The "Operation: Swarmfront" Conspiracy

In my years on imageboards, I've noticed a steady flow of claims that state that overt, unironic racism was the end result of steadfast astroturfing from white nationalist communities, namely Stormfront, to forge a new generation of racists and take over the American right-wing. Often, you'll see Stormfront threads cited as incontrovertible proof such coordinated shilling took place. To me, it all belies the long process of political machinations that took place years before and completely ignores the already edgy, contrarian nature of imageboard users. If anything, the obvious boomerism of Stormfront users would've been wholesale mocked by such a young userbase.

I don't know. Maybe I'm overthinking this. Anyone else have any takes on this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>swarmfront much more active and has significantly more member than JIDF
lol, you can tell it's BS right off the bat

It's a platform for them, yes, but nevertheless a platform for other more poisonous shills too.

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The JIDF is funny. They just get Redpilled and the IDF has to bring in a new batch.

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It is bunch of horseshit and libshit cope posting

They literally just spammed the "Anti-Racist is a code for Anti-White" pasta autistically over and over. Libs acting like they were shareblue infiltrator shit.

People who buy into this are retarded

Can anyone disprove this?

How can you disprove anything that has no proof

It's like trying to disprove something that's simultaneously unprovable as it is unfalsifiable

yawn more jewish bullshit. Go check your goy I be they aren't working; your loosing money kike.

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This post was from 2013
We all know that stormfags shilled here for a long fucking while, and they are super fucking obvious
If what they spread (jq and racial awareness) is legit, whats the harm other than the premise of a raid?
Jow Forums does accept alot of stormfag ideas, those who spout them are branded as retarded wignats (wigger nationalists)
While they probably had a part to play in the formation of modern Jow Forums, i think we have definately superceded them, and any new influence is ignorable

>does accept
*doesnt, my bad lol

I figured this out a long time ago. I thought everyone had. They're in this thread right now claiming that this is 100% bullshit. Now one of them will call me a kike or a nigger.

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Stormfags are JIDF, but as far as niggerhating goes all you have to do is judge them by the content of their character and no racist shilling is necessary.

Stormfaggers are just like leftists, in fact they are leftists - they hate those who are more powerful than them and have no impulse other than to try to take down everything that is good.

They use the same tactics of projection, Alinsky tactics of blaming your enemy of exactly what you are doing, and trying to divide and conquer.

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Boooooooooooooooring. Go stand out front of your local Highschool with a 5 ft sign that says IT OK TO BE WHITE on it.

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Anyone pretending there isn't a blatant neo-nazi propaganda team posting here constantly is either one themselves or a drooling retard.

Why do you think they pushed the JIDF meme so hard? Projection. It's a super simple tactic they use because it doesn't require any thought and even a stormnigger can pull it off.

I eagerly await the "reee kike shlomo shareblue JIDF" spam this thread will surely be.

Jow Forums has certainly gone downhill. It's become the new /b/ board.

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In order to play the role of eternal victim, you need a scary eternal oppressor.
Stormfront does a great service for JIDF and Israel.

even if it was true, what difference would it make? stormfront raiding forums wouldnt make the holocaust be real.

Stormnigger detected

Yup. The Jews are all powerful and control the world but also are weak and not actually brilliant on average. Anything to avoid owning up to the fact they're the bottom of the barrel for whites being erased by progression of the species and basic selection.

In a place that is a truly free marketplace of ideas, people just tend toward the best ideas. Not much to it.

>he thinks Jow Forums is a free marketplace of ideas

Is it also a bastion of free speech? My sides.

Why's the font look like that? Is that a Mac? If so you can disregard anything they say

Honestly so what? What's so wrong about that?


What's wrong with it? To me or to the board in general? I feel it's because you literally can't hold a single viewpoint that is "pro-Jew" or "pro-Israel" without getting bombarded with an obvious shill army. And I'm not talking about basic Jow Forums memes like "always the Jews" etc. etc. I'm talking about legitimate right wing views like being anti-arab and pro-nationalism. I can't be even remotely pro-Israel despite me loving their killing arabs and being a useful pawn for us in our power struggles with Russia and China without any thread I post those views derailing into "Lel kike JIDF shill shlomo goldberg!!!!!!!!" The memes alone are toxic to the enjoyment of the board. It didn't used to be this bad but it's killing Jow Forums now.

>it definitely isn't cause all the shit they say is true
>t. jew

You should learn to point out the fact that nobody except pro whites is telling young white males anything positive about being a white male. If you are a shill you are one stupid mother fucker. I'll say it again because your conditioning probably shut down. The only people telling white males that they are worth anything are the pro whites that your kind fears so deeply. You failed to ban free speech on the internet and thus your empire is crumbling now that the word on your mass immigration cheap labor scheme is out. Sleep tight.

>thinks people are mad at him for being white
I don't think anyone outside SJW circles care that you're white, man. Never had any issues with my whiteness in the past or present.

JIDF is responsible for 99% of Nazi posting on this board and the wider Internet.

>my whiteness
You aren't from here. Go back to where ever it is you came from niggerfaggot

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>discord trannies
>glow in the dark niggers

yeah ok tons of people shill pol we've ALWAYS known that. none of them have any effect apart from arguing with themselves.

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Yes because that's a fucking shitty perspective that's pushed by jews. Israeli influence in our government is a massive problem, far larger than "Arabs."
>Pro nationalist
They'll never extend that same courtesy to you. They'll say that America has always been a nation of immigrants while sterilizing niggers and call you a racist if you disagree.
>Useful pawn against Russia and China
They sell our military technology to China and Russia is a boogeyman, you're living in the '80s.

But fuck geopolitics, it's great fun but internal politics are what matter today, and in America jews are the greatest enemy of whites.

I've been on Jow Forums for a fucking long time and it's bullshit. The place was always racist, even when it hated Dubya. Nigger jokes are funny because niggers are funny and you can't criticize them anywhere else.

>newfag trying to be trendy

>thinks people can't figure out it's a stormnigger spoofing and then screencapping his own bot spam

I don't feel like debating this crap today so I'm just going to leave it at you're oversimplifying their "influence" and highly underestimate the value they give us. Agree to disagree.

>If anything, the obvious boomerism of Stormfront users would've been wholesale mocked by such a young userbase.
It was

>muh free market

>newfag trying to be trendy
Nobody uses "whiteness" except anti-whites. It's a total construct used to dismiss the existence of white people.
>I don't feel like debating this crap today so I'm just going to leave it at you're oversimplifying their "influence" and highly underestimate the value they give us. Agree to disagree.
The reddit is leaking out of this response. You just dismissed his entire argument by saying "well I'm right too you know". That's not how things work. Don't run from the facts coward.

Neonazis don't get billions of tax dollars to buy weaponry for Palestinian killing.
Neonazis don't run the media, the banks, and haven't infiltrated Congress and the Judicial branch.
Neonazis didn't import all the blacks as slaves to pick cotton.
The Neonazis don't spread moral nihilism in the universities.

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Kill yourself disingenuous kike

>In my years on imageboards, I've noticed a steady flow of claims that state that overt, unironic racism was the end result of steadfast astroturfing from white nationalist communities, namely Stormfront, to forge a new generation of racists and take over the American right-wing. Often, you'll see Stormfront threads cited as incontrovertible proof such coordinated shilling took place.
you just described 4+Jow Forums, the never ending purity spiral.

Where did I say "I'm right" you retarded faggot? And I used "whiteness" because it took minimal effort and got the point across that I don't think anyone thinks it's not ok to be white except fringe retards. I don't need to pretend I'm fighting some war of left vs right to be more inclined to use Jow Forums than liberal forums.

Lead by example.

We're just racist because it's funny

>much much more active than JIDF

kike faggot detected

You completely dismissed that user's post. You sidestepped everything he said because you were "tired". No effort at all to debate or refute what he said. "Agree to disagree" doesn't exist on an objective point. Either israel and the jews are bad for American whites or they aren't. And by every shred of evidence they are. You don't get to run away and say that you can be right too just because you are "tired".
>don't think anyone thinks it's not ok to be white except fringe retards
That's why "It's okay to be White" got demonized in every college and city it went up in. That's why Steve King is off all committee assignments for saying Whites shouldn't be demonized. That's why you can't name a single pro-white organization that hasn't been condemned by every major party, business, and media outlet.

Stormfags are dumb but we are on still on the same side. Their efforts are appreciated. You have to take your allies where you can.

Not until the front page is entirely YLYL threads, bonus when they get started with the same images

>hey bud I don't feel like debating Israel for the 100000th time, but I'm enjoying the conversation about the obvious shilling from stormfags and how it impacted Jow Forums culture
>random fucking faggot jumps in demanding I debate it and his annoying bitch ass


>I'm coming into a thread demanding everyone sumbit to my view that neo-nazis are flooding the board from foreign sites then mocking anyone who says that there are dedicated jewish organizations revolving around stopping online antisemitism
>Now people are calling me out for supporting israel and hating whites, how can this be?
You are free to say what you want. You are also free to go back to whatever faggot hole you came from instead of trying to peddle your kike conspiracies to a forum that already knows better.

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Holy fuck kid your reading comprehension is at like a 2nd grade level. Either shut the fuck up or try learn to pretend you're semi-literate. I got asked why I thought there are shills and why that's a bad thing. I brought up that it causes annoying shit like you. Now your autistic ass is screeching and demanding I defend views entirely unrelated to the thread topic. Go make an Israel thread or join the other 20 probably floating through the catalog if you want to talk Israel so bad. This is why we need to bring back hitting kids. Little shits like you need to learn to accept no as an answer.

pretty ironic that there would be Jow Forums history revisionists spreading conspiracy theories
Jow Forums has been largely race realist since at least trayvon. yes, stormfront astroturfed any site that they could before the posters inevitability got banned. this is where Jow Forums comes in. you can post whatever you like, and as long as it's on topic, you won't get banned (generally speaking). stormfront had a platform where they were free to espouse their views without repercussions (Jow Forums), so naturally they spent more time here. and it worked. what was already a fairly edgy and contrarian userbase trnsformed when it was introduced to the ultimate of taboos - white identity and jewish power. the ideas rang true with anons, the bait was irresistible, swallowed whole, and the message was repackaged into easliy digestible memes and shitposts which appealed to zoomers and millenials (and by extension, to normiedom itself culminating in the time from august 2015 through Charlottesville)
the daily stormer amalgamated sf talking points, Jow Forums sensibilities, and the drudge report
It's only incidental that strormfront was right about everything.
Captcha: select all images with a STOREFRONT

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I'd agree if the message was actually being digested seriously. The board's user base has decreased significantly since the 2016 election despite what we both acknowledge was massive attempts at injecting ideology by far-right people. The only true core this board maintains are edgy kids who want to say nigger freely, neckbeard NEETs, and the shills from across the spectrum. The board hardly reflects ideological leanings of zoomers or millennials at large.

You completely missed the point I was making by posting a coherent argument about Israel.

There are still people willing to argue against everything you said in good faith. The normal position on this board is anti-semitism and you can either assimilate, go elsewhere, or argue against it. Which is a far sight more lenient than any philosemitic right wing website.

You're the one who brought up your views you disingenuous kike. Everyone sees through this pilpul you are spewing, step your game up.

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>normal position is antisemitism
The board culture is to be antisemitic. You're conflating that with genuine "I hate all the kikes" that is being shilled, and judging by the remainder of your post, likely by you personally. Saying "JIDF kike spotted" is not the same as being the idiots that flock to holocaust denial threads with genuine intent to deny the holocaust. They then get "supported" by people enjoying to pretend to be retarded and think they're in good company

>using pilpul seriously

what about the evil space Romans as blackface? he even has sneaks.

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it's dumb anyway

both of Jow Forums's predecessors were deleted for being too racist. and swarmfront was never very big anyway. Jow Forums is Jow Forums only because it's not moderated the way so many other political communities are on the rest of the internet. stormfront was on their last legs around the time Jow Forums was launched anyway, from the 90s up until the mid noughts stormfront was somewhat of a boogie man on the internet (the same way Jow Forums is now). but super racist content on the internet dates all the way back to the bbs and Usenet days. anywhere it wasn't explicitly policed against it organically grew.

t. actual old fag

The turn right for the Jow Forums userbase was organic. A similar trend happened among right wing libertarians around the same time. Stormfront is just a boogeyman used by butthurt leftists as an excuse.

>t. newfaggot here for 3 months

these anons are actual oldfags who know what they're talking about

ya sure just because you said it

>The board hardly reflects ideological leanings of zoomers or millennials at large
this is true and I never claimed otherwise. the aforementioned propaganda effort is not as effective as cradle to grave normie indoctrination for the general population. that is not to say dissident right propaganda has not made inroads in the normieshpere thought impossible scant years prior.

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You are a kike

fu nike

The most Jewy comment ever

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>Why do you think they pushed the JIDF meme so hard? Projection.

Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Psyops by jews work to flood social media with jew agenda propaganda. They range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA
>How acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

Hmm. Interesting 2 people suddenly decided to try disagree with a random post at the same time.

I think the "inroading" you're seeing isn't so much popularity and spread but rather the Trump effect shining a light onto once obscure propaganda efforts in a media effort to emphasize the divisive nature of Trump to posture for future politics.

>has a literal saved wall of text with stormfag propaganda videos
>not a shill

My god, I knew you guys weren't the smartest but why would you think this would be a good time to post your wall of shilling?....

>Anyone else have any takes on this?




>I-i-it's just a meme Jow Forums doesn't really hate kikes
No, we really do hate kikes, and you're trying to make that seem like a fringe position because you are a foreigner posting in bad faith.
>Linking to the same post twice
Peak newfag

We will never know...

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>shill army
nah, lad its just that we want zionism and all that it stands for erased. Many are not even visitors of the site. You have to consider every variaton and factor, just like the factor that many dislike the US and would gladly watch it burn in the ashes of this crooked "civilisation"

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>stormfag propaganda videos

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Jow Forums cannot be influenced, there are just too many posters. The only ideas that take hold are the ones that resonate best with the hive mind. If unironic open racism is the norm here then it simply proves that racism is both natural and desirable.

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>implying it's not a fringe position spread by a dedicated and vocal minority of the board
It's not hard to tell why they always need to spam "we're winning the culture war!" and "Zoomers are based and redpilled on the Jews!" They need to pretend they're not a dwindling minority voice in future generations.

I never claimed there weren't genuine haters of Israel on here. I think if you're not a US ally you've got every reason to hate them. Pretty basic shit you need Israel gone if you want to make moves against the US in the middle east.

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>Anyone else have any takes on this?
Let's just say Stormfront had nothing to do with it, and did not pay attention until Jow Forums had popularized the White genocide memeplex.

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>Stormfaggers are just like leftists
You need to go back, newfag.

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>I never claimed there weren't genuine haters of Israel on here. I think if you're not a US ally you've got every reason to hate them. Pretty basic shit you need Israel gone if you want to make moves against the US in the middle east.
He's going all out.

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Because he is a kike and so are you

>blatant neo-nazi propaganda team
Most are just pro-white and hate jews.

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>you literally can't hold a single viewpoint that is "pro-Jew" or "pro-Israel" without getting bombarded with an obvious shill army
oh wow gr8 b8 have a (You)

I meant globally, faggot, not just in the ME.

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Hahahah this is so much more likely


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I'm sure there's a non-zero number of those as well spamming shit on here. But I think the obviously coordinated threads are being created by the discord servers they've got going.

I don't doubt that either. All I'm saying is Israel is the gate for US control in the ME. If you hate US as a whole there's other targets you need to go for like NATO and the EU.

Jow Forums revisionism is funny. It's like they are unable to accept that maybe just maybe, these ideas didn't gain wider acceptance, not because of shilling and being obnoxious, but because they were inherently appealing ideas that beat out the competition.

This post is especially dumb for anyone who has been on this board for a very long time since it actually seriously unironically implies that Jow Forums and its ancestors didn't hate Jews from the onset, when its the oldest most continuous thing on here.

>>Why do you think they pushed the JIDF meme so hard? Projection.
Like the JIDF wasn't real. (most were just normal Israelis, as we got to see when multi-thread ID's and country flags was enforced)

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You're pretending news didn't have blatant shills on it that set in the anti-kike meme culture? The entire point was it being contrarian, so of course it stuck. Then the actual racism and shit got moot to step in.

>1 post by OP
sage and filtered. enjoy your magapede circlejerk over how they think they are superior even though they solely rely on optics and not being called buzzwords by redditors while complaining about stormfront on a stormfront containment board which unironically enough is the whole reason they are here because stormfront initially decided to push for trump and used the internet to gain him popularity.

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Jow Forums borrows some ideas stormfront made and added to it. All you got now is Jow Forums.