Seriously, how can Muslims claim Islam is any good when their Islamic homelands are all total shitholes?

Seriously, how can Muslims claim Islam is any good when their Islamic homelands are all total shitholes?

Attached: Islam is based.jpg (2888x1908, 2.36M)

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narcissm and cognitive dissonance.

i think inbreeding plays a big roll in this retardness

Attached: Islam is so fucking based.jpg (1828x838, 127K)

How can whites claim Islam is the solution when in fact they'll have to accept the mass amount of brown hordes of people in our countries as brothers and participate in the demise of other whites that do not wish to convert when shit actually hits the fan? Islam is the reason why most pakis are a burden on our socialist health care because of the amount of inbreeding, also doesn't help in the looks department. Islam is the reason of the downfall of the so called "Islamic goldenage". It's globalistic in its pursuit, it only benefits (((them))) in the end. Also I'd rather not see brown men holding little white girls hands in the future.

Because western tyrants bombed them all...

se monsieur nous montre le veritable enemi qui emairde les francais

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yes, before ww2 all muslim countrys was a kind of "REAL LIFE WAKANDA" where people was born with a 190 iq, 2020 vision and immaculate physique. gold adorned every street, building and mosque. it was a time of unrivaled, cultural and scientific advance. then us white barbarians came with our inferior technology and backwards ways and thats why its okay to marry and impregnate children

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Yes there's shithole countries like Syria, Pakistan, etc, but what do these have in common? They were invaded by proxy Jew armies. Look at Turkey, Iran, Albania. Fully Islamic but without the foreign influence.
Again it's not a Islam problem it's a Jew problem. Remember, Wahhabism/Salafism movements are funded by Israel.


have you ever been to one of these countrys ?

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These places still have some common sense because they weren't islamic in their more glorious past and still have evidence of it.


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What's your point?

KEK thanks for the pic OP

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turkey atleast looks cleaner and more livable than russia/poland and other east shitholes

Iran is the only one I listed that wasn't Islamic in its recent past. And what did it look like before the Islamic revolution? Pride parades, womens 'liberation', and degeneracy everywhere. Yeah so glorious.

Well...They needed democracy.

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been there, rural shithole, everyone out of the few big cities are in villages where they marry at 14

Basically turkey but slav

Actually had potential, even after the revolution. Too bad they invest all their money in exporting it instead of their own people. Their lakes disappearing due to overusage, the water they do have aren’t clean and you can’t do shit without being executed by a fanatic.

you state 3 countrys that qualify as "good"

those 3 countrys are absolute shitholes and you have obviously never been there.

lol, no mohammed. have you seen how the real turkey looks like? its not like antalya let me tell you that much.

[cocky proposal]
maybe we should let the kikes *spit* rule over the mudshits

>islam is GOOD and STRONG
>gets btfo for a thousand years



No thanks, I like my ethnostate jewish and without genocidal goatfuckers (well save for the ones we already have but you get my point)

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>it’s da west fault for our counties being Islamic terrorist shitholes!!!!

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>everyone out of the few big cities are in villages where they marry at 14
Literally nothing wrong with that, city boy.
>Basically turkey but slav
That's true and that's a good thing.
>Their lakes disappearing due to overusage
There's no proof of this, and you should stop believing Jewish lies.

You can LARP as much as you want but you're hardly better than them and you know it.

This is actually the question that gave rise to modern Salafists and other Islamic fundamentalists. During the European colonial period they were getting their asses kicked, which seemed to be a historical change from the golden age of Islamic civilization when the empire was expanding at an unprecedented rate. The answer they came up with is that the Muslim world had got away from real Islam and needed to revive it. Cue today's extremists.

The evil of the west is more powerful than the blessings of their God
It's a test.

Same reason why the Christian God seems to be so impotent.

Don't forget this guy probably pretends to be a natsoc on Jow Forums daily

It's more like the fault of the yanks and the brits rather than the entire west.
You guys sure do like killing people if it makes your country richer.

Everyone knows the reason for their homes being shit holes is; white people
The crisis is most notebly appearance in the khuzestan region, but most of the people there are ethnic arabs and not persian so the government doesn’t give a shit
arent we all here for larping user?Why should I lol, natsocs are pathetic little shits

The reason the mideast is a shithole is because of religion and inbreeding. You worshiped god instead of trying to understand god or attempting to become gods. The west and the far east had those aspirations for centuries and its why you fell so far behind

>it’s da Americans and Brits fault why Islamic countries are shitholes filled with inbred terrorist!!!!!

turkey was roman catholic, their whole nation was build with christian walls.

The reason Turkey hasn't gone to shit is because their form of a constitution says that religion (Islam) and the government are to be separated.

and how did western nations get to the state where they could easily conquer muslim countries because muslim countries were so backward that they had no guns , tanks, planes, electricity, or anything?

hmmm could it be because islam caused them to consider the printing press haram because it would be sacrilege to have a machine write the language of the quran, meaning that for 400 years ideas and information and literacy spread far , far more slowly than in europe and america?
the answer is yes that is exactly what happened.

Islam is literally the primary reason why the middle east was such a backward, technologically and scientifically undeveloped shithole in comparison to europe and the west.
Due to religious qualms, Sultan Bayezid II and successors prohibited printing in Arabic script in the Ottoman empire from 1483 on penalty of death, but printing in other scripts was done by Jews as well as the Greek and Armenian communities (1515 Saloniki, 1554 Bursa (Adrianople), 1552 Belgrade, 1658 Smyrna). In 1727, Sultan Achmed III gave his permission for the establishment of the first legal print house for printing secular works in Arabic script (religious publications still remained forbidden),[85] but printing activities did not really take off until the 19th century.

I was talking about before the Ottoman Empire and all those jewish mind tricks.

like pic related?

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this picture is some good shit. I remember looking through several of the same resources and books of islamic law he did.

>Seriously, how can Muslims claim Islam is any good when their Islamic homelands are all total shitholes?

islam is shit and should be eradicated. fuck mohammad, he was a faggot and a kiddie diddler.

Iran used to be somewhat nice before the revolution.. Then it went to shit.

Its genuinely mostly the fault of the US. Most prolific thieves and murderers in modern history. Open a book.

they are inbred and have negative IQ

The middle east was pretty shitty even before the US started bombing..

All religions prosyletise by their nature, since they are an essental part of communities and communities often overlap one another.

Not that I necessarily disagree with you, but what would you say about places like Dubai or Kuwait that are functional and extremely opulent places to live while also being conservative Muslim? I agree that there's plenty of Muslim shitholes, but there's also Muslim countries that are 1st world as fuck

Yes because Muslims have been completely innocent throughout history. They for sure didn’t have Imperial empires