Sup Jow Forums. Accountant here. I work at a major firm and without giving away too much...

Sup Jow Forums. Accountant here. I work at a major firm and without giving away too much, let me just tell you that something big is coming down the pipeline. Essentially we've crunched the numbers and it turns out that 'get woke go broke' can be confirmed by looking at corporate balance sheets and pretty soon hiring SJWs will be seen as a breach of fiduciary duty. Basically expect a lot more of these Blizzard/Buzzfeed/Vice type situations in the future.

I'd like to tell you more but I'm already giving away too much as it is.

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nice larp

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You literally told us what we've been saying for weeks now. Dumb larper.

problematic larp

acc major here, if you're really from canada, you're probably working on the financials of EA canada,

No shit sherlock
Hire me and I will cleanse your company from left wing garbage
Heck I will do it for free

I've been out of the loop are SJW's getting fired for beeing un-productive, and the things they do produce are cancer? did firms finally wake up? or the exact opposite?

Right on, My dad works at Nintendo. He just read your post and agrees.

keep us all posted.

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>Essentially we've crunched the numbers and it turns out that 'get woke go broke' can be confirmed by looking at corporate balance sheets and pretty soon hiring SJWs will be seen as a breach of fiduciary duty.




Nice and it makes sense considering sjws are all dumb motherfuckers.
If you hire someone who believes a degree in gender studies is legitimate then you deserve the steaming pile of shit they produce.

Fake and gay

Welcome to the club.

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>hiring brown people and women is a bad idea

amazing revelation

>I'd like to tell you more but I'm already giving away too much as it is.

a fucking leaf

>Diversity hiring is required by law.
>HR departments are staffed by POC women.

Yeah, good luck hiring those white males with your current HR monkeys.

Obama's propaganda funding ran out.

And you honestly think company won’t find ways to bypass it?

It over!

A bunch of the Blizzard people who were just fired were let go because Obama's brainwashing money ran out.

you can start with the managment department

yeah man SJWs are a fucking scourge made into being by despoiling the individual SJW's psyche thru a lifetime of exploitation

don't fuck with them, don't trust them, make your money and resist all pressure to hire them, even governmental

Now we need Trump to fund it with a brand-new guiding principle set of nationalism and leftist hate groups.

>a major firm
Did you get a major award too?

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Activision Blizzard just layed off 800 you fucking minecraft biome

They were community managers and such, brainwashing experts paid for by Obama money. He was infusing massive cash into these operations.

pls dun b larp

What's with all the blizzard shilling going on today?

I like you.

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You aren't telling us anything we didn't know yet. Just typing layoffs into the news section of google will give you countless links on companies who are getting ready to do the same, with tesla, with ebay, the list is pretty long. go larp somewhere else faggot.

> Get woke go broke
Are you saying that "wokeness" implies HIRING these cretins?

Actual Big 4 Accountant here.
Company is jumping on the “woke” band wagon at full speed.
if what you say is true, then we’re both out of a job lol.

These guys are idiots, they believe everyone who is getting laid off are sjw, but that's not the case. It's all across the spectrum. They have been fooled into thinking that people losing their jobs is somehow a good thing, and that it can't happen to them. A lot more people are going to get offloaded.

>pretty soon hiring SJWs will be seen as a breach of fiduciary duty. Basically expect a lot more of these Blizzard/Buzzfeed/Vice type situations in the future
shitty LARP

Doubt it. The creative types are usually bleeding hearts.

Is that your big4 company or your company you’re auditing?

I know one thing, the highest quality and successful new IP's are 90% produced by a small team of committed white uber-nerds. This is who created gaming and brought it too the mainstream, not fucking stacy SJW with purple hair and rhaji curry eater.

Cool. I hope the horde becomes even more evil and bad ass. We fucking genocide elves with FIRE and then LITERALLY GASSED all the alliance and weak members of the Horde.

Also the fucking SJWs gave the alliance FAT HUMANS lol

Sup Jow Forums, Faggot here. I'm a fucking Jew and without giving away too much, let me just say until you faggots get off your ass and get rid of pieces of shit like me that has infiltrated every single aspect of life that involves money. This cycle of faggotry is only going to get worse.

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I love larping too

The products the big-name developers are putting out are trash and gamers are finally waking up. As seen in the back-lash over Battlefield and others, too bad Assassins creed didn't suffer the same back lash for it's historical revisionism.

Thats not it at all. The funds given to news organizations from the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act were meant to counter “fake news”, meaning doing what journalists should normally do. Since they had extra money, they decided to hire these absurd anti white anti male twitter warriors to make blog pieces for click bait articles. The government wasn’t giving them funds to make these articles, new orgs just saw it as an opportunity to expand.

It’s like when we give military aid to countries to combat Islamic terrorism and then they see it as an opportunity to oppress their population (see Cameroon)

Tech companies, most western game devs and internet/game journalists, can't die fast enough. They have become absolute cancer.


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games are taking twice as long too develop and being released half as optimized, because companies would rather over-hire SJW woman and minorities than put 10 uber-nerd white guys on the job who could do the job better than 50 of the aforementioned group.

transvegans now

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Q predicted this

>LGBT surgery

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the company i work for (a b4 firm)

0/10 fake and bluepilled

They're making more money than ever. Whatever happened in the last 6 years with GamerGate and microtransactions has only grown the market and increased profits.

hot, knew this shit was related, if true literally everything is about to change

A game dev is supposed to make money by producing great games that people want to buy. They certainly haven't done that in the last 6 years.

SJWs are just creating an industry around their mind virus the same way the jews and muslims do.

>Muslims become tiny majority in a country. Demand halal food options in schools. Prisons. Everywhere. The jobs for making this halal food is given to muslims. Muslims entrench themselves in that country.

>Jews do exactly the same thing.

>Now SJWs are demanding that every company hire social justice advocates, transgender rights specialists, womyns history technicians, etc, etc, etc.

It's a real thing. Your average red danger hair hambeast isn't in these companies writing code, doing character designs, anything. They just sit there and people go "Bertha, is this girls outfit too problematic? Cause I can change it..."

>roller derby
How heinous!!!


Literally years, user. My dad started saying things that came from here years ago and that people would call anyone crazy for revealing such, but now they realize how things are fucked up.

Damn straight, during the last Steam sale I didn't buy one game that was made within the last ten years.