Ask me anything...

Ask me anything. Haven't done one of these in a long time used to go on Jow Forums about 10 years ago when I had no life. In the mood to shoot the shit and talk about life.


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Can we see them titties!

Any questions that makes me believe you are 12 masturbating to Pokemon will be ignored

No, I'd be banned. This is a safe for work board

>post deleted
I guess it’s true what they say, you always come back. What’ve you been up to in these past 10 years?

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SFW titties then?

is THATAWAY ---->

Yep. The ride never ends, you always come back eventually.
>what've you been up to past 10 yrs
Working, dating, getting in to shape, creating art, and not going on Jow Forums.

Get off Jow Forums you fat bastard

That you in the pic?

No, I've been told I look similar to her.
Does anyone have like advice questions...

I should try that. I don’t think I could ever leave long term though. I’d get bored.

How do I convince my friend that fallout 3 is actually a good game?

Yeah. How’ve you found contentment in life?

That's just an excuse. You wouldn't get bored. Trust me. Excelling at life is more fulfilling then browsing memes all day

I don't think I need any advice from someone who looks like pic related. You sure you don't need some?

Sure. How long should one pursue a woman who both said that they will never be upset at me asking them to get together, as well as is seeming ghosting me. Like.. is this a challenge? Am I just being an asshole trying to get in touch every few days? (Background we'd been going out for a few months.. so it's not like I'm trying to score the first date.. and can't take a hint)

I’m not good enough to excel at life. I’m trying to get better

I want to give this girl I sort of date blue balls for me. Any advice?

>had sex many times
>younger than you
>last couple of months
>if she wants to come over I don't refuse
>we sleep and have sex
>if I want her to come over many times she refuses
>can't help it to refuse her
>thinking about starting to refuse a few times even if I have no plans and blue balls

Would that work to shake her up a bit?
I feel like I am being played by women games.
Apologize if it seems like I am trying to trick her but you do it unconsciously anyways and fuck us up.

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Share your life with someone and share love and work hard
Pic related is what I uses to look like when I was younger

Just move on and see someone else

Yeah if you resisted her a bit and showed her you have other options that would definitely ruffle her feathers to take you more seriously

What steps do you have to take to do those?

You seem like you have low self esteem you should work on bettering yourself and if it's meant to be it will happen.

Anyway peace. This is boring. /thread


Why would I need advice specifically from you? It's as useful as asking a question to myself...

Where do you live exactly.

What are your political views.

Why do you think you deserve an ama thread.

I want to have sex, but I don't really want a serious relationship and I'm behind on the learning curve, because some stuff happened that stunted me. What do I do?

Sell me this pen. in 2 sentences

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How did you lose your virginity.

You're gay if you don't buy this pen. Double gay if you don't reply.

realize casual sex leaves you feeling as hollow and purposeless as masturbation and feel bad
you can take my word for it or use tinder for a few months and regret not listening on top of the regret of having used tinder

Thank you. Don't make another thread like this, please.

Are you a thot

But it is not Todd. New Vegas is way better.