If I only attract autistic boys, does that also make me autistic? :|

If I only attract autistic boys, does that also make me autistic? :|

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No it doesn't, you'd attract more of the right kind of guys if you show a little skin or wear something tight fitting.

It doesn't mean you are but it makes it much more likely.

I'm an autistic woman who got herself checked after a pattern in partners

I didn't know you could catch it that way.

If I only attract redheads does that make me a redhead?

No it just means something about you is attractive to autists.
Maybe you inadvertedly act like one of their Japanese Anime girls in some way, who knows.

semi-related but where do I find qt autist girls?
>t. Britfag sperg

You are either autistic/weird, ugly or you have low hygiene

Gaming cafes or there's an anime film coming out this week

If autism was an STI it would've eradicated itself by now

i dont think so
maybe you're just smart
maybe you appreciate that you know that their 'social games' will be either not-there or very simple. which is nice, right. keeps things simpler.


why is such blatant shitposting tolerated?

you may think my post was retarded, but yours is at least ten times as retarded

i read somewhere online that women who date partners who are on the spectrum have higher chances of being on it too

being red head is a physical attribute, autism is internal & permeates multiple areas of someone's personality. so there must be some underlying reason why a large number of them seem to be drawn to me

don't normal guys like smart girls too?

Yes. Magnets only attractive a magnet so meaning magnet.

Dumb pig.

Not necessarily.
It could mean you have a personality which puts up with autists more than others, so they gravitate towards you as a "safe" person.
Kind of like how faggots end up friends with a bunch of women. Again, they're "safe".

It means you are a beta female. beta females attract beta males since beta males are intimidated by alpha women.

Men and women have different symptoms for autism. If you're truly that worried, just Google the symptom sheet for women and have a good look through it. If you identify with more than 70% I'd say it's time to see a doctor and try for a diagnosis.

I don't think your post is retarded, your post IS retarded

Ignore the trolls, and listen to hitler over there. You're probably just a very understanding and empathetic person, someone people feel safe around. For people with autism (like myself) it's very rare to find a person like this, and they're an absolute treasure.

Thank you.


What if everyone is repulsed by me kek?

>ignore the trolls, and listen to one.

He's not trolling in this thread, faggot

You are most likely too approachable and too agreeable. And remember there is no such thing as a good guy.

you're retarded

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