This is what I voted for

This is what I voted for.

There are so many leftist commie rags on campus at McMaster everyday I have to rip down. Finally we have some teeth in stomping on marxist heads.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is fucking beautiful.

>stamp out crazy marxist

Attached: d6d.png (343x432, 225K)

A lot of people up here are ready to deport and gas desu senpai.

Doug Ford is fucking boomer personified, liquidating Ontario's assets to his buddies. My god right wingers are so fucking cucked. Nothing more than useful idiot blind sheeple.

Attached: doug ford boomers.jpg (1200x799, 249K)

there is no wall

Lmao cry more leftist we are going to put you into slave camps watch. 500 calories a day

hope Ford washed his hands after touching that he got cuck on him?


>There are so many leftist commie rags on campus at McMaster everyday I have to rip down.

You better fucking hope I don't catch you doing that.

>Calling rightwingers blind sheeple
How's communism working for the masses again?

muh hurrdurr communism jfc what an npc response

you'll do nothing.

Doug Ford's buddies will enrich themselves and you'll still be a worthless broke ass bitch

"the wall" is a reference to his erection...

We just did our rounds in MDCL and TSH nigga. We know where you faggota hang out Thursdays

You need to un-just yourselves canada.

Lmao I already have a job. Try STEM next time little dick faggot

I can't wait to meet you scrawny little alt-right incels.

As indicated by your post leftfags still cant meme or get the nuance of when and when not to use NPC. Seriously go fuck yourself.

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>muh boomer
I hate boomers too, but it isn't just boomers who hate commies.

t. Commie-hating Millennial

I hope you do and he fucking kills you, if I ever meet you I will kill you. Commies are animals that need to be put down.

Doug is kind of a piece of shit though. Our Canadian conservatives are faggots. Where’s my goddamn buck a beer, Cunt Ford?

>the left can't meme

how original, typical npc

Attached: npc maga.jpg (1063x1080, 106K)

Hahahaha I've been to your meetings bra I stand a foot over all of you commie runts

the communist party of ontario gets like no votes

how fucking retarded and delusional do u have to be to think they're a threat?

you're just another boomer cocksucker

Most right wingers are the ones with stable healthy nuclear families. The opposite of incel you blue haired toronto transfaggot.

good on you for ripping them down tho man, someone's got to, and I know there are literally millions of them, but I have so much empathy for your circumstance that all I can say is it's worth it in spite of it's exhausting nature

show your flag u fucking meme

What a tryhard. Get a load of this guy.

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Because narcissists do not give up. They just double down in an ever-increasingly destructive tantrum.

Lmao you cucks always run scared shitless from antifa on campuses in your country.

The irony is I've been to the leftist meetups on campus. I take their names and get their pics. Same with the "Tower" faggots downtown. I mean the gov here doesnt do it so we as citizens have orga that keep tabs.

Anyway they are all little fucking runts. It wouldnt even be a fair fight. Half of them are vegan ffs. Meanwhile we all workout at the pulse and fish, hunt, and shoot every other weekend. Literally every stereotype imaginable in the difference between commies and right wingers around Mac and Hamilton.

u couldn't even afford 1 share of Tesla lol typical broke ass bitch sucking that boomer cock

how sad is your life

Holy fuck are you actually retarded?

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How do you think those anarchists got caught last year bud. :D

>1 week promo

u basedboys actually enjoy getting cucked don't u?

We probably already have you pic, name, and scheduke if you are one of those revolutionary student movement fucks lmao

outrage from who?

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Post the list

>I can't wait to meet you scrawny little alt-right incels.
Ive never understood this meme, it's patently untrue and as usual, it's a (jewish) projection. although the communists/ marxists do have some large nordic toughs among their ranks who, ironically are brainwashed enough to actually help (((them))) bring about the death of their very own people because
>indiana jones punches nazis




Attached: iFgkZu1.jpg (1345x1208, 298K)

Yeah. A one week promotion at “select” stores. With no name beer. Wow. Fucking fantastic. Meanwhile we still have a fucking liquor control board nanny state faggot LCBO.

You mean you guys can't even buy a case (24pk) of beer for less than $24? Even really, really shitty beer?
We have a beer that comes in 30 packs at a grocery chain near me for $15.

The cheapest 24 is like $35

A 24 of Heineken is like $50

>what are exchange rates

An old lady, a few trannies, a literal retard frankenstein, Bubbles, Daria. Spooky and scurry

That's expensive, even for maplebucks.

Leaf, I was an exchange student at Ryerson for 1 year and let me tell you, it was fucking SJW central.
I've never seen anything like it before.
I still have access to my account, here's a screencap from the university """news""" webpage.
Constant trigger warnings, safe spaces and mass emails being sent warning of """"racist""" slurs being said on campus. It didn't feel like university, more like kindergarten full of cry babies.

Attached: Ryerson SJW BS.png (942x889, 46K)

Exchange rate doesn't matter, Canadian-made beer is cheaper in the states than in Canada

Why are conservatives so ineligant and craftless?

Just do it behind the scenes you dip no need to raise their guard
think like a jew

Conservative politicians are all talk no action.

Ford is doing this so that he doesn't actually have to change policy

$15 in freedombucks is $19.88 in maplebucks. Not $35.

I’m pretty sure that Ryerson is literally the worst school in terms of Education, reputation, and SJW levels being amplified into space.

You can check prices on this website if you're curious

rye high

Thats Luxury Tax & HST for ya.

Its not even that, its because the LCBO & Beer store are monopolies.

Quebec has the same taxes but has US prices for their beer

McMaster and Hamilton are both trash in general. Used to be a nice blue collar haven, now its a communist cesspit trying to keep up with Toronto. Best of luck to the user ripping down posters though, no one needs to see that

I agree, and I’m right-leaning. He’s a cunt and basically a shitty Liberal. As long as we have the LCBO I’ll keep believing that Ontario is a nanny state tard meme province.

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Oh tell me about it. It sucks academically, you get in if you have a vagina or are a shitskin.
It has nothing to offer other than an overpriced degree not worth the paper its printed on.
My brother is doing an MBA at Brock though lol.
How bad did he fuck up?

"If you can walk you can go to Brock"

Pic related is my brother when I told him about its reputation after dropping 30k on tuition.

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>useful idiot
Where do you think that term came from?

Jesus wtf?

Brock is like one step removed from a community college

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Pretty sure it's even ranked higher than ryerson lol.
They're both for profit universities where students pretty much pay for their degrees.

The communist party of Ontario got 34% of the vote during the last election.

holy shit you're fucking retarded

communist? they're not even socialist

r u so fucking brain dead retarded that u didn't even know there was an actual communist party?

Socialism is communism with extra steps

Socialism is designed to fail in such a way it leaves only Communism.

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You guys had a tranny dyke in power for a decade, teaching pedophilia to kids in school and you're crying about your cheap beer being no-name? Fucking Ontario should be nuked, tbqh.

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