First time sex tips

There are millions of guides out there, but I want your TIPS anons.
I'm 23, she is 22. Things are going amazing between us, and I think she is ready for us to take it next level.
I don't think she is a virgin, I didn't bring that up yet, but I will tell her that I am one.
Anyway, what would you have changed first time doing it?
Will I suck really bad even if I watch some amateur/real porn and shit?
Good positions?
Should I shave my pen15 and my balls all the way? or just trim them?
And of course, tips to make HER feel good?

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>Will I suck really bad even if I watch some amateur/real porn and shit?
Yes. Ignore everythingyou think porn taught you.
>Good positions?
Cowgirl is supreme.
>Should I shave my pen15 and my balls all the way? or just trim them?
Shave your balls and your dick itself. The rest us a matter of personal taste.
>And of course, tips to make HER feel good?
Real sex is 80% foreplay. Communicate. Touch her tiddies.

You should never start a sentence with the word “and”.

(not true, by the way)

Right here. Talk to her. The best catch-all tip I can give is literally to just touch her all over with various pressures and intensities, and get her feedback. I had one girlfriend who would physically recoil if I did anything but softly embrace. My current girlfriend, bless her heart, will let me practically draw on her (and will do so on me) with nails, biting, all that good fun stuff. The irony: first girl had whipped around the block by the time she got me but my girlfriend and I are each the other's second sexual partner.

You have G O T to talk to the girl. Even if you take some guidelines, she's got final say and she'll be the best source on what she likes, how, where and when.

>Ignore everything you think porn taught you.
Everyone says this but why? If I watch some kind of amateur scene that is not primarily for entertainment but just for naughtiness, won't that resemble sex?

Oh was just about to say that English isn't my first language, anyway, thanks for the tip I guess

Like if it's vanilla stuff, I can do it then ask her if she likes it, but when its kinky stuff like a slap on the butt, should I ask her first lol? or just go with light spank and see how she reacts?
Spanking was just the first thing that came to mind.
What are examples of talking to her, like how, when?

>some kind of amateur scene that is not primarily for entertainment but just for naughtiness
It is not that. It's for entertainment.

>when its kinky stuff should I ask her first?
Yes. Also, don't bother trying to get into kinky shit the first time. Odds are you won't even have time for that.

Starting with light touch/play and dialing up intensity slowly is good. These are also good discussions to have PRIOR to sex if either of you can just shoot the shit on sex. It's also a good idea to try something out and ask if they liked it afterward.

No matter what you do, the right idea is to get her feedback on it. If you wanted to play with spanking for instance, just give her some light smacks and tease at it, see her reaction to the spanking and the prospect of more (and harder) spanking.

I can imagine asking her, "how does this feel?" "you like this?" "should I stop?" can get annoying. Am I wrong? Should I relay more on her reactions rather than these questions?

Don't ever ask this kind of questions. You have to catch the cue

Well, everyone has been saying communication is the key, I'm so confused now >_

Fap first so you dont bust as soon as you get in her. Missionary or her on top are both good. Ask her what she likes

Move your pelvis in circles, in and out can get boring

How many times did you do you guys do it on your first time? How many condoms should I have on me?
No lube is necessary right?

>How many times did you guys do it on your first time?
Just once but theres been days we fuck like 3 times or more.
>How many condoms should I have on me?
Bring two or three, you'll only need one but better be over prepared.
>No lube is necessary right?
Lube shouldn't be necessary but again bring it. All girls are different, some get very wet others not so much. Just buy a cheap water based lube from Walmart

Bumping this question!
>Don't ever ask this kind of questions [do you like that]. You have to catch the cue
Well, everyone has been saying communication is the key, I'm so confused now >_

Yes, ask her all those questions, but don't ask in a way that make her think that you don't know what you're doing...ask her in a "seductive" voice tone

Bumping this.
Just be seductive about it. Also after sex talk about it, ask what parts she liked which ones she didnt.

O well I'm a girl so only once because I was bleeding all over after the first time. But if shes not a virgin you won't have to worry about it. You can go as many times as you and her feel upto it. Use a new condom each time and wipe off in between to make sure you dont actually get sperm in her. Dont stress out over this to much, you'll have fun. Just talk with her, if she knows it's your first time and you have a good relationship already shell be understanding if you ask her questions. I would bring at least 3 or 4 condoms, even if you dont use them all items good to be prepared.

If she's a virgin marry her.

Marrying your virgin waifu is the most sexy thing you can do for the first time.

no, seriously.

>Anyway, what would you have changed first time doing it?
Nothing, really. Maybe played some music in the background.
>Will I suck really bad even if I watch some amateur/real porn and shit?
You won't if she's opened up to you and vice versa and she understands you. You'll be ok. Don't listen to porn. Make sure you remember that the vagina is on the bottom; feel it out when you're down there with your member, use it to play with her clit a bit.
>Good positions?
Don't try anything except missionary and her on top at first. Then explore trying other things, together, through communication.
>Should I shave my pen15 and my balls all the way? or just trim them?
Trim them
>And of course, tips to make HER feel good?
Alternate between going fast and slow. If you have been beating your meat to porn for years you'll likely last long which is good. Play with her clit a lot, during. It's your best friend. Eat her out and finger her.

That's what i thought, thanks!

I am not sure if she is a virgin or not, I didn't tell her I am a virgin, but she may sense it, idk. But I want to tell her, I feel like it will make sense to tell her at the heat of the moment, right as we start, but if the conversation is brought up naturally any other time, I won't lie or anything.
That's the best course of action right?

100% of the replies are recommending missionary and cowgirl, interesting!.
Any tips for eating a girl out/fingering her?

>Any tips for eating her out/ fingering her?
Use your whole tongue. Dont use the tip of your tongue lick her clit like a ice cream cone

Yah I would definitely tell her before you guess do it. You dont have to make it a huge point or anything, just that way she knows and will be understanding if you ask her questions about what she likes. You definitely definitely need to find out if she is a virgin tho, sex is somewhat painful for girls the first time and if she is you'll want to go really slowly and tell her to let you know if she needs you to stop or hold still for a second or anything like that. Also if shes a virgin put a towel on the bed because when you pop her cherry she will bleed some.

Well, I'm sure she will open up once I tell her that it's my first time, I don't imagine her withholding that kind of information. And it's kinda weird to ask.
>Babe, this is my first time, just talk to me and let me know if I am doing something wrong or uncomfortable. Have you done this before?

Idk, the last question feel out of place, and I think she will just share her thoughts if she wants to let me know :/

Well if I last enough for it to be boring i will call it a success user

You should feel comfortable enough to ask if it's not mentioned. If your to uncomfortable to even talk about it openly with her then your probably not ready to have sex in the first place. You a grown man, it's nothing to be squeamish about, just have a discussion with her. She might be weirded out if you spring it on her at the last second that your a virgin. You should try to talk with her about it.

Not op but, how would I go about STDs and stuff like that if i didn't want to use a condom?

>how would I go about STDs and stuff like that if i didn't want to use a condom?
If you plan on not using them you should also plan on getting STDs, if you go a time or two without then you should normally be good but it's entirely dependent on who you are fucking and how well you trust them.

We're both virgins

Doesn't matter, you don't know her medical situation and she doesn't know yours. You probably aren't going to get syphilis or HIV or anything like that, but you can still fuck this up.

Should probably get myself tested beforehand, shouldn't I? Is there any kind of DIY test or do I need to go to a doctor?

There might be home tests, but nothing DIY that is worthwhile. If condoms are that repulsive to you I would say just go raw, worst case scenario is you ruin your dick or get her pregnant. No big deal.

>No big deal
Planning on marrying her desu, so it kinda is. Plus she's literally a legal loli, and I don't think she could actually have a safe pregnancy. She also has depression, so I think getting an abortion could be devastating on her. Idk how high the odds are here, but I'd rather not risk anything if possible

Yeah he was being sarcastic you fucking weirdo. How old are you? put a fucking condom on retard.

19 her, 22 I. Since it's gonna be our first time we wanted to do without condom

Bro, its your first time, it will feel great regardless. Don't be fucking stupid, you're 22 how are you that dumb!

I mean one needs to be very unlucky for something to happen, no?