Why not just sell some of the National Parks? We're $22 trillion in debt (and sinking every day), BUT, the US national parks system holds trillions of dollars worth of land. Sell enough to balance the budget and pay down a bit of debt each year. Can you find a single flaw with this plan?
An elegant solution to the US national debt
How about we just sell you
Fuck off boomer stop ruining our planet even more
Let's sell OP's anus to Africa for $150 like his dad
Parks are fucking gay who would spend $22trillion on them LMFAO
>let's sell something that's literally priceless and irreplaceable for a fixed priced converted to an almost valueless currency to lavish more public wealth on unscrupulous Jewish bankers without even attempting to address the root cause of the problem.
No, thanks.
because our national parks are fucking awesome
yeah ok where are you going to find a buyer who would drop 22 trillion on a few parks? how would they recoup that investment lmao
>well the only good part of America to pay off fake debt
Are you retarded? Fucking kill yourself kike.
>Sell land
>No longer in debt
>A few decades pass
>Back in trillions of dollars in debt because of gross government misspending
Hmm, perhaps you should be fixing the cause.
You really like posting this thread over and over again, don't you?
Let's sell all the Jews instead
Or the government can just write it off like it always has and tell the world to go fuck itself.
No. Fuck no. KYS for even considering such a thing
How about stop borrowing Fiat money at interest from the ((federal reserve) and reign in the military industrial complex and lobbying groups?
plot twist user, our politicians already sold off the whole country. debt is a figment of your imagination, just like our fiat currency. they can cash in for parks and states and our whole military anytime they want, but why would they do that when they already own them in all but name? keep the pigs working and keep the goyim asleep until they have a reason not to.
How about we take away Boomer pensions and medicare
No, if you don’t like the national parks you’re a complete faggot and should leave.
>An elegant solution to the US national debt
What is really going to redpill you is when you find out who we owe the national debt to. The answer is the Federal Reserve.
You work for the BLM or something? Go fuck yourself.
We already plenty of have industrial shit in former park land and they fuck everything up with toxic pollution. And the land can't suddenly produce "trillions".
So WHY do we owe money to the Federal Reserve. Why would we owe a federal bank create a situation where it owes money to itself.
Yes, gather every penny of US currency in existence, then destroy it. We can all barter, or use Bitcoin or whatever.
This. Fuck the Jews.
Go fuck yourself with a cactus, you flaming faggot.
Why not just end national trade, default on all debts, declare bankruptcy, end the national banks, start your own government currency according to our GDP and form work gangs from all welfare recipients to start building up/replacing our decaying infrastructure, and end all immigration thus solving everything destroying our country while no one else can do anything about it?
Those kikes would ruin every single iconic locality with big tacky mcmansion subdivisions in a year
Why don't we just nationalize the jewish banks we owe the money to and sell the entire debt back to ourselves for $1?
Basically, it was created as a way to coddle people whose chief source of money was usury. This basically allows most property to be owned by means of debt, while the continuously shrinking value of the dollar forces people who can't sit at the top of that dogpile to keep working.
Debt is imaginary. Land is real.
how about we rent it out instead?
because of government contractors being paid with fiat currency
>A premise in which we are able to make politicians agree to open the Parks for useful purposes despite public opposition which always opposes this, but for some reason we have to sell them completely
>Ignoring diminishing returns which would make most of the land after the first 1-5% worthless.
>Pretending that we have some kind of shortage of land in the US
>Pretending the total debt itself has any relevance at all compared to the structural deficit and the actual deficit, i.e. the amount we're continuing to lose every day
Why would you do that you nigger faggot.
OP sells national park lands to Jews.
Jews build McMansion developments on former national park land and make billions.
OP bitches about rich Jews...........
That's what we do.
Christ you are a moron.
How about not giving tax cuts to billionaires?
why is everything has to be solved by selling america?
^this sounds like a better plan
even better would be to confiscate 100% assets of the top 50 billionaires and deport them to zimbabwe
That's incredibly liberal of you, dipshit.
They don't belong to the politicians to sell. They belong to all of us. Fuck off to some third world shit hole with that nonsense.
Dip shit wants to sell parks to rich people so they can put up fences and keep people out... or charge people for what was once free.
Its fucked up.
Why not sell Maryland, Hawaii, California, and Illinois instead. This will fix not only the problem but the cause
Naa, just revalue gold to market rate at 50-60,000 per ounce and that'll take care of it
this post brought to you by Israel
fuck off retard 99.9% of this continent should be a fucking forest. fucking niggers and spic destroyed all the fucking cities we have anyway. wall them all off and let the environment consume them
Clear-cutting the redwood forests for lumber to build backyard decks in suburbia.
Why not a tax on natural resources that have been extracted from the ground that were not created by the extractor. Like iron, coal, and oil.
KYS faggot