Trouble during Penetration

I know Jow Forums is SFW board, but today it's sunday so the offices are closed.

I am having difficulty penetrating my girlfriend. We are having this trouble since last few weeks. I am a virgin and she has supposedly had sex once with a midget which she describes as very painful and wasn't a good experience.

So my question is, is it possible that her hymen is still intact after that one incident that it is not letting me go inside?
I have a weird condition of tight foreskin that it goes down only like 1/3rd of the head so sex without a condom feels painful.

I have tried pushing it hard inside, getting her really really wet and adding more lube but girth of my penis already seems to big to go inside her vagina.

What do? Any anons with experience here?

Also, am I still a virgin even after the above described sexual experience?

Attached: 1518121389906.jpg (851x1200, 159K)

Multiple issues here

> So my question is, is it possible that her hymen is still intact after that one incident that it is not letting me go inside?
I'm not even sure what you mean. The hymen shouldn't be something completely blocking you from entering, especially if she had sex before.

> I have a weird condition of tight foreskin that it goes down only like 1/3rd of the head so sex without a condom feels painful.
Have you seen a doctor about this? What does he/she think?

> I have tried pushing it hard inside, getting her really really wet and adding more lube but girth of my penis already seems to big to go inside her vagina.
I assume you mean that it's too painful? I don't think it's hymen issues as that shouldn't be so painful as to make sex impossible, especially after having had sex before or having tried "pushing it hard". You should be able to see the hymen (or she can look herself using a mirror) if it's there too make sure. Perhaps your gf is suffering from vaginitis which is basically a vaginal inflammation issue which can have all kinds of causes. She should see a doctor/gynecologist.

> Also, am I still a virgin even after the above described sexual experience?
We'll leave that to the philosophers.

She might have that vaginimutus condition where her vag is just too tight. Idk what the cure is, probably gradually using small dildo and upping the size.

Or also she is so nervous she's clenching her vag muscles without even knowing it. That's a fucking thing women do as well.

I tried opening the petal like part of the vagina apart.

Pic related is what I saw on google and right side is what I saw in real.

There was no hole/cavity which is denoted in black color on right side. I saw a solid bulge like surface as shown in pin in right. The only hole like thing I saw is below it, from which a mucus like liquid was coming which I am assuming is some sort of lubricating liquid.

>The hymen shouldn't be something completely blocking you from entering, especially if she had sex before.

That's the issue. We are not sure if the hymen is intact or not, is the pink thing on right hymen? The midget dude she had sex with went like one inch in and she made him stop so the situation is really gray and we both are very inexperienced in this.

I thought that too that she is probably clenching. But we are almost married now, and she is very comfortable with me. We clean each others nose and see each other poop without an issue. So there is really no reason for her to get uncomfortable with me.

Attached: compare.png (940x612, 57K)

>supposedly had sex once with a midget which she describes as very painful and wasn't a good experience.

Attached: 1486095427661.jpg (627x720, 229K)

Have you tried putting a finger in? The hymen is harder to break than some people think. Some women go to the Dr. To have it clipped.

>Jow Forums is SFW board
I thought SFW applied only to the images posted

and you're right

Well, it wasn't a literal midget.
Some 4 feet 11 inch dude.

Maybe I will try that the next time. Can you check the figure in this image? Do you think the pink region is the intact hymen and it needs to be torn down?

I have tried fingering the first time we tried having sex and she said it was too painful. So I didn't try that after that. I have only tried penile penetration ever since.

Can I post the picture of vagina on some image host and put the link here?

>I thought SFW applied only to the images posted
It is, at least as I'm aware. There's no rule on bad language (although if you're that angry that you're typing out swear words you probably shouldn't post it at all). Some boards have minor rules on content for OP's, like on this one you're not allowed to make non advice related posts, but that's the only restriction.

That does kinda sound like a hymen; assuming she can have her period just fine there should be something of an opening in there though.
Seeing a gynecologist couldn't hurt; they should be able to see what's going on and whether it's normal (if you can't have sex there's probably something going on).

> She might have that vaginimutus condition where her vag is just too tight. Idk what the cure is, probably gradually using small dildo and upping the size.
> I thought that too that she is probably clenching.
Vaginismus can have a variety of causes, from psychological issues (histroy of sexual abuse or non-sexual domestic violence) and stress to infections; again, not something you want to just screw around with but you probably want to see a doctor.

I guess if you really don't want to have her see a doctor or gynecologist you could experiment a bit together; but I'm not sure if it's the best thing to do. You can try to see how far you can go with just penetrating with the fingers; or let her try herself. If the hymen is intact after all then it could indeed hurt to break it; but it's probably better to ease into it, going progressively further, than to force through in one go. When you can put like two fingers in then you should be good to slowly start trying "normal" penetration.

Do you have a drill?


Well it certainly could be (not the best drawing, sorry)

If you cant get a finger in then you absolutely wont be able to get your dick in... I dont know what the heck is going on with a the midget, if you cant get in then he couldn't have gotten in.

She should see a doctor and they can fix that for her no problem. As mentioned, it's not unheard of for women to have to have this procedure.

nigga you say you're a virgin but also that sex hurts without a condom ?
she had sex but she's a virgin ?

nigga fuck off this is a serious board

I wasn't able to penetrate properly so I am not sure if I have lost my virginity or not.
She says she was involved in an intercourse but as above anons are describing, her hymen is intact too, so she is a virgin too?

Nigga what seems to be confusing here?

Yes, no issues in her period. As you can see in this image on the right side, there is a tiny opening with some mucus like stuff coming out. I am assuming that is where the period blood comes out from.
I will try fingering and will report it here.

She suggested that there is no rush and we can do these things after our marriage as well and there is no need to be worried about anything.

Don't do that, OP. user doesn't want to help, they just want a picture. They won't be able to diagnose from a picture anyways.

She needs to see a gynecologist. I suspect vaginismus as the issue. Hymens are not barriers except in usual and sometimes medically problematic situations. They're rings of tissue that stretch and do not inhibit passage.

Vaginismus is a condition where the vagina clamps shut as a reflex, like how you blink when something moves towards your eye. It's an unconscious protective measure.

She needs to see a professional (gyno or sex therapist) to confirm this. In the meantime I would assume that the problem is something like vaginismus and act accordingly.

Vaginismus is a psychosomatic issue, meaning that it's the brain that is causing it. It's an unconscious reflex but the reflex comes from somewhere. Things like anxiety about sex, fear of STIs, an upbringing that shames people for sexual acts, any of these can cause a negative mental association with sex which can contribute to or cause vaginismus. She needs to be comfortable, to relax, and to build up a new positive association.

I highly suggest you not try penetration. Forcing penetration and causing pain will only worsen the situation. Trying and failing to penetrate will also deepen the anxiety that she feels surrounding penetration, and again make it worse.

Explore other, non-penetrative sexual acts. Things like oral, external fingering, etc. She needs to learn that sex is fun, and that she can trust you. With time and patience and a positive association with sex, her body should be able to relax and gradually allow penetration first with a finger, then more, and then eventually penile penetration. It's a slow process that will take a while and any attempt to rush it is going to backfire.

A sex therapist can help her figure out what is causing negative association and give you more information + an actual diagnosis of the issue.

But don't post pics. That won't help.

*not barriers except in unusual situations

Wow user-chan.
That was really helpful.
I will try everything you have suggested here.

This seems entirely psychological then. I will try to make her feel even more comfortable around me to see if it helps the act.

If her hymen is actually something that covers the vaginal entrance, then she also needs to see a doctor to diagnose and treat this.