What does Jow Forums think of the Green New Deal?

What does Jow Forums think of the Green New Deal?

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Not the green new deal I was looking for.

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I'm starting to think I am better off voting for Democrats. I wish there was an ethnostate but Donald Trump doesn't even care about that so why should I bother voting for Republicans?

It will only work with White Sharia. Thanks to Omar's bravery I am thinking of reverting to Islam.

It's fucking retarded and you're a fucking retard for making this thread.
Also why are those two friends? One is constantly criticizing Isreal, because she's a Muslim, and the other has "Israeli ancestry."

Also you don't have to answer that, we already know the answer.

I think the Green New Deal sucks!

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why not. a couple years ago the rich were telling the press they had so much money they didn't know what to do with it. now they have lots more

My right to own farting cows shall not be infringed.

The first New Deal was bretty based, and everyone knows going Green means your a better person than everyone else. It literally wins twice.

At least the left actually gets things done that will be useful to us. Universal healthcare, infrastructure, higher wages, lower cost of education. Something needs to be done about all of the plastic and cars everywhere that the Jews profit off of at the expense of the environment.

What has Trump given us besides 55 miles of fence that won't even matter?

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It makes me cry tears of flesh.

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Fox news supports it.

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>tldr version
Because it's a bad joke with no punchline.

eww masonic 666 hand sign

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The left is more against spiritual Judaism (capitalism). The ethnostate is kind of stupid anyway considering you can just move to a rich white area. Why should I care if poor whites have to live around Mexicans? They're just as stupid so fuck them.

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>not being an accelerationist

Wonder what she uses to keep her gums so shiny?

>At least the left actually gets things done
tell that to the recently cancelled $77 billion High Speed Rail project in California.

UN Agenda 21 with better marketing and brown milkers.

i need a submissive somali genital mutilated wife so bad bros

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because it implies a government intervention into the economy larger than any we've ever seen. I am totally behind some specific proposals like investment into infrastructure and switching over to renewables (wind is now competitive with natural gas, though inconsistent generation remains a problem if a large portion of energy comes from here). However her plan as a whole is much more than that and would probably double the size of government, especially is she gets her way on healthcare. A federal jobs guarantee is pants-on-head retarded. If we come to the point where we accept some people are not worth employing then why even support them? Welfare should be there to support the occasional unfortunate soul (real disabilities for instance) or people who find themselves struggling, TEMPORARILY. Long term support should be reserved for only the most extreme cases, it shouldn't be the norm. Sterilize them or something, but whatever you do don't just embrace even higher dependency ratios than our demographics already dictate

extremely effective

Hope they provide me with a neat electric car instead of having me pay for it along with the one I have.

Don’t Walk, Run Productions made a good video on it.


>sub 80 IQ
>want to be like her

This board is dead.

I live in Hawaii, our $10 billion dollar rail project is now $20 billion dollars and it's not even half done yet. The level of corruption is unbelievably hysterical, literally billions of dollars are vanishing and nobody cares.

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>first New Deal was bretty based

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Looks a little brown

Don't care about eceonomics at all since it a pseudo-science.

>dude, weed!

I never have to get a job and bullet trains? yeah I'm thinking they're based

Is the joke that cows fart? I'm not really seeing the humor here...

lets be honest here you probably don't vote regardless

It's not, fundamentally. The economics that modern governments use is absolutely riddled with pseudoscience though.

Fuck off shills.

it is the old red deal with new advertising

Commie shit

user., economics was developed back when the U.S. was 90% white, there was no Paki mayor of London, etc. Its adherents cling to it these days out of laziness and pure irresponsibility.

Brown is the colour of mud and dogs and cows.

My semen

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>taxing cow farts
Liberals are fucking retarded

>muh dik

In the description on her website it completely unironically discussed being unable to stop cows farting.

Are you.going to post this in every single thread?

Islam is the only thing (((they))) fear.

I never said if it was a good color. Stop projecting your insanity on to me like a leftist.

Yep, the time has come for White Sharia. It's the only way forward. How do you like that, JIDF?

Why does america import these people to have them try to turn it into a country they tried to escape from , uneducated fools

Export these morons to Venezuala

its based.
>investment in infrastructure
>investment in new technology.
>reforms and improvements to healthcare access.

all of this sounds great, frankly I applaud AOC for having the courage to go "big and bold" with this early draft/bill, as that's a much better approach than trying to push a bill that is weak/lacks any bite.

glad the USA has finally decided to join the rest of us in the 1st world!

It has something in there about doing away with the lobbyist.

That's kinda cool. TRUMP himself promised to do that.


someone has no familiarity with the state legislature of california outside of Jow Forums and Jow Forums I take it?

if you believed that a high-speed rail line in Hawaii would only be $10billion I've got a bridge to sell you, and no, not because of "corruption", but because whoever made that estimate was fucking lowballing it hard.

If mommy supports it, I support it. Hail AOC, hail our people!!!

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She's not directly criticizing the Jews. She's highlighting lobbyists/corruption. Only the bankers are calling it antisemitism because they will lose control of Congress.

Literally the Green Leap Forward: Freedom Bugaloo

fuck off seth rogen

I don't think you understand what economics is.

I openly await the GREEN NEW DEAL.

I can't wait until 10 years from now, when the Libs show up at the airport and realize that their leader, AOC the former college bartender, has banned all airplanes to save muh climateee.

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Why are women allowed in government?
They are ruining everything.

and she wants to be ride of burning gas.
How will she convince the [oil barons]?

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the poc one is woke on the jq

I think the Green New Deal belongs to Jill Stein and the CIA.

The green new deal is a good idea because city people will all die if implemented as written.

Straight out of agenda 21

I think the Green New Deal belongs to Jill Stein and the CIA. In any case, Cheri Honkala practiced the doctrine more purely than Ocassional-Cortex could ever hope to by squatting in empty houses with her kids and getting arrested over 300 times. Baste.

cancerous lefty eco-marxist shit

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I think it's fucking retarded, but that's because it is.

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A gigantic infrastructure change that will cost millions of taxes, creating unrealistic standards of living that this country cannot make and cannot maintain. All pulled from the fantasy realm of a communist utopia. Anyone who backs it knows nothing about economics and should be mentally tested.

Imagine still resting on Labor Left laurels and pretending the New Left are not Wall Street cronies and unabashed sociopolitical revolutionaries who’ve found a global rather than local source of prey. Imagine thinking their successes, your successes, are not the direct misfortunes of your outgroup whom you signal infernal hatred for hourly in your merely sophistic broadcasts.

stop watering the plants you're going to kill
them with all this water.

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if ANYONE tried to flat out get rid of lobbist they WILL be assassinated.

good fucking luck.

I think her tooth to gum ratio is depressing.

I actually fully support a lot of its broader environmental aims. Unfortunately they aren't really sufficiently detailed in the proposal, let alone how to finance them

What I don't support is tacking on a bunch of social justice insanity to the end of it
>racial equity
>guaranteed job
>guaranteed housing
>guaranteed universal healthcare
>economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work