GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

The other thread is dying so let's start a new one.

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I have extreme anxiety and literally no one will prescribe me benzodiazepines. I have tried countless other things over the years and nothing works. At an all time low, barely leave my room now, zero friends, cannot set my mind to anything and get it done, i panic over literally the smallest things or the most far fetched terrible things that probably won't happen to me, this is just not a life worth living lol

I have seen so many doctors over the past 2 years and I just don't know if I can do it anymore

I can’t stop obsessing over somebody, but I have this gut feeling it’s unrequited. I feel angry, inadequate, frustrated, and anxious since I can’t see them in person. How can I prevent my mood from being so dependent on them? I don’t show them at all. I need validation but I feel that whenever they say something it isn’t genuine. I’m suspicious and it’s having an impact on my mood.

what have the doctors said when you requested them?

because they're highly addictive I've just been shut down every time, warned of the risks and re-routed onto different anti-depressants- SSRIs, SNRIs, atypicals etc. I've been up all night having really horrible anxiety, as usual, I'm thinking of going in to see a doctor tomorrow and flat out asking to try a low-dosage of benzodiazepines, but I feel like I'm going to get shut down again. Which is funny, because last time I stepped into a doctors office I was told to go to hospital immediately because she thought I was going to kill myself lol : )
theres no winning

You should tell them about it and ask.
That’s the only way for you to get to know if it’s genuine or not.

good luck, i hope you can find a doctor that can listen.

i'm afraid that my suspicions will be right but i know what you're suggesting is right to do. i just wanted to enjoy it a little longer. i'll see if i can pull up the courage to ask. thank you.

I wanted to be friends with an older kid when I was 8, and in turn was molested by him for his "friendship" and subsequently bullied through high-school by him. The hate and need for revenge is consuming me 30 years later... Ihave his address and want to write his wife a letter and ruin his fucking life, or just put a bullet in him. It's driving me insane, the thought of revenge sounds like it will stop the nagging need to do something about it. Any thoughts?

I am sexually attracted to this girl but feel guilty even thinking about masturbating to her.

different user, cannot stress enough how much you should definitely tell them. good luck

reposting my problem from the deleto thread

everyone seems to magically make friends between lectures. one lecture everyone is strangers and no one talks, next lecture everyone seems to be sorted into friend groups. when and where did this happen between lectures???? making friends seems ezpz for everyone but me. even the obviously shy/awkward/autistic people seem to be able to do it :(

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I don't fit in with these neerrrrdddsssss

I just ruined a relationship by asking for pics of tits

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>fell in love with a girl who lives overseas
>kinda want to date around during my undergrad years instead of being exclusive to someone I won't see for years
>but also want to be serious with this truly special girl
God is cruel.

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I'm stuck in a "relationship" with a 5/10 annoying roastie who only wants dick and everytime I've tried to leave her she's been manipulative.

I'll teach you my ways.
Make yourself unappealing to her.
Knowing what she dislikes start to slowly change and say it's who you are deep down. Say you feel like a women and want a sex change, there goes the dick. Say you need to find yourself and want to travel the world for a year. Say you joined religion.

And get evidence of manipulation and take it to police and get a restraining order. Like this isn't hard, just tedious.

Drug her, knock her up in her sleep, disappear because she obvs just wants your baby.

My parents divorced when I was 5.
My father became a kind of homeless captain after that, and I didn't see him for a very long time.
Mom got a new boyfriend who was running from a criminal life, he had money.
He went on to destroy any kind of self worth I had between the ages of 6-18.
Physical and mental abuse were also very regular, and my mom participated.
They split up when my mom cheated.
I had to live with him for a few years because I got addicted to smoking weed and was too much for my mom to handle I guess.
I've attended 8 different high schools and a few more places for 'troubled youth'.
Never really made any lasting friends because of the moving and general mental health issues.
I don't really blame anyone, nor am I mad this all happened. I guess I've just never drank the koolaid so many people get to enjoy.

I caught my girlfriend receiving messages on tinder a few months ago. I've noticed she's been clearing her phone's notifications when she never did that before. She's been rushing me off to bed the second I seem tired so I can't help but think she wants some alone time with her technology. I really want to die.

the thing is I know your organization relies heavily on the "need to know" basis. That no one has all the answers, most of them don't even know why they are there.

Meaning, the odds of him not knowing what I am and where I came from are extremely slim. The odds of this being edited are extremely high.

They might not think I listen but I know who they are. I know what I am and I'm telling you freaks I have eyes in the back of my head.

fucking talk to her about it

Yeah I actually didn't think of that . I thought of going to the cops but it kust seems like it's not necessary .
I guess I have to make her lose all attraction to me in a way that won't make me look retarded (a.k.a acting like a tranny)

He's gotten much better. He's not holding onto this underlying seething rage he once was when this shit first went down.

I mean, he's still selfish and spoiled. I fear that's a trait that is embedded in the dna from you...kid won't even share a taste of his advent calendar chocolate this year lol he will not share toys unless it's his one best friend.

He's a good kid though despite everything. As soon as he's old enough, he'll learn how to give back and do community service. He might be selfish but he's going to learn about hard work, not being entitled, and thinking of your fellow human being.

I got this dude...he's going to be ok. He'll be better than ok. He's going to change the world!

You were talking to other men behind my back throughout our relationship and then blamed it on me. I don't hate you, but I'm really fucking mad.

I've finally accepted that if you want to talk to me, you'll contact me. I'm hurt and broken, but I have to keep going or I'll never heal and what's left of my youth will be wasted

I haven't seen an old friend in about 5 years. I've known her since we were 13 (we're both 26). I had her over my house and she was going through my things, grabbed my phone and went through my pictures, playing with my boyfriend's things when I kept telling her not to. It was like watching after a kid. It was super cringey and uncomfortable with my other friends there. Now she told me I need to accept her for who she is because she's autistic. This is the first time I've heard this, because I honestly just think she has an untreated personality disorder.

I’m so in love with you...

I'm pregnant and my husband is so man. I really dont want to but I'm thinking about terminating the pregnancy so that my husband dosent hate me. I'm so sad I feel like my heart is breaking. I dont know what to do.

...what if I think the same?

If you want to keep it, then keep it. You shouldn't do things you don't like just because other people might hate you. If he gets mad, he gets mad. The world doesn't end.

I find its getting harder to buy a Hotwheel he doesn't already have.

Then I think about all the ones you still had over there. I wonder what you did with all his stuff?

Knowing your mom, she'd want to have a garage sale and make some money. Get rid of all reminders and get cash. That's her.

You? I bet it killed you to think about it. I bet you wanted to hold on to everything of his. Then when you realized his clothes won't fit him any more, reality might've set in. That must've sucked.

He's into different things now but still loves his cars.

I wish someone on this fucking gay earth actually gave a shit about me. I try to be social but nobody ever initiates anything with me. I just feel like at BEST I'm an occasional intrusion in other people's lives. Like they only bother to talk to me because they have nothing better to do at that particular moment and aren't actually interested in me.

I know it's a counter-productive attitude to have but the longer this shit goes on the more I'm beginning to just resent everybody.

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Some days I think that I'll just end up marrying the first girl that sticks around long enough, because why not? We will grow old and die together. And I will be neither happy nor unhappy. I won't have any special connection with her, but it's just more convenient to have her around than to separate. I don't think I've ever felt anything for a girl other than lust and tolerance.

In my case, she's blocked me on all fronts and even told me she didn't want to contact me at all. I've waited for 2 weeks hoping that she'd change her mind, but my fear that she's moving on for good is starting to become a reality to me. I built my future around her, and now I'm lost, wandering like a ghost.

We already have 2 kids. I'm pretty sure he will leave me if I keep this baby. I dont have the means to support 3 children by myself. My children are the most important people in the world to me. I love them more then life itself. The thought of killing my child inside me makes me feel physically sick and like the most monstrous thing I could ever do. I dont know if I could live with myself if I did it. But I also dont know how I will provide for 3 children if I dont. I feel so sick and upset.

You get what you ask for. Don't expect people to invite you to things if you don't reach out to them.

I often think you might try to come back at some point for shared custody.

It would be a legal battle because I'm not supportive of sharing custody with you like I once was. He's been through hell and I'm not about to let him go through that again.

So if you're thinking about playing daddy again in the future, please be advised that you're gonna have to prove your committed to it. I will not allow you to waltz back into his life only to abandon him again.

This means graduation from the ordered program. This means completing a parenting class. This means child support and RETROACTIVE support.

Of course before all that, first and foremost you can't be living with your mother. And whoever or where ever you claim to live, you better believe it will have to be proven and not just on paper only. You already know I'll hire PI to investigate. I have the full support of my family now. Although their stance is that you should never be allowed to. I'm not that hard. Never say never. I just think you have a lot to prove before it would happen.

I've got the support of his doctors, therapists and teachers willing to state the progress he's made and their input on how detrimental it would be if you returned uncommitted.

Just something to consider friend.

I had this happen too.
I just talked to her anyway and now we're working out our differences

gl user

Do you have family or friends that could help you? Also talk to social sevices. There are plenty of programs that will help you get back on your feet.

No I dont have any friends or family.

Everything I ever want is always out of my reach
Sometimes it gets close just to tease me
Love and happiness
But all I get is money and power
Peace and relaxation
All I get is anger and anxiety

I hate how I can never be the man I want to be
>Who's fault is that

Btw, my mom aborted a kid after having 3 because my dad was pissed about it. No big surprise, they split a year or two after. She's almost 60 and it still fucks with her. We found out about it eventually and it fucked with us two.
Do what you feel you have to, but don't ever think it's an easier route.

I tried talking to her anyways but she vehemently doesn't want to talk to me. She said she already started dating another guy. I fucked up so now I'm paying for it. I really wish I could make her see how much I truly love her.

I know it's not. I miscarried a year before I had my first child. It was the worst experience of my life and that wasn't even something that I intentionally caused. And now that I have kids a 1yo and a 3yo and know how amazing and important to me they are i know it would literally kill me inside to get an abortion. I dont think i could live with myself or ever forgive my husband. I feel like I already cant forgive him for wanting me to get one. Its like he doesn't love me or our children. I dont know that our marriage will make it either way at this point. I'm so sorry your mom went through that. I'm sorry for the toll it took on your family

I’ve had similar thing happen to me 2. And I waited as well. Funny how we say things in a heat of a moment and with time our faults get clearer. Well find someone new and better. Hopefully. Atleast that’s what I keep telling myself.

You're an alpha user

Thank you user, if anything at least it serves as an example.
There are lots of programs. Really look into them before making a decision. That way you really know which choice is best for you.

Thanks I will. I just don't understand why hes like this. What is so horrible about our children that he cant stand the idea of 1 more. I told him I'd get my tubes tied after if I have this baby so we won't have anymore. I told him I'll work extra shifts to help out more financially. I already do 100% of the child care for our other 2 kids, this baby would be the same. I dont understand why he even told me he wanted to marry me and have a family in the first place if he hates kids so much. I feel like my whole life is fucked up now and not what I ever wanted or planned for it to be and even worse my kids lives are going to be messed up because I picked the wrong man to have them with. They deserve a father who loves them not one who resents and ignores them. Sorry to go one like this, I feel like I'm losing my mind from sadness. Like I cant breath. I feel so guilty that my kids lives are going to be messed up.

>See cute girl on Okc
>Holy shit this profile is practically tailored to everything I look for in a girl
>The way okc works now means there is basically a 0% chance I'll ever get to meet her

Actually ruined my morning a bit, I hate that website.

I wanna be with you and I got feelings for you, we act like a couple and you say you like me even love me, but on social media you’re different. Saying your friends have someone and you don’t, posting pictures of yourself, posting subs, even found you on tinder. I’m gonna cut you off at some point for sure but if you proved to me that you wanna be with me truly then I might have to rethink. All you gotta do is try.

fuck commitment issues. fuck insecurity. fuck self sabotage. we love each other, and the non-reasons you gave me were just excuses for your fears. we could’ve been happy if you just were brave enough. you know you miss me, and you’re just burying it deep down. i’m hurting, and i really need you to get your head outta your ass and start being a man. i fucking miss you.

Why? Why does everyone i ever talk to start to hate me/despise me over time. So sick of people always talking bad about me for no reason at all. Im always nice and i never talk badly about anyone i ever meet. I didnt really realise that everyone that i thought were friendly towards me treated me like shit aswell. I only realised it when i became a NEET. I was so fucking stupid,goddamnit. Once i even tried befriending several females just because i wanted friends and i got talked behind my back,called a creep/scary. All i ever wanted was some female friends. I was never romantically interested in them. I dont understand why people are like this. Even if im nice and friendly and do nothing wrong people treat me like shit,but not directly to my face. People have some kind of hatred for me. They are always nice the first few times i meet them/talk to them. But they always change somehow and start hating me/talking bad about me. Everyone pretends to be someone they're not and have nasty personalities and lie alot. Im sick of people. Fuck everyone in this society. fucking retarded normalfaggots living a fake life

IK they are so reluctant to give controlled substances.

They probably think you are exhibiting drug seeking behavior. Have you ever been intervened for benzodiazepine abuse? Well man I got news for u if u go to prison they will give u all the benzos u want.. 2mg klonopins 3x a day but there isn't much weed.

But my late old granny would always be speeding around on addy and vyvanse. She had a prescription for both simultaneously. Smoking weed on top of it 2. She went to a special doctor where you pay for a script, like 300 dollars a visit.

It sounds like He's selfish to me.
Just do the best you can. Everyone fucks up their kids to some extent. Just try to do what will fuck them up the least.

ehh, give both you and her some time. see if she's really important enough to you to take her back when her guy inevitably fucks up

If she's happier with him than me, than so be it. I don't care what happens to me as long as she's happy. The selfish side of me wants her to be happy with me, but she's her own person. I really do want her back, but I gotta act like a man through this instead of a spoiled brat.

Lost my virginity on saturday night to a girl from my anxiety management course. We had dinner, watched Netflix for a bit, went to bed with her and had sex. Afterwards we cleaned up and cuddled for 3 hours which was better than the sex.

why do you feel the need to get this off your chest?

I've never been able to do something like that and I don't have many people to talk to about achievements like that

gratz, nerd

>Putting pp in a vulnerable girl
Bad news user...

which would be?

why can i feel both smothered and lonely

He's saying that fucking a girl who's clearly unstable enough to go to an anxiety management course is nothing to brag about.

Paxx Prentis got to be an addict for 10 years (now he's not). I use for 1 day and u ship me to rehab. Fuck that. Checked myself right out of that bitch, walked downtown and hopped a bus. Went camping and got crossfaded for the rest of the summer. U know how much sex I had? When u got 1000 gabapentin on hand.. none. Saw some girl alone and on the phone in the park at 2 am i should have raped the bitch but I rode on by.. fuckin 15 gabapentin deep.. They came and hauled him out in cuffs and left me with a quarter of weed, they did not even confiscate it or search. He is here with me now, he received a 2 1/2 month sentence.

here are some quotes from u
"coffee is a slow road to the grave"
bitch I don't think 2 cups of half caf will kill me so stfu
"not a druggie alcoholic like u"
ok I see u underage drinking and I fed u mxe and u ate that shit up like it was ur slop. i had to hear about how u acted weird the rest of the night
Congrats on maxing runescape btw bud, love u in spite of everythin. 120 slayer when?

Kill her.

I dont feel like one

I really don't like this board. It's a bunch of people who have no business giving advice self-righteously and condescendingly giving each other advice. People who use the terms 'Chad' and 'Stacy' seriously.

wow, hate to point out the obvious here, but it sounds like she's kind of upset/lonely that you haven't made it official? have you asked her to be your gf?

Yet here you are. It's your choice whether you take the advice or not, so act like an adult, eh?

I just want to apologise to everyone for my recent and less recent bad behavior. I know this may not make up for it but going forward I'm going to try my hardest and respect myself and others as much as I can. Just today I started by waking up at 5 am, this will be my wake-up time from now on.

one of these is the actual feeling, the other is an emotional response. you know how very insecure people present arrogantly? same shit. probably, you’re really lonely and your subconscious defends itself by pushing people away (feeling smothered). in effect, feeling smothered is self sabotage, which is a subconscious, knee jerk response to the thing you actually need. low self esteem, self-perception of deserving happiness, and attachment issues are probably topics to explore.

Me gf doesn't talk enough I think I have to break up with her.
She loves me a lot but I just can't deal with the amount of silence in our relationship.
Sorry I need to text throughout the day
I can't really be with someone who I see once a week and text maybe 5 times a day.

I rarely come here and never for advice. Because I'm not looking for advice or a blog to narcissism all over. You should feel bad if you come here seriously.

>Any thoughts?
Yeah get the fuck over it
Or put a nail in his tires just deep enough that he had to fill them up every couple days
Then when he finally gets them worked on
Hit him again
It's frustrating
And if he's that much of a psychopath he will probably snap
That's what you need to do
Make him snap in public or in front of his family.
Or you could just get over it

Is her name Julie if so how does my dick taste

Some of the pussiest advice I've ever heard.

Yeah I wouldn't allow him to be the mechanism that ruins your life once and for all if your murder him. But send the wife a letter. She probably has suspicions and you may be able to plant a seed that destroys the relationship. Also, one thing that bullies can't stand is when former victims come back and stand up to them. Maybe bait him in public, quietly, where no one can hear you, and get him to swing?

My friends that I live with have become ultra sensitive lately, they started hanging out by themselves out of nowhere, ignoring me and not even saying hi unless I walk into them (we share a house) and if I make a joke they get all sensitive and get offended and either don't talk to me for the rest of the week or just act cold and dismissive instead of playing along like we used to. Thing is, I've done nothing different in the recent weeks but last week they started getting all weird and bitchy towards me when I expected them to play along with my jokes, like we did prior to last week. I don't get it, I feel guilty for some reason but I know its THEM that changed their behavior. Even if we manage to hang out for a day they either talk amongst themselves more or prefer each others company more or they just pull out their phones and act like they're not interested in talking to me. Why do I feel guilty tho? should I? It really gets to me the way they start acting, like they need drama and won't grow out of it but I refuse to play along. If they want to spend more time alone, fine, but just tell me, don't ignore me and talk about it behind my back expecting me to know whats going on like I'm some mind reader. They probably expect an apology too. Man, they used to be good friends of mine, now I'm considering cutting contact with them, what a shame to be honest

How does waking up every morning at 5am have anything to do with respecting others?

Leave me the fuck alone. I don't even know who you are but you're a creep.

I'm scared. I have some crazy stalker and if it's who I think it is, he's a rapist.

Tired of my parents and I have no relationship with any of my extended family. I have no friends or girlfriend, never have, and likely never will because I'm so used to a solitary and loveless life. I have absolutely no real academic or career goals. I just generally have no real ties to anyone or anything. I just want to take what money I have and get the fuck out of here, work random shitty jobs here and there to keep myself afloat, and just experience the world or something. And then when I'm done I'll kill myself.

It takes one to know one.

That is the dumbest expression ever.

It's true, you are just not aware of it.

So now I've established I have a stalker, with 100% certainty, the next question is who is it. I swear if you come near me, I will kill you.

>nerve struck

Do it.

And find the easiest tolerable goal to pursue for you and start there. Bigger goals come easier after you get some small ones out of the way. That's how you find direction. Nothing wrong with just experiencing the world.. that's kindof the whole point.

I think once you start what you want maybe the prospect of killing yourself will get ever more distant until you just let life take it's course and move through it.

Be a fish - go with the flow, and if you have an idea of what you want - go try. The worst thing that happens is you get an experience.

I'm not a creep, you're the creep. Creepy stalker.

Don't do anything stupid or I'll come after you again.

Not yet, you think it’s that obvious?

how do i tell if my cologne is too strong

i put one spray on my chest. but then the scent is in my nostrils literally all day...

Do you not want people to smell your cologne?

i want it to be subtle

like a person giving me a hug would smell it, but not everyone in a 2m radius

Leave me the fuck alone Michael.

This creepy schizophrenic has hacked me. He screwed his now deceased mom with dementia (and sent me pictures) then started hacking me and harassing me everywhere I went. He wont stop. :'(

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It's a little ironic that you're calling everyone a narcissist yet you're the one here shaming people and trying to make people feel guilty for posting advice.

There are people who are condescending and give advice in that fashion but it's not the majority. This board is like any other thing in life there are a handful of good posters, a majority of average posts and a handful of purely venomous people.

Some people here have nowhere to turn and people who give advice anonymously are about as far as you can get from narcissistic. They have no notoriety to gain, no one is paying people here to give advice like a therapist and counselor and the majority of people that give advice are doing it because they want to and for little other reason. I would even go as far as to say that Jow Forums is one of the last somewhat decent communities left on the net.

She's clearly pretty shy but I'm paranoid she might be annoyed by me. We didn't talk a lot but she seemed to enjoy when we did. Yet she hasn't ever tried to talk to me on her own. Maybe I should've shown more of an interest, or maybe she just hates me and I wasted all of this time. Whatever. Who cares anymore.

Ask her.