest country and land mass on earth.

I know the states, but most of them, like euro countries, are also fucking shitholes with domesticated metro cucks. I like Alaska and Czech Republic

no one here cares about american expect npc degenerates who're into celeb culture, or a few chinks who see sstepping stones for greencards after marrying one of your basedboys. overall i think most american states and euro countries are shit. america is a colony btw. no different to the rest. still controlled by limey trillionaires and globalists

I don't. I also don't care about poor third world mutt countries.

1. you force feed your """"culture"""" to us
2. because you're isolated, you can't be beaten, in a military way. you'll collapse eventually
3. we don't think about you either. you are nigger-tier in our eyes.
4. you represent nothing but greed and lowest common denominator. unlike rome and other empires, you brought absolutely nothing to mankind, except for niggers and arabs invasion in our countries, in a pathetic attempt to slow your collapse down.
I hope I see your country's collaspe while I'm alive. For the lulz

i literally ingested american culture 30 minutes ago

a McFeast with extra pickles, no mayo

>a european country is twice the size of the us

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if you didn't drink a bottle of mayo, you only did half the job.
why can't you copy efficiently the """master race"""

>Literally the greatest country and land mass on earth.
more like , the greatest population of non whites in the western country

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Thanks for the (You)s while speaking English!
I'm going to go back to enjoying my life in the wide open space that is America. The jealousy is real :^)

what do you care?

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im actually catalan though

go fuck yourself abdul

Than why don't you try living without anything European. You can start by not speaking english.

and i thought that americans not knowing english well was just a myth

(easily) whiter than you, juan

> jealous of a random subhuman

- what is the difference between the USA and a yoghurt ?
- if you leave a yoghurt alone for 200 years, it will develop a culture.

For the same reasons you burgers think you know anything about europe - 99% just repeat what the media tells them and 1% actually know what they're talking about because they've been there.

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>a european language