I'm fucking dead

Pic heavily related.

I don't know where else to post this, but please hear me out. I think I really fucked up there.
I'll try to make it short, but I owe up a large amount of money (around 50k, but the crazy interest rates made it so that I now have to pay 100k back) to a shark loan, and I'm supposed to meet the guy at a shitty overpriced French restaurant tomorrow. The thing is, as you may have already figured out, I don't have enough money to repay him back. Wanna know what's worse? I asked him for money with the objective to get rid of some gambling debts, but I've used it all to gamble more, losing all my bets of course. Even now I have a fuckton of lotto tickets, and I'm waiting for the next drawing which is also happening tomorrow. I'm fucking scared, anons. The guy is known in the field for his extreme violence when it comes to late payments, the guy is gonna break my legs or worse. I might have something that is worth enough to pay him off, but that's pretty risky and illegal. If he doesn't accept it... Consider me as good as dead.
I'm making this thread to tell you goodbye, basically. If I don't make it, I want at least to thank the user (if you're still around) who told me to go into black market hacking. Thanks for trying to save my ass, I guess.

Attached: gambling-addiction.jpg (650x400, 94K)

>I'm making this thread to tell you goodbye
oh ok, goodbye

Which newspaper do I have to read to learn about your future murder?

how bout you move/ start over

How much money do you have left, including assets you could sell before he breaks your shit up?

I can't. The man I'm dealing with has strong ties with the local mafia.
At most I'd say 2k. I won't be able to make it.

At least you got quads before you died. Oof, 2k is hard.. if you even had 3k I’d tell you to get on a one way flight to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. You can teach English there for a super generous salary for there.. plus, he’d never find you there, ever.

Don't forget to see your ontologist tomorrow, OP... I heard you liked strong black coffee... You liked it veeery strong.... tee hee...

You could make it on 2k, but you’re going to have to move with purpose and stay in a shit hostel until you have a job. They pay once a month and will 100% not give you an advance

Leave California as soon as you can

>Leave Japanofornia as soon as you can

I know the restaurant you're talking about, and the food there is really delicious and delicate like a little flower. You don't know one thing about French gastronomy!

Once you're on the ship, wait for the last moment and sell all your cards, you will have 3 stars, more money and no cards

Attached: kaiji-s1-episode-04.png (1280x720, 626K)

Lmao this

>I got a loan from a loan shark
You're mega fucked. The loan shark decides the rates, decides the cost to you when you can't pay and did his homework on you before he gave you anything, the value of anything you do offer him will be decided by him because he is taking it instead of money and it's a buyer's market, you're buying nothing.
Chances are he knows where everyone you care about live because he can have power over you and take whatever he likes from you.

Pack essentials and drive as far away as you can cutting ties to everyone, you might have to live out of your car for a while, you ideally want to get 2 tanks of fuel away before you consider where you will go next.
Get a new phone number, don't contact anyone from home regardless of how much you miss them.
Spend your nights crying, wrapped in a blanket in your car afraid of every noise knowing you left your loved ones in the shit.

Kek I will be there to witness the trial about your murder in two days OP

[spoiler]It's impressive how, of all places, it's on fucking Jow Forums that I would be reminded that the events in Ace Attorney are happening in real time.[/spoiler]

This, and don't trust the fat guy

get a gun and shoot him, then shoot yourself. better to go down fighting and on your terms.

You seem to have three options
1. Get killed/ crippled
2. Run away and live anonymously somewhere
3. Go to the police but prolly end up in prison where mafia guys won't even wait until you drop soap in the shower.

Hint:option two is the only option.

It’s not illegal to borrow money from a loan shark; he’s not even obligated to pay the dude back if he loaned him the money without a lisence. Set up a sting! Call the Police and let them know everything and include the guy rolls with the mob. Wear a wire to dinner

Flee to another state

Move to Thailand, Cambodia or some veeery far away place, sadly this is you only option, not trying to dramatize here, otherwise accept you fate and chose to have you life ended by tomorrow

>local mafia

you think im talking local? Get on a plane and leave.


keep us updated on your decision user

Is your name Glen Elg by any chance? If it is, then good bye, that Loan Shark will fucking murder you

I'm gonna laugh if I read in the paper some guy won the lottery and immediately had to give it away to keep some loan shark off his ass.

If you had saved up more money you could've bought some guns. At least held a pistol against him when you walked outside, take his out of course. Let him carefully lead you to the guys. Slit his throat, place bomb in or at the house or under their cars, trigger-sensitive if the latter.

Kill as many as you can.

Trust me bro, I'm an attorney and you seem pretty screwed but you better meet up with him anyway

found the Jow Forumsommando

this is your best bet OP. otherwise GG, you had a good run. bye!

It's fun to make up stories, isn't it?

Well... that’s some shit to be in.

Firstly, just stop gambling. No more.
My advice would be to meet him and pay him every thing you can muster, do not lie to him. Tell him the truth and see if you can work something out.
The fact that you manned up and showed up should gain some respect.
If you have any assets, you need to sell them. House car bike, fancy dog. Everything.
I wonder if you could get a student loan and just pay them back. Id rather deal with a bank anyday over the fucking mafia.

Loan sharks will give you up to $50k??? Where do I meet these guys?



Drive to Iowa. Live in your car and work some shit factory job for decent pay under a new name. Go from there. Baby steps user
