Time to Dip
>Time to Dip
Guys seriously there is an alternate to this place that is ready we can take it over right now.
What the fuck are we waiting for lets GOGOGOGOGOGOOGOGOGOGOGOGOOGOGOGOGO
Attached: PaulReverePEPE.jpg (1500x1138, 341K)
So you'd rather give up on our home and run like a coward, well? Run traitorous faggot!
Anything (((.com))) is jew tier.
>get fucked schlomo
i'll bump you baby
good luck
UI is shit. Delete this please
why's the layout so messed up??
That hideous website glows hard
i camt believe i am saying this
but make it less huwhite
>going to the Israeli shill honeypot to have your data mined
Attached: MOTHERLOAD1.jpg (2650x9922, 2.95M)
It looks just like here LOL
fuck off eric holder you fucking faggot
that's an awfully shady looking unmarked building that the website is registered to
Attached: not a federal building.jpg (1337x641, 289K)
Its GoDaddy's headquarters you retarted faggot
Your using go daddy? Im pretty sure they will shut you down for wrong think
I'll check it out fren.
Attached: fren.jpg (680x344, 28K)
Yay I'm not clicking that link!
Its safe, but shit UI and looks like an autistic kids rectum shat this site out.
Could be worse. I like how hovering over a pic enlarges it. Other than that I have no real opinion right now either way
lol... thanks for the sincere chuckle.
This. Also hos board has no reliable way of banning JIDF. it wont last
He wants us to organize on (((discord))) lol