"Watch Venezuela Envoy Elliott Abrams Lose His Cool During Tense Exchange With Rep. Ilhan Omar"

Rep. Ilhan Omar clashed with newly minted Venezuela Envoy Elliott Abrams during a Wednesday hearing in front of the House Foreign Relations Committee discussing the role of the US military in Central America.

"Mr. Abrams, in 1991 you pleaded guilty to two counts of withholding information from Congress regarding your involvement in the Iran-Contra affair, for which you were later pardoned by president George H.W. Bush," began Omar. "I fail to understand why members of this committee or the American people should find any testimony that you give today to be truthful."

"If I could respond to that..." interjected Abrams.

"It was not a question," shot back Omar.

After a brief exchange in which Abrams protested "It was not right!" Omar cut Abrams off, saying "Thank you for your participation."

>yes she's muslim
>yes she's black
>yes shes a far left nut

But Abrams is a complete piece of shit ZioJew and if it takes people higher on the Victomhood Hierarchy to open up a discussion about Jewish/Zionist power - so fuckin' be it.

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Fuck. A link with video...


Here's just the vid of the exchange. only like 4 mins

The Republican party is going to get a lot of Jewish refugees from the Democratic party. Their pets can't tell them from whites.

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This dumb nigger is a clown. You know she is going down for immigration fraud right?

Good for her, if she names the Jew then she’s got more balls than anyone in US politics.

I say find more people like her and vote them in to go after the kikes. Give them a taste of their own medicine

Look, I know "Jow Forums" seems to like this woman for obvious jew related reasons, but she is still mudslime, feminist leftist liberal that supports AOC, and the kike agenda. So /pol, tell me what I'm supposed to support and believe in this current situation.

Omar: "On February 8, 1982, you testified before the Senate foreign relations committee about US policy in El Salvador. In that hearing you dismissed as communist propaganda, a report about the massacre of El Mozote in which more than 800 civilians - including children as young as two-years old - were brutally murdered by US-trained troops. During that massacre, some of those troops bragged about raping 12-year-old girls before they killed them. You later said that the US policy in El Salvador was a "fabulous achievement."

"Yes or no - do you still think so?" asked Omar.

Abrams replied: "From, the day that Duarte was elected in a free election, to this day, El Salvador has been a democracy. That's a fabulous achievement."

Omar shot back: "Yes or no, do you think that massacre was a fabulous achievement that happened under our watch?"

Abrams protested: "That is a ridiculous question---

to which Omar shot back, "Yes or no," cutting him off.

"No!" exclaimed Abrams, who added "I am not going to respond to that kind of personal attack - which is not a question."

Omar pushed back: "Yes or no, would you support an armed faction within Venezuela that engages in war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide, if you believe they were serving US interests as you did in Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua?"

"I am not going to respond to that question, I'm sorry. I don't think this entire line of questioning is meant to be real questions, and so I will not reply." said Abrams.

you fucking jabroni
you are supposed to support the only thing people are supporting and which kike shills keep burying with 'she's muslim!' comments (we know)
>Support red-pilling normies on the JQ
> Support open discussion of the Zionist lobby and its influence on our government.

this is not hard.

Breitfags and Ziotrolls are making it seem hard.

honestly her English isnt great but that was pretty masterful. Made him look like the scumbag jew he is

Based Somalian skank

>what am I supposed to believe
You're supposed to have your principles worked out by now so that you can decide. If you haven't then there's no point asking that question. They aren't your own thoughts and therefore you will always be stuck asking people to tell you what to think.

>calling out the Jew
Nothing wrong there with questioning the integrity of the information that is being presented. That's the whole point of a committee. That is what she is paid to do.

>feminist muslim liberal
That is still detestable.

Thanks, now I know what I'm supposed to believe. I can always count on Jow Forums to steer me in the right direction.

It's zoomalis shills burying with 'she's muslim!' comments. It's meant to detract from the fact that it's a nigger.

Her and Occassio-Cortez are good friends and I don’t understand the hate Jow Forums has for any of them. Disagree with their policies but AOC is part of a new movement to put ordinary citizens in congress without accepting jewish corporate money and AOC has continuously callrd out lobbysists. It is really hope for the future governing of this country and these two are already pushing the norm. If you don’t like them, you’re ignorant to how many “republicans” really support your causes over keeping their corporate jew overlords happy

This is amazing, outright public condemnation of neocon Jew Zionists and it's being done by a Democrat and the public is cheering. Simply amazing.

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it was not a question

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That made me actually laugh.
>suggesting Jow Forums is ever wrong.

Great to see this slimy kike getting called out for his past actions, but Omar's Somali IQ really shines here. She sounds like she barely has a grasp on the English language, which kills her talking points completely. The Democrats should be very worried if this is the future face of their party.

>"I fail to understand why members of this committee or the American people should find any testimony that you give today to be truthful.
This is the niggers statement. Which for the porch monkey is a huge mistake because these statemet also applies to her. In the coming months it will be found that the sheboon was a willing participant in immigration fraud which is a federal crime. It will subsequently be forced to resign from congress.
>"I fail to understand why members of this committee or the American people should find any testimony that you give today to be truthful.
This statement is a joke coming from someone in her position.

Neither of them are citizens. They are shitskin invaders.

she's so fucking dumb that she couldn't even read a script, amazing that these savages were brought to america

You're either a moron or a muslim. She asks him a loaded question "do you still think the massacre is the greatest thing America ever did," which he never said in the first place. Of course, he's irritated by such idiotic question and her childish insisting on 'yes or no' answer, but then ultimately answers 'No', after which she says "I'll take that as yes"

Are we really supposed to support retarded muslim whores just because they hate jews? This is how it ends, isn't it?

giv omar gf. I'll call her sis

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You need to open your eyes and ears and realize what is going on. For decades muslims and jews and most of the international community were being treated as pets by our government. Then we got soft and started to feel bad so we let these people get lobbying, government, and corporate seats and what they brought with them is their culture and beliefs. This is years of open door policy to people who don't give a shit about our culture. Her line of questioning was not out of order, but she is not someone I would champion. Neither is the guy she is questioning. It's ironic because he worked for administrations during the period where cultural assimilation was being pushed. He is laying in the bed he made.

In a choice between mudslimes and kikes I choose neither.

>Elliott Abrams (born January 24, 1948)

Fuck boomers.

Congress has gone full retard. You never go full retard! Never!

Can barely speak or read English and she was voted in by a sizeable group of people to run this country. Let's build a wall, that'll save us.

>what I'm supposed to support

grab popcorn

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This user gets it. I, for one, welcome the continued dysfunctional circus.

She's not the problem, swedes are. If you didn't had so many swedes in minnesota you wouldn't have so many somalis. It's that simple.

Somalis are not black

Way more balls than Donkey Cortez, I can appreciate that.

>The Republican party is going to get a lot of Jewish refugees from the Democratic party
And that mean that the cuckservatives will go even more anti-white?

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New Poll Shows Support for Israel Plummeting Among U.S. Liberals, Millennials and Women
Recent Economist-YouGov surveys indicate that the generally positive views of Israel are being steadily eroded in the hyperpolarized Trump era

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the hell are they, then?

well it was Obama and his (((backers))) who decided to send africans to one of the coldest states... quite simply to make it less white.

Elliot Fucking Abrams.
She is merely hurling her judgement at him.
This is not a good faith interview.
However, glad to see him treated with contempt.

What is her IQ, 80 or lower?

Shes an America hating piece of nigger trash that souldnt be in the US. Thanks Jews!

But shes right about AIPAC and shes right about Neocon demon (((Elliott Abrams))). Thats where we're at in America in the current year.

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To be clear in advance, I am not weighing in on the merits, or faults, of Omar or any Somali, or any nigger for that matter.
That said... Somalis are pretty much genetically Egyptian rather than African.
Doesn't make them white... but it definitely doesn't make them black either.

Caucasoid people of East Africa.

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>"It was not a question," shot back Omar.

She is just a fucking nigger.

The law doesn't apply to the Zionist Nazis who fund Islamic terror in the middle east

She lied and told everyone she lived with her father in the riding area. Her father came out recently and said she was lying. She married her brother and this is against the law in the US. She is a liar, and a threat and should be kicked out of the country or at least investigated

Egypt wuz kangz, yo.

Somalis are not black. We're caucasoid people that have dark skin, which makes us far superior to pastyshitskin whites.

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We need a "look at me" meme with these two

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She's /ourgirl/.

Fuck off zionists.

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She hasn't been put on trial. And there are 30,000,000 Mexicans that are illegal here getting ignored. Any trial would construed as another AIPAC orchestrated attack for her straying off the reservation.

I think her stupidity is working for the greater good though. Ever see those cop shows where a nigger confesses to a crime? That's like her. Too stupid to keep her mouth shut, but it's OK for someone trying to find out the truth.

Are you new to this whole politics thing? You know, when they tell you how they are an outsider, but they become instantly corrupt when elected. You know, how they promise the world, but never deliver

> I am not weighing in on the merits, or faults, of Omar or any Somali, or any nigger for that matter.

You are new to politics if you don't get the system is setup to keep people from coming and and making sweeping changes.

Israel and the jewish world order will crumble by 2020. Shills being paid to spam Jow Forums 247 are shitting themselves.

The two party system and democracy as a whole is a jewish trick, the only people trustworthy are those who name the jew.

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Mirin his neck gains.

Somalis are the niggers of niggers.

I'm just saying that Egypt waz kangs, so if Somalis branch off of Egypt, then wazn't they kangs? Or was that something that only happened to the remaining Egyptians later on?

no muslim nigger will ever be our girl. Jow Forums is a board for Zionists.

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At least they have the balls to do what we should’ve done.

we don't care about ordinary citizens. this country was founded by the elite for the elite.

Of course.

Abrams may suck-- he is totally a globalist/Zionist, but she came off as a reward. I mean literally, I think she might be mentally handicapped. She had serious trouble reading and pronouncing simple words.

Well, let me know when they do something about the mudess then.
Until then, I'll be taking advantage of greater signal boosts for exposing kike duplicity.

both are mouth breathing retards that only seem to get the boomers riled up but at least they are brave enough to be isolationists while in congress of all places

>Neither of them are citizens. They are shitskin invaders.

Omar is a moral foreigner, truly "doing a job Americans wont do".

Abrams is an immoral foreigner who degrades this once great nation.

Prior to Jewish takeover, Americans were the most loved and respected people anywhere in the world.

>insulting /ourgirl/

Shoot yourself.

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>She's not the problem, swedes are. If you didn't had so many swedes in minnesota you wouldn't have so many somalis. It's that simple.

good point

my god she single handily redpilled 5% minimum of the population within 48 hours

I suspect she's got a really good staff make sure her somali ass doesn't appear like the 80iq it is.

>Omar is a moral foreigner, truly "doing a job Americans wont do".
Do you really believe that? Americans don't want to be congressmen, we need to import them from Somalia?

Somalia was originally included in the southern part of ancient Egypt.
The ruling class (Pharoahs, etc.) and the wealthy/elite classes lived mostly in the northern and north-central parts of ancient Egypt back then.
The southern part was made up of, what we might call today, as the "working class" and the "po' folk".

t. history major/archeology minor graduate

AOC is part jewish..and A0C did accept PAC money. Look it up on open secrets.

>somali sub 80 IQ reads poorly and incoherently from notes
>Jow Forums hails the new based black person

Why do I come here?

How about taking that cunt rag of your head and showing some goddamn respect. Burgers, you were warned about Minnesota. It's a problem.

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The enemy of my enemy is at best a temporary ally.
Don't try that tired old "you must support X otherwise you're Y" paradigm.



Holy shit she's a dumbass, but that dumbassery is probably why she feels comfortable asking these retarded questions which she'll (probably) get iced for.

Which is why we need to back this horse, because holy shit she pisses off kikes more than anything.

>it doesn't matter that she's anti-white, against the second amendment, and a socialist
>she said this thing about israel

Just look at your self man, your girl is a retarded leftist, feminist, nigger, muslim, who married her own brother and can barely speak English. You need to reevaluate your decisions in life m8.

Similarly for AOC. I'm glad both of them became celebrities to sort of kick the D party out of its drooling glaze and have to confront what its future directions should be. Regardless of what I think of their policies.

English is not her first language, and she obviously did not want to make any mistakes that could lead to the zionist get off the hook with a rebuttal.

I guess Jow Forums is tsundere for jews now.

you know its fucking hilarious that a nigger muzzie has more balls to call out kike shenanigans in our government than the fucking (((alt right)))

I'm right wing and I'm cheering on a somali muslim who frankly doesn't even belong in a white country in the first place.

Whites have something to learn from these people.

And I'll side with a muslim, a nigger, even a cockroach, before I even contemplate siding with a jew.

Stop spreading this fake tweet

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We're being over run by leftist Trannies. They're trying to use this cunts antisemitism to divide us.

Their golem is turning on them.

Is that why you're so scared of her?

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Shut up you low IQ MIGAtard.

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>Which is why we need to back this horse, because holy shit she pisses off kikes more than anything.

agree 110%. she, like AOC, is only one vote out of 535, so that is not even close to an issue on that front.

but what we are seeing is that just one member of Congress can ASK QUESTIONS

and as we see that fucks up the Jews

Her ESL speaking skills not an issue. Lots of Freshman congress are a little weak, but of course none every ask any questions so it don't matter.

and your savior is a kike puppet, that's much worse user

Much of the alt-right is controlled op. Milo, Peterson etc. successfully transformed the most public message/interpretation of the alt-right to one of Civic Nationalism even though it certainly started out with jew naming and white separatism.

>anti-semitism on Jow Forums is dividing
wanna know how i figured you're a reddit transplant?

She makes the Democrats look like retards and also the Neocons. Win/Win?

>>it doesn't matter that she's anti-white, against the second amendment, and a socialist
>>she said this thing about israel

correct, because Trump and entire GOP are also all those things, and Israel is the source of all that evil.

but she is the only one brave enough to address the root of the problem

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>Elliott Abrams was born into a Jewish family[5] in New York in 1948. His father was an immigration lawyer. Abrams attended the Little Red School House in New York City, a private high school whose students at the time included the children of many of the city's notable left-wing activists and artists.[6] Abrams' parents were Democrats.

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im starting to think that this is more of a generational trend. sooner or later we are hopefully gonna get our first freshman republican zoomer who goes out against AIPAC too and the house of cards will start to collapse.

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