Holocaust movies

want to watch the harsh "realities" of the "death camps"
a few days ago saw shindlers list for the first time. pretty decent. saw the pianist years ago.

any suggestions ?

Attached: Auschwitz.jpg (968x726, 126K)

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any fictional movie will do

use all the shekels you get paid for posting to buy a knife and stab yourself in the face.

i know these movies are bullshit. there is no real holohoax movie. just looking for entertaiment.
what is a good ann frank movie ?

so powerful

Attached: schindlers-list-08-conveyor-belt-with-bodies.jpg (1920x1080, 154K)

It's been a long time since I watched La vita è bella, but I remember some people made a huge fucking deal about the movie because it didn't depict the "death camps" horribly enough and apparently made life there look "kind of nice".
It's been probably about a decade and a half since I watched it though, so I can't really attest to any of that now.

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>want to watch the harsh "realities" of the "death camps"
fucking polacks coming up with stories about being sent to Auschwitz...

i'll check out trailers on youtube. worth a look if normies got upset.

thing is i want the most over the top evil nazi propaganda. like that rise of evil shlock but about the "death camps" human lampshades and jewish soap.

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Canada's finest contribution to the film industry.

Attached: Ilsa.jpg (1574x2403, 715K)

Forgot to mention, you can find all 4 Ilsa films on torrent.

holy shit this is awesome, guess it's a real story ?

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Well, it's not what you're looking for but Apt Pupil was a pretty hilarious movie in how cartoony about "muh nahtzees" it was so it might be worth a look.

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This is the opening credits. It's as real as it gets with jews.

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btw Pianist is incredibly author called out Roman Polanski as a liar not real. That Nazi in it was his friend and ran a sports complex where he smuggled out Jews with the help of a Catholic priest and several sympathetic Wehrmacht guys. When Warsaw was taken the Russians tortured him to death and then lied about it for five years saying he ran a slave labor camp. He has a fucking street named after him in Israel and Polanski left out the part where the author was pissed Commie Jews were the ones who helped the Russians hide his execution.

>swindlers list
fixed it for you

Here's what to watch when you want to stop being a blue pilled faggot

Attached: ann frank fraud.png (749x1035, 641K)

seen that on tv before but thanks.

I'm really looking for something that tries to be serious. to show the suffering of the chosen people and the evil of the nazi menace. bonus points for masturbation machines and gas showers

Attached: 毒气室的女人们.png (640x352, 125K)

and when you want the HARD CORE redpill

try swallowing this

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yup. a film worthy of the nuremberg trails evidence.
indeed. also roman is a pedo. the pic related was best tho.
i was redpilled before you were born. like i stated before im just looking for entertaiment.

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>of course
>everything about the holocaust is real

honestly tho, thats some sick fucked up shit.
Jews projecting their degenerate minds

Attached: holoBS.jpg (704x527, 73K)

haven't seen this before, thanks.
however i want to watch jews get gassed not germans burned

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are there seriously only 2 mainstream holocaust movies ?

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One of the xmen movies had some shit.