Ilhan is still at it btfoing israel-first kikes. Now why can’t we get someone who doesn’t hate America to do this?

Ilhan is still at it btfoing israel-first kikes. Now why can’t we get someone who doesn’t hate America to do this?

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I want Trump as POTUS and her as SCOTUS

They don't hate America or white people in general. I mean they do but it is really only because they overwhelmingly suck Israel's dick and fight their wars for them. These wars also displace muzzies and send these angry fuckers packing towards our lands, thus creating the refugee crises. I have no problem with muzzies, I just wish they had homes to return to like they did before we started wars to destroy their governments in the interests of ZOG.

If Canada destroyed America because Russia lobbied them to then you would reasonably hate Canada, no?

You're actually fucking retarded, please go back to plebbit.

This muslim woman loves America more than white christian boomers who sell their loyalty to a foreign nation.

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what was his testimony about anyway?


MIGA shills on suicide watch

>based jewish leftist shill id
everything checks out

She can’t even read or speak English wtf
Fuck her and the kike they shouldn’t be in the country

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fuck off kike shill. The enemy of my greatest enemy is a temporary ally.

>anti white Muslim neo lib is your ally because she attacked a fellow neo lib who happens to be a kike
Ok retard

Fuck off kike, all us goyim enjoy watching your kind squirn.

>Now why can’t we get someone who doesn’t hate America to do this?
Because they are all controlled?
Why hasn't Trump's DOJ busted a single liberal? Answer: Because it's been 98 years since a republican decreased the size of government. Cahoots!

>u iz a kike and a shill
Maybe you should re-read my first post
Neither of them should be in the USA I am a fascist you fool

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sadly the kikes calling white males anti semitic nazis still hurts careers
so for now we're stuck with some open boarders mudslime nigger dropping jewpills

I like her.

kill you're self

does it matter lel?
sounds like he was trying to sell central/south america intervention
he's a kike that already took a plea deal back during iran/contra so that's 2 strikes against him

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Yeah you tell him we only want more neocons and kikes on that court!

Honestly you cucks deserve what you're getting.

So much for Tlaib and Nutcasio-Cortez having her back

>those bitches wanna get them some shekels

>anti white Muslim neo lib is your ally because she attacked a fellow neo lib who happens to be a kike
> happens to be a kike
That's right! Because it's needed more than almost anything else.

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