Is Jow Forums right or just plain retarded?

Is Jow Forums right or just plain retarded?

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I don't care anymore if it's right, it aligns with my pessimism and my hatred of the world.

Not only completely fucking retarded, but self fulfilling. I had a generally attractive dude friend go from an 8/10 to a 4/10 because he suddenly became self conscious of his height (5' 3), suddenly starting using his skin tone as "one of his best features" and started being so fucking negative all the time. He literally went from a pseudo Chad to an incel in like 6 months

From my personal experience it turned me from a positive fun person to hang out with to a recluse who started to hate everything and everyone. Not blaming it directly but it doesn't do anything positive for me so I cut it off.

no, you just have awful taste in men

this, lmao. You can't be a chad unless you are at least 5'10 feet tall desu

Jow Forums is alt right last time I heard.

5'10 still a manlet.
you misheard it "always" not "alt", I believe thats how the meme goes.

Both, that's what autism does to you

What, and a straight male knows better?

Says who, dudes? A Chad is a dude who is unbelievably attractive, grabs women without effort and everyone likes being around him. That's the point. If you think there's any physical attributes then that's your preference, tbqh.

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>a dude who is unbelievably attractive
attraction is purely based on our genetics and being 5'3 is objectively shit genetics. So I guess the keyword here is unbelievably. Ah, that makes sense. Carry on.

>Is an echo chamber full of bitter losers a good place to form political opinions?

Nah. Doesn't mean you shouldn't question, "the man," but it's not a great rabbit hole to go down.

Can you faggots stop shitting up this already shit thread?

nothing is 100% right. an echo chamber like that never is, no matter the ideas they present. approach it like you would something scientific, realizing that it will never portray the full truth but can contain some. and then use your damn head.

So you are a dude trying to decide what makes dudes attractive. If you're straight, this is weird that you're trying to act as if you can comment. If you're gay, perhaps it's that gay men like tall men, but unfortunately I'm speaking from a woman's perspective.

Women, contrary to popular opinion, cannot see you DNA. That means we cannot see if you have "weak genetics". Those of us who aren't explicitly interested in tall men will see short men with other characteristics, such as good face, nice beard, good hair, strong morals, good personality, etc., and this will play into the whole rating.

This guy, 5' 3, was an easy 8/10. My preference out him was just short of 10, honestly. You don't have to believe me, but that doesn't make it untrue.

Pretty much all of the lookism/blackpill followers are latent homosexuals. You're arguing with a faggot

I mean, it does appear they're far more into what men look like than what I am, which is pretty weird. I've always be fascinated with the self destructive logic tho, I can't help but engage with them.

>Women back in their place as servants and protectorates of men
>Non-whites removed or neutralized
>Gays & other freaks sterilized and committed to psychiatric institutions
>Degenerate art and media eliminated
>Christianity restored to its former glory

I can’t actually see the downside here

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there was an attempt


>autists are even more ostracized and perhaps more unlikely to get a gf than in currentyear
lets not go back

Pol is just angry stormfront faggots and huffing post warriors.

Its good for laughs.

If it's on Jow Forums, it's probably because it was so wrong and baseless and vapid that nowhere else on the internet wanted anything to do with it.
While they're on the right track (upper echelons of power are corrupt and need deposing) they're also complete spergs about it, and since they're on 4chinz they tend to cause more problems than they actually solve.

Jow Forums is not one person, newfriend. It's the politics board, not stormfront.

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Replacing your population with 3rd worlders doesnt make your country better. Jow Forums is right

Jow Forums is mostly correct. Also, the 5’3 guy shit has to be bait.

>>Degenerate art and media eliminated

They say, while posting on Jow Forums.

I see that being posted all the time about them, but in reality it's like 98% nothing but frogpost politics that circlejerks around a red pill and maybe like 2% dissident voices that are there to try and break up the echo chamber a little bit.

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it's retarded. Very, very retarded.

Mostly right from an objective standpoint of modern immigration not adding anything positive to a country.
It is a globalist plot.

But regardless if you dwell on the negatives of society like some of the great philosophers of the past (i.e. diogenes) your life will begin to suck as you realize the futility of any attempt to change the system because the brain washed cattle, even when presented with objective proof (MK ULTRA, Vietnam false flag, CIA drug smuggling, fucking bilderberg, Lusitania, Federal Reserve, Race crime stats, average income via tax from a racial group and expenditures via welfare for a given group) they will ignore what you say.
Then you realize that it is hopeless unless the normies are punished via some mass tragedy such as another Vietnam War, great depression, etc. and become a hermit.

Goebbels was autistic as fuck.
Just by nature of being a high functioning autist (which was less common back then because not every shy kid was diagnosed with mental illness, mind control such as vidya wasn't perfected, mass media etc.) you probably were the smartest person in your village for specific subjects.

>K ULTRA, Vietnam false flag, CIA drug smuggling, fucking bilderberg, Lusitania, Federal Reserve, Race crime stats, average income via tax from a racial group and expenditures via welfare for a given group)

the average Jow Forums retard supports like the first half of those things.

Fucking this. Retards with simple views that probably are afraid to talk to people in real life.

pol is literally a safe space for alt right edgy autists that present no viable solutions to current problems and think some people are more equal than others,

>You probably were the smartest person in your village for specific subjects.

They didn't have wikipedia back then chief. If you were too autistic to complete a general education, you were sent to a loony bin to get your brain scooped out or maybe you worked as a chimney sweep until you died of natural causes at the ripe old age of 15.

I love how much they use the NPC with absolutely NO self-awareness of how they all use the same pictures and the same language and the same memes and all think the same way.

It's like they're all running off the same script
>IF (DISAGREE), "ur a SJW"

Very few modern autists are too stupid to complete general education, because aspergers no longer exists.
There is now little to no differentiation in the psychology textbooks of labelling a 150 IQ autistic genius savant and a 50 IQ useless retard.
Currently the modern psychology industry (pseudo-science with conflicting theories) likes to diagnose people with mental illnesses for basic things like being sad about your job, and then drug you instead of recommending a new job, they diagnose shy people with autism, hyper people with ADHD/ADD.
This used to not happen and someone who was smart yet shy was not mentally ill but a common sort of person, or at least common enough for stereotypes to form which are based in truth.

>I love how much they use the NPC

the NPC meme.

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If you ignore any of those things you are a retard.
Fact is 3rd world people = 3rd world society, keep them out.
Intellectual elite of the 3rd world are in such small number (and don't use regular immigration channels, anyway) so they're almost irrelevant to any discussion as no one wants to restrict the Chinese millionaire from coming over.

>aspergers no longer exists.

yeah? When did that happen.

like 10 years ago in America.
Maybe a little less.

I didn't say anything about ignoring any of that, I'm saying that the average poltard thinks its great when the government goes out and kills people and abuses its power and ruins lives - as long as it triggers the SJWs :) One of their favorite memes is the helicopter ride for fuck's sake.

Well you're wrong.

It still exists, as part of the larger Autism Spectrum Disorder.

It's like saying "HIV doesn't exist anymore" when scientists figured out AIDs.

Haha still triggered by the NPC meme

>Is Jow Forums right or just plain retarded?
All you have to do is take a quick appraisal of your average Jow Forums user and ask yourself whether or not these people are really the picture of functionality and mental health.

I don't see how people can see the viewpoints of Jow Forums and think they're dumb or whatever. They make a lot of sense, they're just really unwanted and divisive truths.

Post 'em truths

In what universe are you from? It's the left that always lacks facts, always talking about their feelings, as if those two things are the same. Jow Forums might be overkill in some regards, but they're mostly right. There are political problems in our countries. The sysyem is flawed and intruded by corrupt politicians who much rather sit on their ass.all day than do problem-solving. Luckily, at least in my country, there has come an almost competent right-wing party that i would almost vote for. They make a difference. The difference being, daring to adress problems that were unspoken or a tabboo to speak about. They shine light on it. And i'm glad to hear a different view on topics. If it wasn't for the treason-like immigration policy of the left and some other small things, i'd probably be a "left-winger".

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Having extensively argued with Jow Forumsfags, there are two major issues for me.
>holocaust denial
Grandpa's uncle participated in it, so I dismiss people who say it flat out didn't happen.
>weird value system
A recurring thing I've noticed is that they hold "preserving the white race" or some similar thing as a virtue in and of itself, and value it above morality itself. Like in a game theory sense, they're concerned only with the strategy that most effectively continues the white race, and morality is only valuable as a tool for this end.

Where are you from?

The Netherlands, why?

Nice conspiracy

>holocaust denial

Why do you think people deny it though? Having something illegal to speak about in public is so suspect. Not having numbers that match up is suspect. No evidence of giant ash piles is suspect. The fact you cant even LOOK into this shit without breaking laws is evident to some underlying lie.

I don't think anyone is saying the holocaust never happened, they're saying that it didn't happen in the way its depicted.

>weird value system

Maintaining the potential for western civilization and the phenotypes and traditions of white people are what they're concerned with. I think its on the basis that morality is a luxury under the circumstances you wouldn't have to worry about preservation of tradition and culture. Granted they play the game like its in the final stages, but they're just very pre-emptive I guess.

>A recurring thing I've noticed is that they hold "preserving the white race" or some similar thing as a virtue in and of itself, and value it above morality itself.
basic tribal instincts, something almost all groups practice

Jow Forums is a waste of small minded, regressive people. It's full of teenage edgelords who are all fucking thrilled they're being contrarian, but are drawing in legitimate crazy fucking people who think they've found a safe space.

That aside, I can't believe there's people out there who legitimately think preserving race, religion, or "culture" is important in their own useless "tribes" when we share lives on a tiny floating rock that can be traversed in a single day.

>*hits bong*
>weeeeere just a tiny floating rock maaannnn
>dude nothing matters lmao

>post on an anime imageboard
>i'm an elite aryan superhuman preserving righteousness and christianity mannnnnn
>dude you're all degenerates check out my frogposting kek

Jow Forums is always right

Facts come from deductive reasoning.
From our ability to understand the universe.
From our 5 senses.

So use your own senses and brain to understand the ideas posted there. Gain a confidence in your own reasoning skills, then you'll have the answer to this question.

As anyone with a brain would imagine, they are the retardation. Jow Forums Is unironically just a bunch of whining delusional babies, who only respond emiotionally to arguments like the trash unable to argue they are.
Those with "high power level" are just a bunch of retards who post studies already been debunked plenty of time. And when you prove them wrong they sperg and throw tantrums.
A bunch of sad shut-ins with nothing to do: lack of intelligence to succeed, lack of social skill to live an ignorant but happy life.

Communists aren't people.

> morality is only valuable as a tool for this end.
That's precisely what moral systems do--they provide a framework for a society with an underlying goal. Anything else is just yelling your arbitrary personal preferences (and do note that the societal goal is also arbitrary, at least without God, but it isn't undermined by individual dissent) into a tube, and that doesn't help anyone. If your "morality" exterminates itself in a few generations, you have a shitty system.

Morality should focus primarily on two things (and you are prefer that society values something else): happiness/contentment and sustainability. The former without the latter is self-destructive hedonism and rampant materialism we see today, whereas the latter without the former is a totalitarian hellhole that would make 1984 look like the Libertarian Party platform. By definition, if you can't preserve the composition of a society (the white race), it's not sustainable. And also note that this is on a societal level--"sustaining" every life to the point of immortality would also be unsustainable in light of the inevitable population growth from it.

I didn't say I support hate speech laws, just that I dismiss people who deny it as cringey edgelords.
As for the other point, morality is the sole metric by which actions should be judged, so calling it a luxury and saying you can ignore it is ridiculous.
Also, stop pretending that you're just playing devil's advocate. You're allowed to believe what Jow Forums spews, but don't patronize me with these games.

too bad I don't think any of that, I just think you're a retard that dismisses other people's values on completely arbitrary nonsense such as "we share lives on a tiny floating rock that can be traversed in a single day."

>Jow Forums Is unironically just a bunch of whining delusional babies, who only respond emiotionally to arguments
Yeah, leaving aside the baseless assertion and accepting it for the sake of argument, I'm going to hit back with a "tu quoque". Jow Forums has no shortage of lunatics and walking logical fallacies, but don't act like this is tied to any particular viewpoint. Mind you, I argue with Jow Forums on the exact same subject I do here, and when it comes to the whinging degenerates, they're on both boards.
>Bivariate results suggested that delaying sexual involvement was associated with higher relationship quality across several dimensions. The multivariate results indicated that the speed of entry into sexual relationships was negatively associated with marital quality, but only among women."
>"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."
>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."

>By definition, if you can't preserve the composition of a society (the white race), it's not sustainable.

too bad the white race is not a society.

They're covering their asses. Scientific racism is pseudoscience. Collectivism is cancer anyway, even if they are right.

>morality is the sole metric by which actions should be judged, so calling it a luxury and saying you can ignore it is ridiculous.
This is a recurring theme throughout all of recorded history. In times of war, the law falls silent. 'Morality' goes out the window when it's either dying smugly or ensuring the survival necessary to continue being "moral".

You can try to hold yourself back, but that very much is a luxury rather than an inviolate rule--you tell me how long a "No First Strike" nuclear policy would last in a country about to be invaded by ten times as many soldiers as a country has citizens.

stop watching Lauren videos

>morality is the sole metric by which actions should be judged
why, and which system of morality?

>Fact is 3rd world people = 3rd world society, keep them out.

People outside your border aren't apes you fucking idiot. You should be kept out

Exactly. Its analogous to social issues. Nobody would be advocating for gender pronouns in a time of serious war.

Correct. "White" (and I use this for the New World only--Europe should strictly be of nations) is an aspect of society, a certain demographic group making it up. Nobody here has claimed that whiteness is the sole determinant of society, far from it, it just happens to be the subject of discussion at the moment since it's so heavily under threat.
Also, as far as social pillars go, demographic homogeneity is extremely important--whereas culture and politics can change rapidly and reversibly, blood endures (even more so with the reduced pressures of selection) over time, and can never be recovered once lost. Those who would trade permanent demographics for transient fiat funny money, or an extra seat in a rubber stamp legislature, are either self-righteous fools or literal demons.

>posting worst Lauren

>People outside your border aren't apes you fucking idiot.
They could be apes or unicorns with revolving dicks, I don't care so long as they stay outside the border.

>everyone is disagreeing with them, surely they must be right
What kind of mental illness makes a person think like this?

There was nothing in his post which suggested what you put in your meme arrows.

>it just happens to be the subject of discussion at the moment since it's so heavily under threat.

It's not.

You post this as if American Jews dont also identify as American
Couldn't help but notice a vast majority of those people are male too. Why are males disproportionately represented over women?
>inb4 muh biology
If were following that line of reasoning I guess you're implying Jews are biologically superior to non Jews?

Too bad you don't get to decide that.

>Having something illegal to speak about in public is so suspect
Ah ok, so threatening to murder people over social media is probably a virtue right? After all, why would they make it illegal?

The picture is evidence to support the claim that Jews are disproportionately in positions of influence, as well as their nepotistic nature.

Completely unrelated and an absolutely idiotic thing to compare to.

>You can try to hold yourself back, but that very much is a luxury rather than an inviolate rule--you tell me how long a "No First Strike" nuclear policy would last in a country about to be invaded by ten times as many soldiers as a country has citizens.
How convenient for /pol that they try to make everyone believe there's a culture war going on now so they can justify their lack of morals

Anons remember no matter how pseudo racist science they spit or how well they choose their cherry-picked pieces: at the end of the day, even though we are hearing a strong right-wing cry all around europe and america, the left is still gaining more and more power. Let them do damage control all they want.
They know very well themselves where we are heading and can't do nothing 'bout it

Care to actually address what I said or are you just going to repeat your claims and pretend you're arguing with me?

Governments are openly and actively trying to destroy homogeneity--from the US's programs that ship HUD projects into white communities, to Democrats gloating on national television that a "big brown wall" will keep Trump out of office, to Blairite officials declaring that they would "rub the right's nose in diversity" before opening the floodgates, to half of Western European capitals having a minority of the own country's natives, white nations everywhere are on a demographic cliff. It is an absolute fact. Don't give me the "white people aren't being killed" line, either. This is about whites as a group, and white group expression is openly and constantly vilified. Pic related, too.

The simple statements "keep England English" or "Germany for the Germans" would instantly be labeled "far-right hate speech" in those countries, and could even get you arrested.

"American" is a meaningless identity, it's nothing more than a branding you would put on cattle, albeit less permanent than a branding and more damaging to adopt.


It's not that they don't have morals, though. It's simply a question of priority--if your group is destroyed, it has no capacity to be moral or immoral, since it no longer exists. And it's a completely honest assessment that whites as a demographic group are under threat.
You know this, I think you're just playing around semantically for the sake of a sound bite.

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Morality is often not a winning strategy if the game you're playing is anything but the "be moral" game. However, that's objectively the only game you should play.

Stop watching Lauren videos. Here, all your claims debunked:

But you are going to dismiss it with nothing. Anyway culture, people, races aren't something stale and are doomed to mix change and evolve, that you like it or not. And it won't bring to anything bad, expect some Jow Forumstards going full terrorists for ideas from another time sustained by delusional conspiaracy theorists here. Sad

This. Its ridiculous how much Jow Forums has lost all self awareness

Again, you have to define what morality is. If it's simply the blind following of whatever personal preferences an individual happens to have, then it's not only meaningless but also a recipe for societal chaos.
As a structure, morality is best served in ethnocentric terms, as it eliminates both the free rider problem and protects the group from being dominated. It's fairly easy to understand that humanitarians will always lose out to those who take but never give to those outsde of their group. And am I calling ethnocentrism bad? Of course not, I want it.
The fact is, for humanitarianism to even have a chance at working (which is suspect anyway), you would have to destroy every last viable group on the planet, not just ethnic groups, but families too. All of them would be in the way of the single encompassing identity of "human".

I have never watched those videos to begin with. But the video you posted is a mixture of going for low-hanging fruit (civnats like Lauren, ever desperate to avoid being called "racist", contort themselves into indefensible positions by agreeing all possible motivations for their views are wrong). And the guy is saying precisely what I told you not to do. Replacement has nothing to do with physically killing whites.

> Anyway culture, people, races aren't something stale and are doomed to mix change and evolve, that you like it or not.
This is no more an argument than the oil shills hand-wringing about "climate is always changing". That's not at issue--the rate and manner of the change is. In the right conditions, species can persist for millions, even hundreds of millions of years with little change. Doubly so for a species which is so able to shape its own environment rather than the other way around.
Something tells me you don't share the same vitriolic opposition towards environmentalism.

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Also, at the end of the video (about 27 minutes in), the guy openly says that demographic change is occurring, which is exactly the point I made to begin with.

If you keep asking 'why?' long enough you'll eventually find out that everything is based on nonsensical arbitrarily decided axioms, such as "if a = b, then b = a." When you're choosing a hierarchy of values, you need to already have one by which you judge the rest. "That which is morally good = that which you ought to do" is (in my opinion) an axiom that all other values not fundemental in their own right stem from.

>and which system of morality
Alright, this is gonna be even more pretentious so bare with me.
The same way you assume objective reality exists because you experience it, you can assume objective morality exists because you experience it. However, we know our experience of reality isn't always reliable, so we negotiate amongst each other an approximation of what we think objective reality is, with the knowledge that this is only an approximation. It's important to note that not all opinions are considered equally in this process.
Same goes for morality, so while I'm pretty sure objective morality exists, I'm aware that my experience of it is subjective.
That said, I'd say the west and far east have the best approximations of morality yet developed.

The shit you're spewing hasn't been a valid method of societal organization for more than a millennium

Go ahead and explain why (hard mode: do it without using "you're dumb" as an argument). It's literally the opposite, where this way of thinking is more necessary since it's no longer a given.

Last time I checked, nationalism has only been a concern in much more recent times as the stability of groups has become more suspect. In an age where the vast majority of people died within 20 miles of their birth, obviously you're not going to be worried about demographic replacement on the scale we face now.
Large-scale migrations in ancient times were very rare, and were almost invariably destructive on a massive scale.

Ok so you are going to paint on Shaun the idea he thinks great replecemnt means phisically killing whites. All right.

The manners things are chaning are finee, a lot stems from wars (refugees). Demographic change is fine. I'm italian and my country recieved a lot of refugees and immigratns in ther last years. The right approach to this is integrate the foreings and let them bring their culture to ours. I hope all people who got here from war decide to stay and build a future here.
In some years the face of Europe may change (probably going to) and it's fine. You conspiracy theorists are taking us back.

As societies grow in size and complexity it is impossible to segregate them by ethnicity. As has been seen from pretty much every world power that emerged.
It has been proven that combining groups with varying backgrounds, cultures, and upbringings leads to increased creativity and effectivity in their endeavors
As a social animal, hell, as an intelligent being, it is in your best interest to interact with and expose yourself to a variety of different beliefs, cultures, customs, traditions, media, etc. No group, be it nation, race, religion, or society has ever maintained success by valuing isolationism, segregation, and purity of blood. It is a blatant fetishization of stagnation to believe that maintaining a pure race free from different ideas will ever succeed or thrive.

This. "Reality is left-leaning". As much as right-wing groups pop up and seem to constantly be on the news the world has never been more peaceful and prosperous and it has everything to do with the average person being more open to cooperation.

>so you are going to paint on Shaun the idea he thinks great replecemnt means phisically killing whites.
He said that about halfway through the video, along with a glib remark about "white privilege". You can't "debunk" something that's actually happening, so you simply have to shift your focus onto something which can be debunked, in other words, a straw man.

>The manners things are changing are fine
Highly, highly debatable. The patterns of movement are not only destructive in and of themselves (at the risk of waxing philosophical, Italy won't be Italy without Italians), but they are perversely aligned with multiple other processes, like the recent trend of leftists across the West simply importing more voters to ensure electoral success (refer back to the "big brown wall" thing, don't pretend they don't realize this), all with the complicity of nominally "right-wing" industrialists who are too happy to gobble up the cheap labor.

>a lot stems from wars (refugees).
They're migrants, nothing more. They crossed multiple national borders for welfare checks, not safety.

>let them bring their culture to ours
Something has to give. That's either going to be yours or theirs in the long run, perhaps both under the boot of consumerism. Also, the physical presence of outsiders, let alone political presence or even dominance of them, is hardly required for cultural exchange. While Mozart was composing his operas about the Turks, I can guarantee you the suggestion that the Ottomans be brought into Vienna would have been laughed at. Not exactly the same conditions, of course, but the point stands that their physical presence isn't necessary by any means.

>In some years the face of Europe may change (probably going to) and it's fine.
Even if it necessarily destroys the composition of the society? This isn't a question of reality, which is firmly aligned with what "conspiracy theorists" think, but a question of value.

Right about some things, completely wrong in other departments. Race realism and rampant feminism are worth discussing, holocaust denial and false flag shootings are fringe lunatic ideas. Men are literally chopping off their dicks and becoming women, nothing is off the table in 2018.

You really have no idea what you're talking about. Or perhaps it would be more exact to say that you have wildly divergent ideas about reality than a majority of other humans.
Cultures are not immutable. They change constantly. What was considered acceptable behavior in America in 1800 is significantly different than what was considered acceptable in 1900, same for 2000 and it will be significantly different in 2100. Cultures are a living thing, they grow or shrink, evolve, absorb, and above all else change. Not only do you fetishize a culture that most likely was far obsolete before you were even born you cling to the hope that you can somehow preserve a culture at one point in time, effectively killing it.

>combining groups with varying backgrounds, cultures, and upbringings leads to increased creativity and effectivity in their endeavors
All of which can happen internally within a demographic group--but crucially with the bonds such a group allows. Parents and children see things differently from each other, but they are bound by the family. Different classes and occupations are similarly bound within a nation. And no, this isn't a question of de jure citizenship. If you let somebody pay a few dollars to get a "certificate of coparenthood", then you dilute the meaning of the bond and family unit in the first place.

Obviously different ways of thinking will increase the "creativity" of a group, but then one must also ask how that creativity is defined, and what use it has to begin with. not to mention that, in the long run, if we take your assertion that ethnic isolation is bad for creativity, you're doing the one thing that will ensure it by advocating mixing of separate peoples and cultures into one amorphous blob.

>. No group, be it nation, race, religion, or society has ever maintained success by valuing isolationism, segregation, and purity of blood. It is a blatant fetishization of stagnation to believe that maintaining a pure race free from different ideas will ever succeed or thrive.
I'd like to know how you reconcile this with the fact that easily 80% of scientific breakthroughs in history came out of a small area of Europe, where there were either no nonwhites or mixing with them was outright banned. This is pure hogwash, as is the notion that protecting and valuing your own group somehow rules out cooperation with others. While I have my issues with the motivations and result of it, the fact is that Europeans dominated the planet while adhering to their own ethnic identity.

Have you ever heard the saying, "good fences make good neighbors"?
Having a stable demographic composition in no way "fetishizes stagnation".