How do you sway a text conversation from simple talk about something you / she needs from school into more casual stuff?

How do you sway a text conversation from simple talk about something you / she needs from school into more casual stuff?
I've done something I thought I couldn't, I asked, on social media, a cute girl I see at school with who I had literally no interactions before ( not even knowing names ) about some stuff about an upcoming exam their class had but ours didn't yet. We talked a bit about that and at the end she asked me to remember the questions on the exam we have before them on Wednesday. Now I took this as a positive sign, she wants to talk again.

My question is, how do I gently sway conversations from the school stuff to something more casual and get to know her.
I went from her not even knowing my name to her asking me to remember something for her. How do I advance? Is it creepy if I smile at her at school now? Asking her out out of the blue is not possible.

I know this sounds retarded but I don't care, I'm changing my life one step at the time.

Attached: 9f40ac33088841443635609d3a3e3120.jpg (375x500, 20K)


just talk to her IRL after the exam
"hey it's x from FB, how did the test go? aw yeah that one was tough!" etc etc
then you ask her out

i meant like weeks after getting to know her, not right after that convo lol

It's a small school I've no chance of talking to her without one of our friends being close.

She’s asking you to remember the questions so she has an advantage when she writes the test. I agree with the other user, talk to her irl after the test

>She’s asking you to remember the questions so she has an advantage when she writes the test
Yeah I'm not that dumb. Still, seems nice.

Is this the only conversation you’ve had, why are you thinking weeks in advance?

so? are you proposing marriage or something? it's just school talk, senpai

huh? i'm not OP
i said weeks cus OP wants to ask her right out and online

Don't really understand who this is for? I'm not It's hard desu, I'm not used to it at all, I want to take things slowly, even what I did is already miles ahead of what I thought I would be able to do.

Oh fug

But I feel like now, when our exams collide like this, is my only chance to talk to her and make an impression.

just befriend her like a bro first, stop thinking she's your next gf

Alright, and to do that I still need to have a casual convo with her. How to.

ALSO, do I hit her up with the questions on wednesday or do I wait for her to hit ME up? She asked ME to do something.

>How to.
i just told you... how did you befriend your current friends?
also wait for her to hit you up

>how did you befriend your current friends?
It's more like that they befriended me. I'm not bad with people I know. I'm TERRIBLE with new people.

>also wait for her to hit you up
I planned on waiting until like, 7PM ( our classes end at around 2PM) and if she doesn't ask 'till then I will message her.
Who knows, she may be thinking these exact same thoughts, she seems really shy and introverted

that's rather specific but ok lol
good luck bro
hope it all pans out

Thank you.
One more thing, is it creepy / weird if I start smiling at her at school?

only if it's a creepy smile, user
smile when it's genuine

Guess I'll practice !?
I don't think I look scary, I'm quiet short and skinny and friendly when you get to know me.

That's a cute picture

Yeah, I love it, here's the female version all thought I think it's by a different artist.

Attached: (500x665, 168K)

Thanks for the answers, I'd like to hear some more opinions so I'm gonna bump once more.

This one's even cuter