/obg/ - Owen Benjamin General: crushing claws edition

This thread is for the discussion of Owen Benjamin and his hilarious comedy podcast.

>discuss bear talking points that redpill the normies, and to create a new political movement.
>ignore shills
>don't shitpost, discuss politics, we don't want to give mods reasons to ban the thread
>List of issues


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Other urls found in this thread:


where my bears at

we can do it bears

This guy does nothing but bitch about Joe Rogan to the point where I think it's all he thinks about

shutup shill, go back to sodomizing soros

oven Benjamin is trey parker without the notoriety or the influence.

oh look another sodomite shill

bears more like kikes

whats the name of the fag kid that said "YA DYIN ON STAGE" in some homo hangouts argument?

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Owen has an IQ of 249.

He told us, so it's true.

how much does soros pay you?

lets root for big bear!

Owen is broadcasting the awakening millions of people are currently experiencing. It’s a beautiful time to be alive.

How much you wanna bet that OP is not only over 30, but he also gives this Jew money AND has a best name; something like Felatio Bear

Hell yeah big bear take the 911 red pill bro

How long before he Chris Benoit's his entire family?

Just fucking die. All of you paypig faggots die.

Hi Media Matters. How many kids have you fucked today?

just filthy sodomites, probably pedophiles too

the messages he left on Crowders Phone were pretty funny.
They were using some of them on their show yesterday

He's a fucking idiot. Watch this latest livestream from The Red Elephants where Owen is on the show. He's a fucking obnoxious retard, constantly interrupting, laughing without muting his mic, so he interrupts the others with that too. Just all in all a fucking annoying person, whom I'd like to punch in the face.

Forgot link, lol. youtube.com/watch?v=9yiEJaOp8LU

>sup bears, no homo
>today, I cut trees
>I'm like so fucking intelligent dood
>sodomite jews
>aaaaaaaannnnnd now you're banned
>that's literally insaaaaayyyynnnneeee
>I'm not crazy
>Toe Rogan is 5' 4"
>you're retarded
>my mom told me my IQ is 147
>I'm man-sized, 6' 8"
>I have a mustache
>Vox Day
>we never went to the moon
>ducks have 20 inch penises
>no one's having a better time than us
>today, I built fences
>that Nimmer stole my bike
>now you're banned for life
>filthy sodomite
>Toe Rogan is 5' 1"
>you're all cowards
>thanks for your support
>dood, I'm like really fucking smart
>5ft of solid lead to get through the Van Allen belts
>I'm gonna land the plane
>Toe Rogan is 4' 4"
>147 IQ
>fuck you sodomite
>it's the Jews

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how much does soros pay you?

I'm not a fucking kike shill, you retarded mutt.

are you paid in shekels or canadian dollars

nice try Kike

Had to stop following this immense faggot.

nice try you sodomite shill jew


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"I heard there was some channel that made fun of me...I totally didn't watch it, they're a bunch of losers....but yah after watching it I flagged them. If you are going to insult someone, you have to pay them 50% royalties....So anyways fuck Joe Rogan he is only 4ft tall."

lol, this

>le 2016 election maymay

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LOL obvious shill is obvious. Cry harder, buttboy.

>names the jew
>Jow Forums hates him

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this. He's an obnoxious retard who is cursed with the unenviable combination of being simultaneously ignorant and arrogant

I forgot about the van Allen belts, haha what an idiot

wow did soros activate all his bot sodomite shills?

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By becoming a bear you're putting a target on your back for the glowniggers and kikes. Retards.

He literally said he is a quarter jew himself, you retard

It’s more just a running joke. He hasn’t actually talked about him at length in a long time.

Not because he names the Jew - that's good. But just because you name the Jew doesn't mean that you're necessarily a likeable person. He's just a clown. Interrupts all the time and acts like a 12 year old. If anything, he gives anti-Jews a bad rep, much like Little, although they're putting off people in very different ways.

so you must be a russian bot then

maybe I do work for George Soros maybe I don't but you're still a boomer closet faggot

He was yesterday telling about Spielberg being a pedo on InfoWars. Based.

This will become known as the saddest LARP ever. God help you user you must be lonely

Yeah, Putin personally paid me 50$ to say that you are fucking retarded


Kill yourself fucking fags you are the new milo fanboys reeeeeeeeeeeee

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Pick one.


They're worse

why do we allow Qtard boomer bears to live???

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Alex Jones is a gatekeeper, but he does show you the gate. Just have to get past him, he is based in some respects.

he's doing more then you are jorgen..

Only mental children think he's cool
The joke is well over now it's just sad

Are you that Nightwave Radio faggot? LOL your just assblasted because Owen flagged your channel. You have to pay him if you play his clips because they belong to him. I love your tears.

so you all must be young sodomite antisemites, how much does soros pay you all

Yeah i like the guy but he really didn't do himself any favours in that stream. He could use a break

>he's doing more then you are jorgen..

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lol you fucking brainlet boomer

I've seen those retards shilling their shit channel for weeks

Oh look...it's another Nightwave faggot circlejerk. How's that like/dislike ratio, faggots?

see how these pedophiles attack us? it's pathetic

Yeah, like protecting Israeli/Jewish interests. He's a fucking kike shill now. Wasn't always like that, but now he's a total sell out. Why do you think he got all that fancy studio equipment suddenly.

342/90 rn

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This is just sad. I have to hold faith that you're larping, if not then you're genuinely so retarded it's a godlike miracle you haven't been drowned, electrocuted or fallen into a combine harvester by now
Which is it?


Yeah they're some kind of psyop. They get paid probably by Soros.

you sodomites need to stop eating onions, and stop being pedophile shills

>being totally oblivious to a LARP thread.
You guys have to be retarded.
Owen Benjamin is on his way to becoming the next Hitler and you guys are sperging out about controlled opposition. Take the BearPill.

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He's a NIGGER. His words don't matter.

Compared to 3500/500? Impressive. >embraces sub-mediocrity
Can't even add them up to the total dislikes of the last OB stream, huh? Won't bother with viewer count. How does it feel to be irrelevant?

Answer my question you fairy. Also, how tall are you?

look at these pedophile kikes, afraid of a real man.

I bet you're all less than 6 ft

SO MUCH THIS. Everybody says we landed on the moon but where is the proof??? There isn't any! Just a bunch of fake videos and their movie props in museums.

Take it easy, Medium Bear... still better than Heel Turn/Richard Spencer numbers.

ROTC has been a bit heavy on the RW e-celeb drama but it's still decent


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Found the Redditfag


how many kids have you sodomized today shill?

>correcting grammatical errors on Jow Forums

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Those guys are fags. Their channel is going down next!

Only have one in my sights, but I haven't found you yet. Now shove that penisvape up your asshole to prep for me, Mersh. I'm coming for you.

Danebro gets it

oh look, more soros paid pedophile shills

Fuck off mossad spy. Owen is a jew, and he's subverting you.

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Oh look, more irrelevant Cisfags. How's that YouTube strike working out for you?

Shill harder, retard bear

Answer my question you fairy. How tall are you, LARPER?

nice try owen u fuken faget

>stop liking shit I dont like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry we're sliding the 20 tranny discords threads for something thats genuinely pol related

how much does soros pay you pedophiles?

Subbed to his channel and now I'm thinking of unsubbing. All he does is make the same jokes over and over again. Joe the toe at least has some original content.

Owen Benjamin has a lot of potential but also badly need psychological treatment.

According to ROTC, there will be information coming out about Owen's history of homosexuality.

Going to (((YouTube))) to snitch on his critics was even worse for Benjamin than the Nimmer thing.

He's gotta pull back from ROTC; it will be a David & Goliath situation for him if he keeps it up.

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you sound like a broken record, is this the best comeback you retard bears can come up with?
Kill yourself

Are you a member? It's great you can participate in the chat. You can also get a bear name. I'd tell you mine but I don't want to dox myself.

yeah so you guys enable the pedophiles like a filthy manlet pedophile would do

Not my argument. Never said Benjamin shouldn't be discussed. It's what I'm here for. I'm here to laugh at this coward of a larper who won't answer me