Should I go with my plan?

Should I go with my plan?
I realized that high school ends in 6 months and that nothing will matter after that. I psyched myself up to try and get a girlfriend by then.
Now, there's this one girl in a different class, we had no interactions at all and she maybe doesn't even know my name but I find her really cute. I chose her because she always seems so lonely and sad. Now, I see her at school maybe once every second day or something but I never have a chance to talk to her one on one.
I've devised a keikaku. An exam is coming up and her class already had the test, should I randomly follow her on instagram and ask her if she remembers some questions and just start a conversation with her.
The problem is, how did I find her IG? Why ask exactly her? I know how I found it, by stalking, but she doesn't know. Her picture is not her and I follow like 140 people. I feel she will think I'm a stalker. Should I do it?

I've decided to make a change and I think that this is a good start. Should I do it or is it too creepy?

Attached: f63de240e8d48f94c2a169625e514300.jpg (500x750, 41K)

I should add that she probably doesn't even know my name, I do have friends but I'm never in the front, I'm always in the back because i'm introverted.

Come on anons I'm desperate

>I see her at school maybe once every second day or something but I never have a chance to talk to her one on one

Then just talk to her even when you/she is with other people around.
Just straight up ask: hey, did you allready had the exam in X subject?

Maybe if she is shy, she feels better talking to you, when others are around?

We never talked before and I'm shy as well. Would never work. If there are 5 people from her class near why ask the one I know virtually nothing about

>we never talked before
you need to start somewhere or with that logic you won't talk to her ever

>If there are 5 people from her class near why ask the one I know virtually nothing about
When there are others around her, you can direct the question to the whole group but look at her while you ask the question (not staring, but focus your body language at her)

And what about the plan I have, is it doomed to fail?

>I know how I found it, by stalking
enough said?

If you wanna go with that plan, make it more believable or actually get her IG from her or a classmate of her's.

I don't know enough about the technical stuff of how you add/share friends and stuff (for example if it synchronises you phone-contacts)

You just request to follow, she accepts or ignores

I've sent her and she accepted it and EVEN followed me back, I'm happy. Now for the phase 2

>Now for the phase 2
Allright, case closed. Wrap this thread up bois!

I wish you good luck!

The bois are just the 2 of us.
She's typing the questions she remembers as I type this. How do I segue this into casual talk?

I think asking about the test is a bad plan, while you can springboard a conversation, she might react negatively. I at least get a bit pissed and annoyed when someone I don't talk to suddenly asks for help with a test or notes or something, even if their intentions were like yours, it comes off as lazy and that you're just using me. Surely you've heard her talk in class, either in class discussion, or to other people in the class, what are her interests? If you don't know, ask some of the people she does talk to, then ask her out on a date doing something related to one of her interests. If nothing else, ask for her phone number/insta and talk to her later in the day, asking her out then. There's no reason to beat around the bush, when you talk to her ask her about going on a date in 10 minutes or less, in my experience the quicker you get to the point, the more likely she'll say yes.

Shit, too late. Oh well, good luck user

>I at least get a bit pissed and annoyed when someone I don't talk to suddenly asks for help with a test or notes or something
Well she's typing it out. And it seems pretty long. Is it safe to assume she din't react negatively if she's typing a lot just for me?

We don't have any shared classes

Maybe? Do you have any ideas on things she might like? If nothing else, you could always just ask her out to coffee or dinner somewhere. After getting the answers, thank her for her help, maybe throw in a compliment, then go for the date, just ask what kind of food she likes, maybe frame it as a way for you to thank her.

I'd say it's going pretty well. After she finishes typing, try to make some conversation with her. And then you can talk to her more and more, both through text and in person, although you gotta make sure you talk to her more in person than through text. After a while you can ask her if she wants to go out sometime. Don't wait too long though

I've said something along the lines "Thanks, wow that seems like a lot.." it's a line where she can end by just saying "no problem" or continue by responding to "that seems like a lot" so I'll see how ti goes.

Don't rely on her to keep the convo going. You are the one who should make conversation

She responded "No problem

I'd say the point of the thread is done so thats why I said that.

I hope it doesnt sound salty, but you took none of my advice and just did what you wanted to do before you made this thread. So I guess anything i'd say from now on would be just wasted energy anyway.
Also it looks like others started to be interested as well, and maybe they give advice that resonates more with you.
So good look with them!

I didn't mean to disrespect you, it was just that I didn't see your response in time.

Okay, we've talked a bit about tests we'll see how this develops. Thanks for answers, even if nothing happens I'm still happy I went out of my comfort zone and tried it.

Make sure you ask her out soon. That way you either have a date or you have rejection and can move on. Win-win!

im rooting for you user and im proud of you for coming this far

I'm extremely scared of rejection

Thank you.

If you're rejected, then at least you'll be able to say to yourself "Hey, at least I had the balls to say what I needed to say". Trust me, not doing anything is worse. Even when you fuck it up. I still have some dreams related to the same "And what if I wasn't such a pussy on that exact moment?" question, and that's been wandering in my head for like, 2 years. A goddamn parasite that would've been evaded if I did something on the right moment.
Please user, try as best to swallow your shyness and ASK. HER. OUT.
I don't know why, but this exact same situation reminds me of Densha Otoko...

>talking to girls on the internet
never do this

>Hey there, my name's user. What's yours?
>Oh? I just figured I'd get the name of the cutest girl in school before we graduate.
>wry smile

this might work, assuming you can fake confidence long enough
if not your failure won't be remembered very long even by you

I may try it, need to get closer to her first.

It's a small place, if I was 1 on 1 with her I would do it.