(((Bird Box)))

Racemixing, strogwoman. Abortion briefly.
Directed by (((Susanne Bier)))

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black alpha male

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husband of that asian guy

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"paranoid" white male.

My chick friend told me that she is watching that and i checked that director is jewish and watch it myself to check what they put in heads of normies.

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Old guy. Like what median age of white male in us now?


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Natalism is a belief that promotes the reproduction of sentient life. The term comes from the Latin adjective for "birth", nātālis. Natalism promotes child-bearing and parenthood as desirable for social reasons and to ensure the continuance of humanity.

Thread must be deep down in the catalog...

>pro Natalist

I read the synopsis on Wikijew and gave it a hard pass. What a load of shit people actually sit and watch these days

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how do you put up with normie girls user? i have before, and i've accepted that ill never find a girl who's not a normie. all my past girls have been normies and im just not surprised anymore when i find a woman who has no clue what shes talking about when it comes to greater concepts. I'm not MGTOW, but damn there's a reason women were second class citizens for so long

>three white adult male main characters in the whole film
>one is an angry old man who turns out to be right (so EXACTLY Hitler)
>the other is a dumb tattooed punk
>last one is evil
>rest of the cast are minorities, women, or children
>Asian guy is gay
>Hitler Clone voices complete approval of this
>main character is a single mother raised by a single mother
>hops on a black guy's dick because he's nice
>no inhibitions about this at all
>this black guy is muscular, responsible, kind, has no flaws whatsoever
Pretty sure even the left would get sick of this.

I know here from 2013 and i was liberal back there. I try to redpill her but she in the start i don't know will she ever care about all that. They different but not dumb.

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Who ends up being right in the end.

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Movie was ok. Blackie was a Iraq war vet and helped raise Sandra bullocks kid. Technically a cuck.

Ended without knowing what the monster was or came from 3/10.

Yep and white characters all with negative features. Like this one which i saw in summer.

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I know plenty of inteligent women, however when it comes to "redpills" (i hate using that term) they are completely lost. and whenever i give them even a small one they revolt in disgust.

>exactly hitler
Except hitler will take the fight to them.

How do normalfags watch this shit and think it's good?

dont try to understand normal fags user, youll become dumber in the process

There is a pretty good critique of this film by "Black Pilled" out there: youtube.com/watch?v=f30F2Msa0J8

Pic related maybe.

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stop it. i don't like uncomfortable truths. jk, women are objects

> the very act of bringing white children into the world is a crime to these people
Fuck it all
I know the defense is "well they're against ALL childbirth not just whites" but come the fuck on
Aside from that poo who sued his parents a week or two ago these sorts of ideologies are almost always put out with the intent to harm whites above all else

Fuck Sandra Bollock. A Class 1 POS!

Older white male loses wife to 'refugees' who take refuge in his home and outvite him on letting in more refugees. Old white woman knocks him out while he stands against it abd they let i n more refugees who ultimately kill the white man in his own home destroying irt as a place of refuge and resulting in the death of most - swimmers tip the lifeboat killing everyone. Redpilled af

The old white woman has her eyes gouged out by those the let in

Thanks. I watched some video from this channel this one is great youtube.com/watch?v=HwbzF9tKSd8

I am convinced every netflix produced show I have seen has at least one b/w couple it's part of the contract I'm sure. It's getting absurd.