Roastie thinks I'm naive

This roastie in my uni class keeps looking at me. At first I thought she was looking at one of the Chads that sit near me, but I changed seats and she keeps looking my way from time to time.
Recently, she started saying hi and greeting me. It's the first time a female has ever talked to me of her own accord.
This is obviously one of those 'make him think there's a chance then humiliate him' prank so she can have a laugh with her friends.
How can I turn the tables on her? Or should I just ignore her?

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If you seriously think it's a prank, then yeah completely ignoring her would be the best option. Don't give the roast even one opening to embarrass you.

Ask her out on a date and have sex with her.

Just let her do the work.

I'm not a total sperg and I semi-hide my power level, but I'm not a Chad so there's nothing else it could be.
Is there any way I can turn this around and embarass her instead?

I'm gonna get laughed at and potentially reported for harassment and kicked out.
No thank you.

She might like you. Stop sabotaging yourself. If you don’t like her then just ignore her. If you do then you have a chance here and instead you’re planning on how to blow it

>I'm not a total sperg
>one girl looks at me and greets me from time to time so I assume she wants to humiliate me

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>She might like you
I'm fat and socially awkward. I'm not a complete sperg, I sometimes talk about video games and sports with some of the Chads, but I'm not one of 'them' and never included in anything.
Also I never received any female attention before, so why now?
Common sense dictates it's a humiliation prank, and I really want this roastie to taste her own medicine.

>Common sense dictates it's a humiliation prank
You aren't in high school anymore. Nobody cares enough to humiliate anybody else.

happened to me in uni, i didnt bite but they pushed the trap onto me. doing nothing may not be enough - you may need to escape

What happened?
How can i avoid it?

How did this trap play out?

>things can never change
This attitude will only hold you back, OP. You might just be this girl’s type

You should chat her up and see if she's cool. Don't think any further ahead than that

I haver NOTHING a girl would want from me, especially when there's so many Chads around.
I'm a fat socially awkward nerd.
And you're telling me that somehow this girl, who is decently pretty mind you, starts paying attention to me out of the blue? When I never received female attention in the 24 years of my life before?
Fuck off, you normies are naive as fuck.

Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m telling you. You really think girls only like these Chad types you’re thinking of? You’re wrong. The only thing that could turn her off is your anger and bitterness. It sounds like you’ve had a rough time socially so it makes sense to be hesitant but you should drop the attitude for your own sake. What did you expect when you made this thread?

I had this happen to me when I was younger so I know houw you feel, but I promise at uni age that shit just doesnt happen. at the absolute worst she wants to copy your work lol

she probably wants to be friends with you

>so why now?
>my uni class
You're at the age where even the worst of us get laid. You're fat, like video games and are kinda a sperg which means you're cuddly, probably don't want sex all the time and will drone on at length about your special interests which readily fills the conversation void.

The worst thing to do here would be to ignore this and realize years later that she DID want to fuck and you passed on it.

How, when she doesn't even know me?
I doubt she even aknowledged my existence before she and her friends came up with the idea to prank me.
And by Chads I don't mean just cocky jocks. There are 'good guys' that are also good looking in class. I'm one of the worst looking guys in my class, I'm fucking fat.
>what did you expect
Tips in order to find out how she was planning to go about it and ideas on how to turn it around.

Also, one thing you guys might misunderstand is that I'm 24, but most of the kids in my uni are between 19-21.

Yeah I'm saying that. People aren't logical. Some people literally get off to eating shit. Some people fuck their dogs. It's not that unbelievable that some unsuspecting girl would have a thing for you and you don't have a leg to stand on in this argument because you're an unexperienced r9k autist. It would probably kill you if knew just how much pussy you've missed out on with your rigid self hating ideas. Also fuck you for coming here under the pretense of needing advice just so you could commit your poorly synthesized truths about dating Dynamics, asshole

People can take interest in people they hardly know. Especially when they’re young. There’s often no physical difference between 21 and 24. Some girls like fat guys. Maybe she’s observed you and thought you seemed cool

Let's examine 2 statements:
Young, pretty uni student girl takes interest in socially awkward fatso she hasn't really interaxted with all that much.
Young, pretty uni student girl wants to prank the socially awkward fat nerd so she can have a laugh with her friends.
Which one sounds more logical to you? Which one sounds more likely to be true?
I stopped being a shut-in NEET to go to uni and turn my life around but I don't have any delusions or wishfull thinking.

Also, fuck you normies for playing with my feelings and getting my hopes up.
I want you to be right, but I know you're wrong.

The first one retard

You have many delusions that you’re unwilling to let go of. If you really think she’s malicious then just reject her if she happens to make a move. There’s also a third option which is that she’s just being nice and you’re having a fit over nothing

It's hard to judge since I don't know what you look like, I don't know what she looks like and I don't know what her other options or competition looks like.

It's kind of hard for me to imagine people engaging in such childish and meanspirited pranks in their mid 20s while going to uni but some places/people are worse than others and people in general can be pretty fucked.

It's possible she doesn't feel she has a chance with the chads or doesn't feel as comfortable with them for whatever reason. One big clue would be how often you've seen her speaking to them (if at all) and if she flirts with them or shows interest when they do.

I've had girls do shit like this to me before, so the people pretending it doesn't happen are retards.
However, from what you've said, I don't think she's trying to humiliate or fuck you, she probably sees that you're awkward and pities you or something. Probably wants to be your friend, pretty girls like being friends with guys like us because we know we don't have a chance of fucking them.

>I want you to be right
Yeah, I know. Why else would you post this thread when you knew people would try to convince you you’re wrong? Post on r9k if you want other bitter people to conspire with you

183cm, 125kg, average face. Propably a 2 or 3/10. And socially awkward.
She's a solid 7, maybe more. I'm not sure about her age, but most people there are around 19-20.
Chads flirt with her, she responds like every other roastie there does, I don't know how to really describe it, it's all just playfull young people stuff with no real meaning.
Most of the other guys there are around my height but not fat. The one guy that's as fat as me is much more outgoing though.
How would I find out? I don't mind a friend, I don't have delusions of having sex anytime soon anyway.
I know it's wrong that I want it to be true, but I can't help it. Maybe once I've improved myself enough, some day.
But what you normals can't understand is that it's not the same for everyone.

So why did you come here, so we can tell you you have no chance and not to get your hopes up?

You have no chance no chance, fatso. Don't get your hopes up. Just ignore her and she'll lose interest soon. There are many Chads on campus so it won't take long. Thread over

Just ignore her user
And close this thread
Or go to r9k

Maybe, she, oh, I dunno. Actually have an interest in you, user? Not all girls desire Chads. Maybe she see something in you that she couldn't see in other males. Go for her if you think she id being genuine, don't attempt it if you think she's not being her true self around you.

>Not all girls desire Chads.
Yes they do. A lot of them just settle for less, just like a lot of males.

>Also I never received any female attention before, so why now?
Anecdotal answer here: remember that episode of the Fairy Oddparents where it were revealed the popular girl Trixie Tang had a common interest as Timmy Turner i.e. liked the same comics and shit as him? That's probably the case here, she like video games and sports but have to act a certain way around her inner circle of friends.

Lol, dude she literally is just saying hi to him and looking at him occasionally, she does not want to fuck him, she is being a polite person.

I'm a femanon who has previously been interested in a fat 24 year old dude when I was 20. He was funny and shared my interests. I thought he was adorable as fuck and I love it when guys are passionate about a subject, meaning spergs are great for me. I don't view myself as attractive but I guess I could be viewed as such by certain tastes.

Please don't sabotage yourself OP. If you could put up a picture so I could assuage you I'd appreciate it, but I know that takes tonnes of confidence that you may not have.

What is your situation now if you dont mind me asking?
Because it sounds like you just pity this guy, which he doesn't like.

Yes, you're twenty-four and those around you are in their twenty-somethings also. At that age, that middle/high school mentality is gone. Nobody is out to reap grudges or humilate you. It's all about psychological maturation.

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Chill niggas. Trying to make OP feel positive and shit and y'all out here trying to debunk it all. At this rate, he'll be the next Supreme Gentleman. Keep a watch on your television and be sure to watch Fox News. Not CNN.

He rejected me. He said he only viewed me as a friend but a mutual acquaintance said it may have been a situation similar to OP, which was like a kick in the teeth to be honest.

I'm sorry if the way I was describing it sounded as if I as pitying him, I was honestly really into him and would've loved to see where dating him would have gone. I have been in and out of a relationship since then, so it's been a while.

>Trying to make OP feel positive and shit and y'all out here trying to debunk it all.
Something about fish climbing trees.

>which was like a kick in the teeth to be honest.
How is that? I mean I can see why rejection is hard, especially for a lot of women, but how did you take it personal even after an acquintence explained it to you?

Look, even if the light isn't the brightest for someone right now, they still deserve to see at least a glimmer of it. Nobody should fall into despair so easily over past misfortunes and trauma. Seriously, OP. Hit the gym and lose that fat. Then reclaim your chance with her. The more you're sitting on your lazy ass here could've spent on getting Jow Forums and becoming a Chad yourself.

It was a kick because I don't mind being rejected because I'm unattractive or unappealing. This guy however may have rejected me because he was scared that I was taking the piss out of him.

It means that somewhere along the way I made him feel like that. That's shameful. Somehow, someway, when I was trying to be lovely and flirtatious and kind, he thought I was looking to hurt him. That hurts me, to be honest.

>Not all girls want a chad, op, don't worry!
>Alright time to stop crying and hit the gym to be like chad, op!
This shit always makes my day.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
I'm not saying you did anything wrong, it's just that you shouldn't take it personal because it wasn't.

Oh aye, I get that I shouldn't take it personally, but saying is easier than doing. Nobody wants to be the person who drives those they're interested in away.

>I changed seats and she keeps looking my way from time to time
Try to sit somewhere, where she can't easily look at you (anything from 45° to 135° behind her)

Don't engage further than saying "Hi" or "Hello" back and try to not get involved into a conversation with her while others are around you. If she approached you while you are allone, start walking into her direction and greet her while you walk past her. This way it won't look like you are actively avoiding her.
If one of your friend brings her up during a conversation try to stay cold and answer with short or one-word sentences.

>Nobody wants to be the person who drives those they're interested in away.
That's the thing though, you didn't. And it's starting to kind of annoy me that you're making this about you.

Sorry my man but you absolutely are a total sperg. You've given 0 information that even so much as hints that this person wants to humiliate you in anyway. In fact, taking your spergness out of the equation, everything hints that you are doing something to catch her attention. Now whether it's because you sperg out or she finds you attractive I wouldn't know from your completely biased view of the story.

Turn the tables on her by asking her out on a date, and if she says no, simply say "ok" and never talk to her again

That's more like the advice I was looking for.
I don't have any friends, the Chads I talk vidya and sports with somtimes aren't that close that they'd ask something like that.
It just surprised me, it makes sense I'd assume the worst.
Thanks user.

It's just common sense.
Roasties like to bully loners, and there's really no other reason I could be catching her attention for.

Truly pathetic my man. You are doomed to a self fulfilling prophecy for which there is no escape. I hope you get a Eureka moment one day and turn it all around.

Jesus Christ OP you’re a god damn wreck. Even if you think it’s a prank you should still try to do something with this girl. Having a small chance is still better than having no chance, and with an attitude like that you have 0% chance of ever having a gf and you will die being a waste of space.

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Jesus christ please dont make this mistake.

by thinking she wants to humiliate you. She does not want to.

Just assume that she wants to become your friend. Be friendly and chat with her as you would with a friend. Then you will notice what her intentions really are

You're welcome.

Don't fall for her constantly looking at you.
One of her friends probably saw you looking at her and that's why she constantly checks, to see if you are still looking at her.
That's why she wants to talk to you all of a sudden. Roasties, especially in college, want attention. She thinks because you dont look like chad she can easily manipulate you and get stuff from you for free.
It's not worth interacting with her.

A real mind reader

>nerds actually think girls in college will date guys as a joke
No female past high school cares that much

OP is obviously a fucking retard but some of you ITT (e.g. )
aren’t much better. She doesn’t have feelings for him, all she’s doing is being friendly.

I don't think she wants to humiliate me for the sake of it or some hate for loners, but for laughs with her friends or something.
That's actually a decently realistic assumption, although I never particularly looked at her. I try as much as possible not to look towards females.
Noone said date as a joke, but rather bait me into thinking she likes me then make fun of me for being so naive.

>uses Roastie and Chad unironically as a 20-something college student

Dude, get fucking therapy. Even if she was trying to be mean, what’s the worst that could happen? She looks like a bitch and you move on with your life? Go get laid you big fag

I'm already on therapy, it's how I stopped being a shut-in and went into uni.
You're right, there's not much that could happen aside from me getting laughed at. It's not the end of the world....if you're a normie. I'd propably shoot up the place if it happened desu.
>go get laid
I need years of work before I can ever consider dreaming of getting laid. Unless I get a whore, they're legal in my country.

I dunno why not just go for it and not care about the possible attempted humiliation, what if your perspective is wrong?

I wouldn't preemptively try to do something to her.. because in case you are wrong you're ruining your chance and randomly hurting someone's feelings for no tangible reason.

She may also just be trying to be friendly.

I'd suggest you kill yourself, you bitter self hating cunt, no one needs people like you around.
I feel bad for that women for wasting even one second giving you attention

Well, more than likely she's not 'giving me attention' she just wants a laugh with her friends on my expense.

Are you good at uni?

It's too early to judge, we haven't been marked at anything major yet.
But I'd say I'm one of the few people that give the vibe that they want to be there and are actually interested in the lecture, engage the teacher with questions, etc.

Mistery solved, she'll probably ask for help or to study together. It's not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you don't illude yourself; you may learn something about social interaction with the opposite sex

Just remember that broken people attract broken people themselves.
Even if it weren't a prank, she's not a quality woman: she's probably got BPD or some shit, and she views you as an easy target to make daddy angry.
Focus on your studies, get fit, get a high quality woman.

Yeah, that was the plan, no delusions of friends and women for at least another 6+ years.
But too many new things for me recently after years of being a shut-in neet, so I can't motivate myself to hit the gym as well.

>I'm not a total sperg

You say things like "Roastie" and "Chad" and more importantly the telltale sign of saying "female"

You are 100% a sperg.

Then of course there's the whole thing of you thinking that there's a roastie conspiracy to humiliate you because this "female" said hello to you.

Stop brainwashing yourself with r9k memes.

Lighten up, OP. Things aren’t as horrible as they are in your head

Roasties and Chads might be buzzwords, but their meaning is decently clear and most of the time, accurate.
And what's wrong with the word female?
Anyway I don't even browse Jow Forums that much, though I understand I share alot of their mentality.

Kill yourself

>Roasties and Chads might be buzzwords, but their meaning is decently clear and most of the time, accurate.

The meaning is actually 100% clear, and the meaning is that person using those terms is completely fucked up on r9k memes and thinks that everyone is out to get them.

>And what's wrong with the word female?

It's an incel attempt at dehumanization. "female" could mean aything from a female lobster to a female grasshopper.

If you're referring to female humans, then we got words like "women" or "girls".

You’ve just recently started leaving the house and you think you can label and read people accurately

Roasties=shallow whores, which 90% of young women are.
Chads=good looking guys.
As the word female, now you're just being anal.
'Everyone is out to get me', well I didn't think so before now, but when a miracle happens you're gonna look for the logical explanation, right?
Classes aren't yet that hard for anyone to need help really. I dread the group projects in the 2nd semester though.

>This is obviously one of those 'make him think there's a chance then humiliate him' prank so she can have a laugh with her friends.
user you autistic fuck I think you've watched too many cartoons, this kind of shit doesn't really happen, at least not in University.
Your blatant retardation aside, just ignore her, if nothing else it will give you peace of mind.
Have you considered she might actually like you? don't take everything Jow Forums tells you without 3 fistfulls of salt, you don't have to be some athletic, blonde, charismatic manly Adonis to have a girl show interest in you.
Have you also considered the fact that maybe, just maybe, she's just plain old being friendly? with no strings attached either way? Maybe she just thinks you'd be a a good friend? or at least friendly uni acquaintance?

Let me give you a bit of general advice, there's nothing wrong with being a virgin, or awkward, or bad with people, or a loner, or liking anime or any of the typical characteristics of a NEET.
On the other hand, developing this Jow Forums bitterness, thinking the whole world is a secret cabal against you and your peers, both resenting and being jealous of 'normies' and accepting this disgustingly shameful defeatist attitude of "I never had a chance, I'm a sub 8 male those normies will never understand fucking stacy" is not only incredibly pathetic, it's cancer to you as a person, it will drag you down to the deepest pits of depression and will not let go because it will whisper shit in your ear like "this is all you'll amount to, better to flourish in these condition".
What you are trying to do is label people based on a handful of what I assume are bad experiences before reaching maturity and anecdotes of strangers on the internet you have never met, but you can't do that, no one can.
The first step towards getting out of a stagnating funk is to be aware of it, and to be able to point it out to yourself when you act by it.
"uh, I've just projected a Jow Forums post on a real person".

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>this kind of shit doesn't really happen, at least not in University.
While I agree op is being an autistic retard, it happened to me twice in the last year of high school, so it's conceivable that it would happen in university.

>Roasties=shallow whores, which 90% of young women are.

tell me more about how you're not an r9k poster

>As the word female, now you're just being anal.

Not at all, unless you learned English as a 20 year old and it's your third language or you're some kind of fucked up space alien that only just arrived on the planet's surface a few hours ago and still trying to make sense of the world, no one in their right mind says shit like "a female talked to me"

I had something ROUGHLY similar happen to me in middle school where a bunch of fuckheads put love notes on my desk pretending to be from a girl.
But after the age of 18 and for the subject girl to take part in it? I can't imagine it happening more than very rarely.
Is it some sort of common American thing I'm not aware of? I can't imagine grown adults (yes, 18+ is adult) to do that sort of shit.
Either way, OP can either ignore her for peace of mind or be at least friendly and see what she wants, maybe she's just being friendly and nothing more.

I don't think the whole world is out to get me.
Tbh, I thought alot of the things posted on Jow Forums and Jow Forums were complete BS when I was a shut-in, but I kinda changed my mind when I got out there.
This is just the one explanation that makes the most sense to me. If she just wanted to be friends she would be more direct and talk to me about class and stuff, right?
There's no way she likes me, even assuming I can be liked she doesn't know me, so that leaves only one alternative.


This is Jow Forums, not /pushingchantardstupidity/, so take this with you:

First thing to learn is incels are self-destructive even if they think otherwise. I used to be one before the term existed, and the rules haven't changed. Incels may not like this being pointed out, but they blame others while wallowing in their own ignorance and memes. Young humans (where incelism begins) have unformed brains, LITTLE REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE, raging hormones, and poor coping skills.

This is not to say roasties and chads don't exist, but that incels are so bad at understanding people including themselves they project like mad. I was reasonably personable but what I didn't know (because my incel head was planted firmly up my colon) was that I wasn't being rejected most of the time. My severely defective social skills were my problem. Incels choose NOT TO APPLY HEALTHY SKEPTICISM to their own thoughts and deeds. They self-inflict a learning barrier which enhances their reality distortion field.
Incels are emotionally vulnerable and seek affirmative feedback for their misbegotten way of life. It's social self-harm.

OP should neither turn tables which exist only in his mind (most women don't troll mentally ill men, so if she's nice to you it's absurdly unlikely to be some plot) nor ignore, but merely be polite and reasonable! That's not a commitment, costs nothing, and allows PRACTICE of social skills. Primates learn social skills. They are certainly not innate.

Anyone can learn social skills. Relinquish (philosophy helps and don't get yours from Ubangi pedo image boards) unproductive beliefs. If you are young, replace your (wrong) idea that you know much of anything with healthy curiosity. Learn to learn.

Women are people for good or ill. If someone taught you the Madonna/whore world view kill them for the good of humanity then make the choice to grow up.

Incels are miserable because they are doing it wrong.

You sound like you have very little world experience but somehow you think you know how everything works

>If she just wanted to be friends she would be more direct and talk to me about class and stuff, right?
Why are you so sure of that?
>gosh, that user guy seems like he could be a nice guy, but he's also kind of a quiet loner, maybe I should take it easy and have him warm up to me, Maybe I could get him out of his shell!
Alternatively she might have been trying to be direct but saw you were giving her the cold shoulder out of discomfort or awkwardness.
Don't mistake the above for romantic interest, this sort of thought can happen entirely platonically.
She's an individual, different people do different things in different ways, it's not as if "normies" all do shit based on a template, I could sit here and come up with 8 million reasons why she might not have been entirely direct, at least half of them about how she adjusts her approach specifically to how she perceives you.
>There's no way she likes me, even assuming I can be liked she doesn't know me, so that leaves only one alternative.
Question, did you ever get a crush on somebody that rode the bus with you and only lasted for that bus ride? some girl you've never met in your life, you don't know anything about her but something about her looks, the stuff she carries around and the mannerisms you've managed to pick up on attract you for some reason.
You don't need to know a person personally for longer than 5 minutes to start building an attraction to them, if she likes you (which I emphasize again, she could be just regular friendly) it could be because she spotted some mannerisms in you she liked, or you uncovered your power level about some hobby she happens to share and she wants to talk to you about it.
It's a sort of proto-crush, a curiosity that comes before the crush, those need very little basis to develop.
Fuck, maybe she likes scrawny, quiet, goofy looking nerds, she sure as shit wouldn't be the first girl to do so.
You really don't appreciate just how much Jow Forums influenced your mind.

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I wouldn't classify myself as an incel. I don't hate females, they are what they are, it's not their fault I failed at life and started late and with no social skills.
That doesn't explain the reason this is happening though.
Enlighten me then.
What other possibilities are there I haven't thought of?

Your options are currently 1. She likes you and 2. She has some evil plan. What about 3. She’s being nice and you hardly ever cross her mind?

delicious tears

yeah keep your guard up no reason for her to like you. she probably thinks you are some desperate nerd that she can get homework answers from.

>I don't hate females
