It's finally okay to criticise Israel

>it's finally okay to criticise Israel

I have never seen a redpill this quickly successful in my life dear god

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Anyone who wants her to resign is an islamiphobe.

Why are there so many shills for this woman here? This is no redpill whatsoever. It was always popular among left to criticize Israel. That doesn't mean anything for Jewish influence. They'll just give more money for some diversity project and move along. Please kys.

It took a Somali thot to end the Jewish chokehold over the US gov. I wonder if history will remember, but it definitely should

many shills on Jow Forums unironically side with Islam over Judaism. Hopefully we can deport them to Islamic countries soon enough.

Democrats often criticize Israeli actions in the Middle East, but saying “they use money to control the US” is less often said.

What a good goy you are.

you mean anti semite arabs are semites.

fake news Shlomo
every single pro kike bill is bipartisan

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Fox news on right now. The 5 kissing shylock ass. They just lost me as a viewer for blatant bias and no attempt to question why she said these things.

>chinky mutt face
are kikes' disenfranchised Hapa sons coming for their blood

We support neither, it's just important to get rid of the established parasite before shaking off the loose ones. Let the wasp get the centipede which has its claws in, then hit them both with the raid can.

Democrats and republicans alike take money from jews

From an Aus point of view, every single news organization including our marxist lefty "SBS and ABC" organizations reported on her saying "something bad" about jews, but addressed none of the context.

You know what thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat means! we can go back to hating the stupid mudslime sand nigger now.

>it's okay to criticize israel

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It can't be ok to just criticize Israel. We must be able to criticize the jewish power structure within our nations as well.

In fact Ashkenazis (European Jews) aren't even descended from Shem but rather they are descended from Japeth. So being anti Jewish isn't anti Semetic most of the time.

My brother just sent me this,
This bitch is confusing. First she does the right thing and says fuck you to the Jews, but then goes and supports mental patients like this....

>everything left of Jow Forums is "marxist and lefty".

there is such a thing called centrism friendo.

that's because the queen received a cosmic impulse from YHWH moments before ilhan omar named the jew and sent out a homing beacon to *BC forbidding they acknowledge it

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No redpills to see, just a reshuffle of the progressive stack.

show us your kike flag

>obsess over some bullshit about russian collusion and influence over american politics for 2 fucking years with a massive inquiry and millions spent on the investigation with 0 evidence
This is fine.

>say AIPAC exists

Surely this will wake up some normies?

Hopefully this party segmentation grows

Mossad twitter feed.Part satire, part obnoxious.

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She's a sand nigger at the end of the day, but her presence is currently tolerable because she can call out the jew with relative impunity. At the end of the day she should be used until Jews can be removed. After that Muslims are far easier to identify and root out than white passing Jews

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The left has always criticized Israel, it's the conservatards who are the Israel supporters. Wake me up when someone makes it okay to criticize the Jews that run the US.

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>he's a mossad influence ops agent
>he can't afford a VPN in any country
two buttons sweating man.jpg

what the fuck is wrong with you, ling chung? can't you into freedom of thought yet, how many generations do you have.

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Good. Antone who critisizes her on this is bought by AIPAC

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kek kikepiro on suicide watch

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Middle east and Israel are both equally shitty. But at least conflicting leftist ideology allowed for open co n.v relations on how shitty Jews are. Use what u can get.

their silence will be deafening. someone denounces the israel war crimes lobby and nobody says anything? guilty.

there retards are going to ruin the word "trope" forever, just out of spite, aren't they?

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Nigger Muslim Women lol

No. Kikes and Muslims are both shit. But it is harder to criticize kikes in America, so seeing a shift in that is good.

Wrong, those two orgs i mentioned repeatedly push adds saying "we want diversity, and if that's not your thing, then maybe we're not for you."


Seriously this. Suddenly a known muslim terrorist sympathizer calls out the jew, and she gets spammed nonstop. She's not our ally. She is the enemy. The leftist media is doing heavy damage control so the moderates don't get pushed away from the Democratic party in 2020.

Goyims gonna die for israel soon.

they are both trash but kikes gotta pay

Western “politics” is a fucking abomination.... a circus of shitskins and foreigners... then the whit eliberals whine about people not following their fake rules

I look forward to hearing Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris criticize Israel.

fucking k e k e k e k this is crazy b8

Trope just means metaphor or figure of speech, how much more vague can they get?
Is 'white privilege' a trope? It seems to be, a stereotype. I guess the real question is whether or not these stereotypes are deserved.
Are jews obsessed with money?
Are white men advantaged?
Are Irish drunks?
Do Italians love food?
Can the french cook?
Are canadians good at hockey?
Do muslims have it out for the jews?

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>White people criticize Jewish/Israeli lobby

>Brown Muslim woman criticized Jewish/Israeli lobby
"It's finally OK to criticize Israel"

Muslim women in elected power positions: the soft face of Islamic bigotry.

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At the very least the muds are redpilled on women. Plus there's no immediate threat of the Muslims destroying our country (we're not Britain). However there IS an immediate threat of Jewish takeover and they already have a major foothold in our government, banks, and media.

I really hope something comes out of all this, anything.

>he doesn't cease his thoughts just to enjoy the shower
normalfags listen to music when they shower

Let them fight, it will only hurt the democrats and maybe the Jews.

2 groups I do not care about.

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If she called them hook-nosed, I'd have to send her an edible arrangement.

Its weird.
The left praises the islamist because they are a minority, but the islamist are like old hardcore puritans about thei religion.
And the right loathes the islamist, but if its about to punch the jews, yeah right on BRODAH

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She is consistent and persistent, that's for sure. Video here

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So, if the jew propaganda its about inclusion, why do we take on the jew hating people?

Because if the islamic people would unite whit the white people about the jew problem, what would happen?

implying underprivledged muslims in america can express racism

>what would happen?
Without the support of white countries, Israel would be a smoldering cinder in a week.

american flags should be changed to israel flags from now on

jews are our true enemies, blacks are just here because of them, after the darkies are done with jews we can expel them too: priorities

>The leftist media is doing heavy damage control so the moderates don't get pushed away from the Democratic party in 2020.
which they are doing on Jow Forums by plotting to use Omar as a means of gassing the kikes? fuck off to /ptg/ you dumb migapede.

I know what a trope is and how useful and innocuous the noun is. that's why I hope the jews don't ruin it with their "antisemitic tropes" catchphrase

not really, except this kind of language creates an exploitable vulnerability in the power vacuum that ilhan omar accidentally opened up.

expect the jewish lobby to take a firm hand in developing "acceptable guidelines for criticism of israel," and pay close attention to any details on the "irsael vs. world jewry" topic.

if everyone's on their best behavior as they tear israel apart, there's nothing to exploit. even a painted swastika can shift the focus, which is why they tend to magically appear after unflattering jew news.

oh no the horrors of living in a country with no civil rights for nogs and women while having a relgion that preserves its local culture and people! how will i ever be able to gain more based faggots at the gay club with my fellow magapedes?

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Public criticism of Israel has always been from the left. The right unanimously loves Israel and everything they do.

what is the point of a parody account if you side with what an actual account would say?

kill yourself






make the fucking graphic already. imagine the screeching when it blankets college campuses.

>anti-Semitic tropes
anyone else seeing this phrase everywhere regarding this story?

Time to become the Jews and use our attack Muslims

First rule of Shillclub. Accuse everyone else of being shills.

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>I don’t understand the concept of playing up the flames in order to achieve a goal???!?!!?!!

She's not directly criticizing the Jews. She's highlighting lobbyists/corruption. Only the bankers are calling it antisemitism because they will lose control of Congress.

Based Somalian goddess

>imagine the screeching when it blankets college campuses.
Have you ever been on College campuses?

yea cuz you are a hook-nosed kike

it was the perfect setup, one of my most proud accomplishments

I played the entire Democrat party and used this bitch hard in the process! Who is your Daddy Jow Forums?.....I am......You’re goddamn right I am.

There's a reason this is happening. I'm not smart enough to figure out why yet, but something is afoot. There's no way this is all an organic situation.

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>Yo guys, the AIPAC lobby is pretty strong, Jews rule America
>Oy vey, quick-fire her!
The absolute state of America.

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She's so fearless it's sexy as fuck.

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Didn't the same thing happen to Bush Sr? He made some comment about the Israeli lobby being powerful then all of the sudden some noname republican(Buchanan) competing for the nomination got tons of (((media attention/donations))) and after he still won the nomination some noname(Ross Perot) third party candidate got the same treatment with a lot of (((media coverage/donations)))

Sure, the head of the CIA and member of the Bush dynasty was anti-Jew and the guy who's come closest compared to any other presidential hopeful to calling for an ethnostate is the Jew puppet

so far trump hasn't deported
>the millions of spics that are abusing the visa program
>millions of pajeets and chinks undercutting the tech market while at the same time feeding vital insider info back to their home country
>DACAniggers who are still in the country and are mainly non-assimilated spics
>families of illegals who abused the constitution
but he has deported and wants to deport
>a 95 year old man who's only crime in america was trigger jews
>anyone who dares to question AIPAC or the jews


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By (((.(((Joshua)))(((Leifer))).)))
What memeflag mean by this?

"Is raping young girls a good thing, yes or no"
"I'll take that aas a yes"

In 1991 Bush Sr tried to postpone a 10bil "loan" to Israeli settlements for a few months in order to get peace talks going in the Middle East. They sent around 1000 lobbyists to kvetch about the loan and Bush Sr made the mistake of saying
>There are 1,000 lobbyists up on the Hill today lobbying Congress for loan guarantees for Israel and I’m one lonely little guy down here asking Congress to delay its consideration of loan guarantees for 120 days.
The were pissed that he even implied that the Israeli lobbies had so much power that they tanked his second presidential run. A presidential run that was coming after a great victory in a war, those normally are a guaranteed win for the incumbent but here...

This woman has deep seeded hatred and should have never been elected. Abrams is an American Patriot. She is a mole for Iran and an extremist who is sympathetic to ISIS and hates the Jewish people and the Jewish Nation.

Nice bait JIDF

>This woman has deep seeded hatred and should have never been elected. Abrams is an American Patriot. She is a mole for Iran and an extremist who is sympathetic to ISIS and hates the Jewish people and the Jewish Nation.
reveal yourself memeflag

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I love this woman

Democrats are neo-Nazis. Democrats are satanic.

lol. no, you will be leaving the white nations that we founded, schlomo.

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Happy Hanukkah

We did it Reddit!