Attached: Flag.png (1235x650, 41K)
Are they the worst posters on this board?
Nathan Morris
Lincoln Sanders
>Says a meme flaggot.
Charles Peterson
we're the only posters on this board.
the rest of you fake your flags.
Daniel Collins
Nope. that title goes to Leafs then Bons. THEN Burgers
John Gomez
Third worst, Turkroaches and Leafs are worse.
Kevin Hernandez
I smell jews...
Henry Allen
Neck yourself degenerate titty boy. America is the last bastion of freedom, you chocolate amalgamation.
Tyler Ramirez
They're the most easily triggered
Nolan Wilson
prime time burger Jow Forums makes me writhe in pain
it's like an entirely different website
Carter Cruz
why do non-americans constantly talk about america? it's to the point where it's getting obsessive.
Evan Adams
>thinks people outside america are obssess with america
>that pic
Yep they are the worst posters
Cameron Wright
You faggots are like the shitskin illegal immigrants coming to white countries.
>come to white countries
>bitch about everything
>come to American website
>bitch about Americans
Fuck off niggers
Liam Torres
Why are amerimutts so obsess with race?
Sebastian Mitchell
sorry i don't speak esl
Josiah Gomez
l2 english retard.
sage this slide memefaggot thread.
Nathan Bailey
Because their race is going instinct, they're just venting their frustrations over that.
Wyatt Carter
no you're the immigrants t_d
Cameron Johnson
>posts on an american board created by an american
Parker Peterson
Worst posters:
1. Israelis
2. Canadians
3. Swedes
4. Americans
5. Australians
The Americans are on this list only because so many Jews live here.
Wyatt Green
Jacob Ramirez
>I’m the worst, amirite?
Robert Davis
>12 english retard
Are you trying to communicate something slavshit cunt