How much fat is too fat? Can you be fat and still be attractive/okay/not vomit causing? How fat is too fat to fuck...

How much fat is too fat? Can you be fat and still be attractive/okay/not vomit causing? How fat is too fat to fuck? Love? Date? How fat is just normal? How fat makes you hate/feel disgusted/sick? And I don't mean anything morbidly obese.

I've gained a little weight and I'm trying decide if it's no big deal, or if I shouldn't go in public because I'm disgusting. I'm not trying to be attractive to anyone- Just normal.

Attached: MeYtTVS.png (226x289, 146K)

30%+ is a no go for me. I would not like to be that size and would feel unhappy with my looks and physically unfit. Even right after having my babies I've never been that big.

30% is the limit, 15-25% is the ideal. Depends on the person and how the proportions work out but 30% is definitely the upper limit, no higher.

I'd say 35% is the max, 15% the min. For me at least. There are people who are more flexible of course.

30%-15% are attractive, 35% is tolerable, 10% would be ok if I were completely jacked.
These numbers are likely not accurate, I'm just using them as labels for the pictures.

Your not disgusting at any size, just not as healthy as you should want youself to be. Dont put yourself down or have a pitty party. Just start working out and watching what you eat. Losing that extra weight will make you feel good about youself and that you can accomplish goals you set. People who stay in good shape have longer healthier lives and can stay active and do more fun things a lot longer into old age.

Women with better waist-hip ratio can get away with higher body fat%

35% is probably the max for me seeing attraction but I mean if you wear the weight and look cute it's NBD. especially if you're older then people look more for companionship so if you're a cute chubby chick vs a hot skinny chick you can still get dick .
just keep in mind being fat is associated with being stupid, gluttonous, and selfish, even if you aren't those traits. also it's holiday season so everyone's a little heavier now.
also final note- if you embrace yourself and don't worry about it then other people won't bother you. don't act insecure, act self aware and it's less annoying like don't be " boohoo I'm fat"
say "yeah I'm a little heavier, but so what I know my problems"

Obesity is disgusting though. On a biological level, we're predisposed to avoid it. Culture lies downstream from this.

Yes I know but calling yourself disgusting because you gained a little extra weight isn't a good mindset to get into and will be counterproductive to getting back into shape. They didn't say they were obese just that they gained a little weight

For me, it's too much at 30. When you really see the folds.

>tfw 27% bodyfat male
I guess I shouldn't be talking.

Different guys have different preferences. I prefer anything from 20%-35% based on those pictures. Doesn't mean I would immediately turn down a girl who didn't fit exactly into my preferences. Especially if they have a cute face.

It's not that I want to be sexually attractive to any guy- I have a boyfriend who loves me and my body, and probably would at any size unless I was seriously unhealthy- (Too big or too small) I more have the concern of just the general public's opinion. I don't want strangers to think I'm sexy or beautiful or anything like that, I just want to be average. I don't want to stand out. In a good way, or a bad way. So I don't want to generally be seen as gross because I've gained a bit of weight.

What do you look like now? Whitch picture from your OP is you and where were you at before?

I'm 5"1. My highest weight in high school was 200lbs.
I went down to 160 for a few years,
Starved myself to 120,
And I now haven't weighed myself in a year, but I think I've gained a bit. I probably look like uhhhh, 35%. I definitely have body fat, but a small frame so I dunno.

I'm the same height as you but only like 115 lbs and my biggest. I wouldn't try to get back to 120 if you have to starve yourself for it. Like 140 or 150 would be a good weight to shoot for. If you try to eat well, like cut out fast food and soda it can help a lot. Also just stay active, which can be hard in the winter when their isn't as much to do outside but it's still worth it. I hope you get to a weight your comfortable at and feel your best :)

I don't think I'm over 140. I can't weigh myself but just simply looking back at old weightloss photos from the different weights, I don't think I'm at 140 yet. So probably 130 or so. Some friend said I look like I lost weight. I dunno.

Fat and obesity is rather disgusting and unhealthy. After that person surpass 30+ they really need to start looking healthier. It goes the same for men too, if I ever let myself go like that, I'm opting out of this raw deal.

>say "yeah I'm a little heavier, but so what I know my problems"
That's fine and all but an actual fatty don't even acknowledge the problem. They skip that step and think their body positivity is just as on par as a skinny person and the problem lie with people criticizing them. You have to skrt your way from even mentioning the problem is them being fat and they need to purge their stomachs for seven days to look like Kate Moss.

Oh no man I hate that shit. I know I'm probably anywhere from 20 to 40 lbs over the perfect mark, but personally to me, losing the weight isn't worth it as I'm not hideous, my health is fine, my boyfriend likes me, etc. I do get thoughts as I had a pretty bad eating disorder before, but I hate that fat pride shit.

That user meant actual obese fucktards, nigga. A skinny women eating a cupcake and she saying "I've gained a little weight" that's fine because it won't fuck them up as they are already health conscious. A fatty eating a wedding cake and saying "i've gained a little weight" is a problem because they aren't going to do anything about it - not try to diminish the weight, burn off fat, nothing. They figure since they are already fat they may as well stay complacet to being fat. Disgusting.

women prefer men with 12-16% body fat according to a post my brother saw on reddit that linked to a study, it's probably true given how women rate like 80% of men on okcupid below average
I am going to eat nothing but 2 eggs per day and starve myself thin starting tomorrow
men prefer any woman who will fuck them, I like 25-35% for a soft fluffy tummy

I think 35% would be my limit but I don't find 22% and below attractive at all. I am a bi woman and I don't find really fit women/men attractive. I would take a 40% before a 12% but I'd try to get them to eat better or do exercise if they were unhealthy.

I would say 32.5% would be the fattest I’d go.

I’m 5”10 male and 125 pounds. You can afford to lose more weight, trust me.

for women, around 30% is not attractive. The pic you posted is using women with perfect proportions, most women at 35% will look much worse than that.

Soft girls give the best hugs.
You’re probably fine.

Personally I’m good with girls up to 40%.