
so i've been planning to buy a gun to kill my self for my 21st birthday this April, my mother has had no suspicion of this, she would think i would buy it for protection, until i turned on this laptop and went to this website, i left it alone for a few seconds and you know how there's a little gif/animation above the name of a board right? well this one was an animation of a noose being tied, mother saw, broke down telling me not to do anything stupid. This was shitty timing considering i came home from class and broke down before any of this happened. Now she's probably gonna be suspicious for a really long time.... anons how do i get a gun? i hope this post makes sense

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Do you have to get a permission slip from your parents if you want to buy a gun? Like the guy won't sell it to you unless your mum tells him you're allowed it?

Listen you fucking asshole, after what just fucking happened my mother definitely is definitely going to make my life a living fucking hell more than it already is if i told her im going to get a gun, she might even put me in jail cause suicide is illegal

Holy shit.

#1) get therapy
#2) stop trying to kill yourself
#3) if you are actually going to kill yourself, ask yourself why it matters that your mom is going to "make your life hell"
#4) if you still live with your mom, you don't have enough life experience to know that suicide is the best option, and it sounds like your mom cares about you and wants you to keep existing, so you already have a good reason to stick around
#5) if you do decide not to kill yourself, depression is actually pretty easily treatable - and even though it takes time, that's one thing you won't have if you an hero.

Good luck.

>it's better to live as a failed human being for others than killing yourself with dignity.

Thanks for the advice at least...

First off your 20 year old, so your life is already too late to be saved

Second, when you die, I’m going to fuck your mom. So hurry up and die so I can nit in your mom

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>killing yourself
>with dignity.
oh user...
also you need to be 18 to browse this site

wow, so edgy, here have an upvote

>killing yourself with dignity.
there's no such thing

>it way better to suffer
is Jow Forums just bunch of masochists?

Post nudes of mom before you die

Dont kill yourself you literally have your whole life ahead of you


Nvm go die

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That makes no sense because life ends. Everyone dies. What remains is timing.

Exit bag or dry dive = reliable.

>whole life
oh wow, even more misery.

What is a failed human being? The meaning of your existence is in the process of existing - brought by you.

The only failure of existing is death/not existing - so there's no such thing as being a failed human being - because you and every other human being already is a human being.

As far as failure in life, addiction, depression, mental issues, physical ailments, etc; those are all able to be changed/transcended and your life isn't a 0 sum game that ends right now, up until the moment you end it.

So the dignity is in actually putting forth the effort to live and be at peace with living naturally as long as you are able to - while simultaneously trying to make the best life possible under your particular circumstances.

Dying has no dignity - but the problem of existence ceases to be. The act of death is the sum total of your existence ending. That's where the sum really matters. Dying as a human who has failed at getting their life together is ending all options to change - and the sum DOES in fact end in failure.

Failed as in you have no faith in anything - nor world, nor yourself.

"Better" to suffer than to not exist?

Who knows? Not anyone who doesn't exist. At least while alive you have something to compare. After death the meaning of "better" or "worse" goes away and you're not left with anything "better" than suffering.

Suffering is inbuilt into reality. I can say from experience it IS better to make peace with suffering and try to find meaning in the short enough time we have than to succumb to suffering and give up. And I'm a full on absurdist. It's not masochistic to believe staying alive is better than dying - it's just recognizing the only way to know whether being alive is "better" than anything, including being dead, is to, in fact, be alive.

What a conundrum. It's easily solvable by continuing to exist even if for no other reason than to have something to compare at all.

Faith isn't the determining factor in what it means to exist or to succeed in existing. If your definition of failure is loss of hope, you'll find no shortage of those who have overcome that failure and are now successful. Just about every adult you see walking around has already or will one day grapple with the problem of existence, and statistically, most make it through.

So, if you consider yourself rational at all, that isn't a good metric for failure/success in the endeavor of existence.

>most make it through
because they have something which helps them to run away from existential dread. once you really lose hope then you realize how futile everything is but that doesnt liberate.

I don't know how much time you've spent in existential dread - so I won't assume.

However any serious thinker on the subject of existence finds ways to argue against the rationality. Read existential writers - most of them are open and honest about having been suicidal and explain the way in which they crawled out of the void.

Yes, it's immeasueably difficult and liberation seems impossible. But no, liberation isn't impossible. To assume that your version of existential dread is the "real" version that's worse than anyone else's experience is to assume wrongly, simply put. The depths of darkness that existence can plunge someone are extreme, but they're not infinite, and they're most definitely not inescapable.

Pick up some Sartre or Nietzche - you may be surprised how much existentialist writers have experienced.

Rationality of suicide* didn't mean to end the sentence there.

>have experienced
I dont negate their experience but in the end it's their experience. My experience is not applicable to them and their experience isnt applicable to me as i'm not them.

That's true but there are two things that are true as well:

1) Consuming art/philosophy/music is the way in which we learn about the human condition with reliability. It isn't perfect but it's what we get. Reading existential writers may speak to you thoughts you thought only you had and show you that you aren't alone in your experience.

2) humans are evolved to exist in the face of existence. Each existential approach differs from person to person but to assume you aren't equipped with the tools to deal with existential crisis is to assume that sufficient existential crisis can happen to any human with no tools to escape it.

You have the tools, both within and external. And even if it seems like it has no meaning, the clinical literature teaches us that statistically, sometimes it takes someone pretending existence matters for a period of time (without believing it) in order to eventually feel and believe it.

Non-existence doesn't concern those who exist, because upon non-existence, we aren't existing to experience it. Death therefore becomes nothing to fear. It simultaneously becomes nothing to reach for.

With unlimited time (which for all you or anybody knows you actually have and death isn't even real) - you would find new answers. Cutting off the one avenue to find new answers (existence) doesn't solve the problem inherently.

The problem of existence can be solved (and has been) with various iterations of realizing that non-existence isn't a viable option and you're only left with one option.. which itself is the problem.

The Buddha laughed at this fact, Nietzche argued to overcome through becoming our own "god" and bringing our own meaning to the nihilism that exists as a fabric beneath it. Etc, etc - each person/thinker deals with it a bit differently.

But the one truth through all of it is that anyone who has dealt with existential crisis and can speak on it, continued to exist at least long enough to speak on it.

Camus is also good to read.

Think in Pascal's terms with existence for right now: if you plan on not existing, what do you have to lose by sticking around and searching for an answer to your problems?

Escaping suffering seems nice but wouldn't it rationally make sense that escaping suffering while remaining alive would be "better" by simple fact of being able to compare than by not existing at all?

i seem to lost them somewhere. i guess the biggest question is that i've been born into this madness and i have to even be thankful for that. It's like someone kidnaps you, makes a slave out of you and puts into salt mine, then slave warden asks with surprise why i'm not happy about the situation?

Who is the slave warden?

You want to be angry at existence for existing - then fine. It doesn't seem to react to things like that. You're absolutely accurate about your assumption that you didn't have a choice whether or not to exist.

But were you happy before existing? The answer is no. You weren't anything.

So you don't have to be anything you don't want to be. Grateful or thankful included. But the strange fact about being plopped into existence without choosing it and being plopped into an unstructured existence with no goal - again, whether you like it or not - is that we have the opportunity to choose to make it whatever we want.

Again, none of this is even considerable without existence - so we find out that the one true reflexive and inherent truth in the universe is that existence is what it is and you get to decide what that means.

You can hate that the decision is yours or love it. But it's still ultimately yours. And the only alternative is not existing (which is also your choice, it just happens to be an irrational one given the circumstances at which you find yourself).

The dead end, the circle, comes to be when you fully realize that you can't debate the nature of existence or be happy or unhappy about it without previously existing. And to think that not existing solves any problems at all is foolish. Not existing just removes you from the equation - and even then you're still at least forced to exist on a particle level, whether or not youre conscious on a particle level is anybody's guess, though I'd assume no.

>Thinks there's dignity in having his brains splatter over his bedroom wall
>Thinks there is dignity in destroying the heart and soul of his mother who will have to live the rest of her life thinking she is a failure

There is no dignity in suicide, it's just selfish, plain and simple.

>Who is the slave warden?
Other human personification.
>decide what that means
how can i create meaning when i dont have a material?

>living for others is okay

Nowadays generations are turning so Nutella.

Op just light yourself on fire, a gun in those soft, pathetic hands is just going to be a one way trip to veg town.

People who want to kill themselves don't tell others. They don't go online to chat about it. They don't give any symptoms at all usually.

They just do it.

So, since you're here babbling on, you clearly want to draw some attention to yourself. Why don't you call the crisis number at the top of the page and get attention from them instead? They're unpaid volunteers, but unlike us, they'll actually pretend to care about you.

Just buy the gun and kill yourself? She won't find out until after you're already dead. Why does she need to know you're going to buy a gun?

Nothing means anything. What's so bad about that? Why do things have to have a meaning?

I had a relatively rough, unhappy life filled with depression and struggle. That was until I met the women of my dreams at 24. We had a year of absolute love and light together. I had joy like a young child had joy, for the first time since I was very little.

You never know when life can suddenly turn beautiful out of thin air. Just keep pushing forward. Push forward and try your best. Consider reaching out to Jesus for help, too. He's helped me a lot, and he can help you too; if you wish it.

thanks fren

Buy a flamethrower instead you attention whore
Go out like a man

>Wants to kill himself but is afraid what his mommy will do to him...

Jesus Christ you don't seem too suicidal if this is your biggest problem

if you'd lived with her your whole life you would understand

Fuck off


t-thanks chad, ill just be myself and find women of dreams

>Other human personification
Human personification is a concept like anything else.

Example of common existential crisis thought:
>Look at that airplane, just a collection of matter/particles in a chaotic universe we can't even percieve in reality not colored by our inescapable perception - it means nothing
Wrong - no matter how you try to get away from it - all those words are just human concepts to explain the actual experience of you observing something in consciousness while simultaneously being you. You could think absolutely nothing about it and still experience it the same way (or in a more real and authentic way) just by allowing yourself to experience the sight/sound/internal breath happening at the same moment.

>How do I create meaning?
You already have by asking that question. You are at least subconsciously valuing the act of valuing things. You think (rightfully) that things don't have objective or moral values outside of your perception - and that seems "bad" or "worse than things being good" to you. So you've already created value and decided the value you think things have is less than what it could be.

Congratulations for making it that far by the way - youve gotten rid of a huge illusion many people never escape. You've recognized what is wrong. You're having trouble finding out what to do about it.

So here's what you do - take a step back and 1) experience things authentically and 2) realize, like everything else, that it can be as absurd or as bad as you percieve it to be, but the only thing that you can do about it is to consciously bring meaning to things within your perception. You bring the meaning to things by assigning meaning to them. That's the secret - and it can literally be anything. The only thing that CANT possibly be meaningful is the act of non-existence, because then there's no human or perspective to assign meaning to things.


Here's something I did.. I'm 28 - and I started running a few months ago. I suck at it. But I'm way better now than I was in October. I can now run a 10 minute pace for just under 2 miles (my normal route).

Is running inherently meaningful in reality? No. Not at all. Is it beneficial to me? Sure but eventually I'll die anyway. So I recognize that. But instead, I just assign meaning to it and enjoy what I get from it - an escape, an experience in nature (I'm in CO so it's cold now but still enjoyable), and I get to experience it.

I just assigned meaning to it. And it became meaningful. That simple.

Once you start (and you can start as small as you want) it just gets easier to do. It's a skill. And the existential crisis and dread just fades away. You learn to realize that 2 things are inevitable: you are human, and you exist.

And then you're faced with the choice #1 - do you melt into existential goo or do you just start randomly assigning meaning to shit and experience it for as long as you have it?

I can tell you what *feels* better - but I bet you can figure that out on your own.

You don't have to run (though that's a good one) - you can create something, write shit down in a journal, you can go outside and stare at a tree or try to draw it, you can throw yourself into a random career path, you can go to an airport and Max out a credit card and go live in Thailand.

You literally have all possible human experiences in front of you and the only responsibility you have is to pick just any random thing and say to yourself "I'm gonna value that"

I've spent all day talking with you. You can gather from that that I feel like your life has meaning.

>Well you're wrong to believe my life has meaning.

The beauty is you can't actually say that - because I get to decide what has meaning and I chose to spend my time talking to you and doing my best to help you out. Who knows if I did or if I will make a difference - I don't. Maybe you do.

But I still get to decide your life has meaning to me. And that talking with you was valuable to me.

It's a very basic philosophy - you can go in infinite directions from where I am right now and come to infinite conclusions about the world. You can do it because you are your own person.

So.... Response or not - hope I helped. If you need somebody to talk to let me know - I'll make up an email for us to correspond. If not - I wish you good luck and hope something I said stuck with you.

>killing yourself with dignity
Suicide is for pussies. I overdosed when I was a kid and I'm glad my younger retarded self failed because if I hadn't I wouldn't have grown up into the successful man I am today. Do something to improve your situation instead of choosing the easy way out you coward.

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>thinking it was all over at 20
haha, I remember that feeling
if only I could have recognized how easy it was and how many chances I had at that time I wouldn't be 31 and REALLY screwed

Hey OP. Dont kill yourself. I lost my friend 2 years ago and it still effects me till this day. I dont know your mother or your relationship with her. But any son knows that his mother deeply loves him. I watched my friends my grieve for minths on end and she still gets choked up just mentioning his name. Just want to say I hope things get bettet for your life. Try to remember the good times and push through the tough times. You have my heart and soul, brother.

We're 'll gonna make it.

thanks user

Why the fuck do you need to tell her, why do you even need a gun to do it? You can go cut your wrist in the bathroom right now if you want, jump off a bridge, eat a fist full of pills. The truth is you aren't serious about killing youself and want an excuse not to go threw with it. Go to counseling and stop being such a mommas boy

Wrist cutting is the most little bitch way of going out...but I don't ever get that gun, it's always an option

>everything boils down to assigning value to random things.
This seems both absurd and complicated yet i cant do it for a longer time being. I can try to assign value to something but existential absurd just erodes it quickly.

Before you kys, try xanax.

this happened to me except I met a dude, we had a month of relationship together then he ditched me for someone else that he "loved more than me"


welcome to guy reality.

I am a guy, this was all gay shit

No, you're just a fucking coward running from your problems

well, your mum doing that exact things. thats irony right? tell yourself not to be selfish for others yet those other people doing things for you.

sometimes i walking with head down, but i keep walking. i got too early in marriage, my mistake that my wife not 100% confident with me. i just keep walking. if you can stop yourself from doing harm onto yourself and others, that good enough. or you are thinking thats too much? dont be the same douche that you hate most. stand up for yourself, not for your suicide bullshit. but your existing.

When you kill yourself they win, you don't die with dignity.
OP I'll give you some advice. I would suggest opening up to your mother about depression, not suicide, and going to a doctor about your depression and perhaps suicidal ideas. I was once in your position but I was raised Christian so the possibility of either going to hell or reincarnating was real in my mind. In the end I couldn't end my life knowing that I might go to hell forever in torment so I went to see a doctor at a hospital about depression. I got on an antidepressant and my life 180'd and now I'm better than ever and couldn't imagine suicide. My ex was also suicidal when I wasn't and she had to go to a hospital for 2 weeks but got out on pills and then went on normally. She has 2 kids now. I am semi-successful in the business world and have had design opportunities online with companies through my dedication to the stuff and what goes along with it to the point where companies recognize me so much they make renders of my ideas from just random comments about what color I want. I also have designed certain aspects of some products that are in the market. Long story short, suicide is not the option. If you take the brave 10 minute opportunity you need to talk to a doctor about suicide or your mom just do it, you can thank me later. Things will get better. I have had one user confirm to me on here that he is seeing a psychiatrist now instead of suiciding thanks to my posts on here for him. Please save yourself. Find religion possibly too as it may help you with your meaning in life. I will pray for you. Good luck.

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there is no dignity in suicide. It is pussying out of life instead of doing something about it. Do not kill yourself.

I cant put meaning on anything therefore its suffering.

>Your life may suck but just wait some women is going to come and save you from depression
Ok, but what about all of us guys that know we'll never get a women and be alone forever. I guess depression is just going to be existence then.

Thats the case.