Practice gf keeps talking about marriage

>practice gf keeps talking about marriage

How do I make it clear to her that I'm not interested?

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>tfw you realize practice gf was the best you could get

Tell her

Make her a single mom

say "I'm not interested" next time the topic comes up

Practice girlfriends are good if you’re gaining experience with gaming women.

But it’s also not the best idea because women WANT to get treated like beta orbiters.

Break up.

>How do I make it clear to her that I'm not interested?

Reverse psychology. Demand total submission, have her bring home other women for both of you, make her rim your dog.

>tfw practice gf gives good sex but is incredibly toxic

What do anons

>Tfw when you dont have a practice gf let alone a real gf.

Why even live

In a very similar situation user, it comes down to what you're looking for long term, what you're getting out of the relationship and how long you think you can stand her before losing your mind or wasting too much of your time. The most important thing to remember is not to catch feelings, remember she is literally practice for a real girlfriend, you can easily trick yourself into thinking she's the real deal by lack of goals or availability so do reality checks constantly and remind yourself you're worth more and that this is temporary.
Take my practice gf for example
>non white
>overly opinionated "girl power" type
>know it all
>tries to gaslight me
She's available though and I'm now graduating college soon so I'm in a transitional period in my life where I don't have the time or money to go out and seek better women atm. It's a matter of convenience, she has a good job and always buys me shit, free pussy as well so I balance the pros and cons of staying with her and the pros still outweigh the cons at this point. No matter what though spending a lot of time around a woman in a romantic fashion is always good experience for down the road, you learn a lot about female psychology and how to carry yourself around women, what their weaknesses are, what their strengths are, what makes them tick etc so it's still always a net positive if you look at it from a trial and error context. I know I'm gonna get shit for posting this now from people saying either I'm an asshole or an idiot for wasting my time with someone who is toxic or someone that I don't see a future with but I thought I could share some stuff I learned with you since we're in such similar situations.

Fuck her anally and let her know she's not wife material

It depends, if you want to stay in the relationship and she's making little hints or jokes about it semi seriously, just don't acknowledge anything she says about marriage, if you even slightly try to play her games she's going to take it as an open invitation that you're interested in that sort of thing, all women do this. If you're done with her, or she's actually making serious aggressive moves about marriage abandon ship ASAP

>taking eggman as a practice gf

>non white
m8 it's only gaslighting if you aren't actually a nutjob

how does one obtain a practice gf

how did you obtain this practice gf? were you initiating or it was her

Why are you trying to be a sociopath?

I'm not trying to be a sociopath

Correct, you're succeeding in being a sociopath.

This triggers me how can people toy with others like this

>How do I make it clear to her that I'm not interested?
you stop fucking her and break it off you manipulative asshole

>practice girlfriend

Do people really do this? You do know not all women are literally the same and the things you learn are going to be pretty small in the long run. Plus you're looking at trouble in the future if your first GF isn't already GF material because you wont actually know how to be around a good girl.

t. Practice girl

25yo guy who's been in relationships since 17 and has broken up with all but one of my partners.

thats not true, maybe brainlets cant learn from experiences that are similar, but women are not that different

Everybody broke up with all except their current partner, fucking idiot amerimutt brainlet

How many girls have you asked on date this year?

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not him but 5
3 said no
2 said yes and established within the first ten minutes that we were just here as friends. and then proceeded to ask for advice about other men.

It's okay because women don't have feelings.

"I'm just using you until something better comes along"

That's not really true. Practice girlfriends are just those girls you carry with you to be able to fuck regularly without effort, like if you had a girlfriend, but you don't care at all about, but these women are still stuck in the 1950s so they don't know what a fuckbuddy is so you gotta fake an entire relationship just to get that pussy.

It is exhausting, man. I wish women would just mature and be able to establish sexual relationships without needing a title. I don't particularly enjoy lying to a woman, making her think I'm her boyfriend, but if that is the only way she'll suck my dick then what am I supposed to do? I am not being given any other alternatives. This is especially true with those Christian girls that have the tightest pussies. I tell anything to those kinds of bitches as long as the end result is my cum down their throat.

>I wish women would just mature and let me live out my teenage fantasy

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Hey, you can call it what you want. The bottom line is I have no problem at all with lying, and I'll keep doing it until I'm too tired for this shit and then I'll just get a wife. I'm just saying that women could save themselves from a lot of emotional pain (because trust me, I have a sea of ghosted girls that I "dated" for 2 weeks that every now and then message me crying telling me they love me) if they just played the game like I'm doing.

Or here's another tip for women: Don't fall in love with guys like me. But well, I know you can't help it.

I've actually run into the opposite problem. I found a fuckbuddy but she's not interested in any serious romantic relationship. I really want a romantic partner but I'm just going to enjoy this for what it is while I continue searching.

Everything you've posted ITT is bait. I doubt you're above 18 and I doubt you've had a girlfriend. You should talk to a therapist and figure out why you hate women, it will make your life to so much better.

Well, that's normal. A lot of people want romantic partners, but they also need to jizz every now and then, so that is another common use for practice girlfriends. But well, you got lucky and found one that doesn't need stupid titles so use that pussy as much as you want, and be on the lookout for the partner you need.

>men once again proving they are subhuman

>local woman admits that even subhumans can trick her and other women, taking advantage of them. Proving women are subsubhuman

The ride never ends.

Ask out more or lower your standards.

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Well, the main problem is that I'm looking for a [spoiler]dominant woman[/spoiler]. And nearly all of them are poly, which I'm not interested in, "pros" which obviously aren't looking for romance, or incompatible on a personality level.

I'm trying to use OkCupid since that's one of the few dating apps that would let me know if a "normal" woman had those interests, but pretty much every woman has declined to respond, which has put me off. And I've been using personal ads on [spoiler]reddit[/spoiler], but that's not going far either.

I really need to grow some balls and message more women on OkC but I overthink every message I send and it's exhausting.

Aw fuck me I thought spoilers worked on this board. I'm retarded.

>lower your standards
what would trying to date girls i'm not attracted to accomplish except making me feel even worse ?
i'm genuinely curious because that's an "advice" i see pop up a lot but I legit don't get what it's supposed to mean.

I'm not even implying my standard are even that high they're literally just :
>is not obese (and I mean clinically obese, I love chubby girls)
>is not disfigured

I don't care about her religion, about her being a virgin or not, about her past or future, I just want someone who likes me.

tell her she's your practice gf, she'll never talk to you again

Islamic moral police death squads cannot come to America soon enough
dominant women who aren't mentally ill don't exist user, you're neglecting a fine horse to look for unicorns
why not just ask your gf to act dominant in bed sometimes?

I don't have a GF. I have a dominant play partner but she's not looking for a relationship.

I might have to tolerate some mental illness then.

She's outlived her utility. Ghost.

>asked out 5 women in a whole year
lmao. You could knock that out in an afternoon. Get bent you fucking pussy

I don't get why you're getting mad at me for not asking out as many women as you, I mean good for you user, but I for one could not "knock that one out in an afternoon" because I'm not confident or active enough to meet new people on a regular basis. Those 5 women were literally the only single women I met all year that gave me their number/added me on facebook.

Hope she turns into a psycho bitch and ruins your life

This is literally "who's the idiot, the idiot or the one who has to be around him?" Straight women are literally doomed.

These bitches love me too much to ever hurt me. That's my insurance and if this wasn't the case someone would have murdered me a long time ago. Even when I completely fuck them over, they end up apologizing because they just assume they were not good enough for me, which is kinda true but it is not like I was judging them by any standards other than "Has a vagina and is hot enough for my dick".

Hey, you should learn how to be inclusive. Lesbos have it even worse because lesbians are some of the most poisoned human beings in existence. Like, I'll ruin a girl's life but I will have 0 ill intent while doing it, I was just trying to get my dick wet and as I said, I even wish I did not have to do it. But lesbos are so vindictive and toxic, they will absolutely ruin your life with 100% ill-intent.

Tell her user, you may not be able to have her anymore but it's better than making her go through the relationship thinking shes gonna get the white dress and giant cake. Just to be left in the end.

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Don't have sex with her.

No, it's okay. Women are used to this kind of stuff. I am pulling out this number out of my ass, but if my experience with my relationships and those that exist around me is any indicator, 99.9% percent of girlfriends are practice girlfriends. This is why women get dumped like 10 times before finding a guy that will settle down with them and not treat them like shit.

I'll say it again man, I don't know how it happened but feminism ended up serving men in the end. Back in the day, the only way a man could manage to fuck hundreds of girls in their lifetime was only if they were a rapist, rich or both. Most people just got married at 17 for their first love. But now we are living in the male paradise where a man can get as much pussy as he wants, and when he dumps the girl the girl has now been brainwashed to think she is a "strong single woman that don't need no man" so she'll move on regardless of how badly we fuck them over every time we use them.

Feminism has been a blessing for my cock. Imagine wanting to fuck a girl then having her father tell me I need to marry her first. HA!

>not obese
So if you are in usa, you want only top 20% of female population and you dont call this high standards?

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you're pulling this entire post out of your ass. along with the anal beads.

ITT incel larping as insensitive Chad. It looks a lot like those "fembot/femanon here" threads with a neckbeard role playing someone based on his own broken perception. Pathetic.

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how do you know if you're a practice gf

Say what you want. If you want to actually learn something today, learn how sexual relationships worked in the past. "No sex before marriage" sounds like a meme today, but this was an actual thing that people did back in the day. You had to commit an entire legal agreement just to get your dick wet. Fuck that shit.

By breaking up
Practice is over

>practicing for a life of failed relationships

Well, this is enlighting

Why the fuck would someone have a "practice girlfriend"?????? Imagine if you were totally into a girl just for her to tell you after some months "Oh yea, you are just my practice boyfriend". I hope karma hits you hard. If you just see her as an object and don't value her as a person, then just fucking break up with her.

These men don't consider the women they have relationships with human.

There are only 3 ways to have consistent sex
1) Picking up girls at bars and clubs every night. This is very time consuming and going out every night is practically impossible once you have a full time job.
2) Getting a girlfriend. This is the ideal way, but any man who knows what he is worth is already limiting his true dating pool to about 1% of women, the ones that are not shit. This means that it will take a while for you to even meet one of them.
3) Jumping from practice girlfriend to practice girlfriend. This is very efficient. You can get a new practice girlfriend by just going out on Saturday, and then you can milk her for weeks or even an entire month, and then go out the next Saturday to get a new one. This is like the clubbing strategy, except that you keep the same girl for longer and thus you don't need to be constantly going out.

I just laid out how the game works. If you were a man you would also use strategy 3. Don't lie.

Lol people had sex. There were no cameras to catch them. And marriage wasn't for sex it was just what people do to guarantee their descendents and security, as women had no income and the husband paid the parents for her in return that she takes cares of kids and her husbands aging parents.

Feminism gave women jobs so they could choose the life they wanted. You act like sex and love isn't natural but some gift to men.

At least learn real history not incelistory

>Feminism gave women jobs so they could choose the life they wanted
That's true but you should be so hard on them. Everyone makes mistakes. I would not expect feminists to only do good, it is clear that whatever they gave me was at the cost of something else. Nothing is free after all. But I don't mind it. I can now get casual pussy 24/7 and the cost was that there are now women at the office using #metoo as a weapon. Well, don't worry about me as you will never catch me thirsty at the office trying to get a lawsuit. I can get my fix of pussy anywhere I want.

not so fast, ESL.
Some people have broken up with all their partners
Some people's partners have broken up with them

Sure Jan ;)

I have the same, and I'm happy. Knowing I couldn't get better. Also, I'm starting to love her more and more, we're so similar.

Fuck you. Girls always leave guys first, no matter the situation.


He faps

No, you're not attractive enough bro
Know that feel

>girls always leave guys first, no matter the situation

The fuck? What reality do you live in

She looks good bro. Wanna swap gf?


Someone explain to me what a practice gf is?

What does the adjective "practice" mean fuckwad
You'd read the label on a can of beans and ask what's inside.

As a guy I just want to say you’re a fucking asshole for doing this. Promptly murder yourself please and thank you.

practice for what, asshole
This thread makes it sound like you're dating girls for the express purpose of breaking up with them to upgrade instead of dating people because you like them, like a normal person

>for what
Just jump off a fucking bridge if you're this stupid.

Calm DOWN, you hooligans!

Allow me to explain. Practice girlfriends are usually designated as such because the man is able to attract more suitable mates than her (more attractive girls), and keeps the less attractive female around in order to use her for his sexual needs.

Tell her you want to get married, and then make her suck your dick. When youre cumming hold her head and cum straight into her throat. When shes choking on your cum tell her you never really cared about her and she was just your practise gf and that youre leaving her.

Well men need to somehow get rid of their virginity and naive view on relationships. Majority manages this during high school and the few unlucky have to do this in adulthood.

Do you know how everybody says to sad people after their first breakup that 1st relationships never end up well? This implies the "practice".

Also is right. Preselection is a thing. For majority of women the most attractive man is the one who is already in relationship or married. The ancient part of our lizard brain is like
>whoa, he has gf. She has to be with him because he is exceptional! I want him! Also many men are very very clumsy or afraid around attractive / potentional partners. But when they have gf (even practice one), they dont give a damn about sexy girl next to them. This allows them to be very cool like. And women are VERY attracted to this behavior.

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Break up with her and stop stringing her along. Drama may happen depending on how she reacts, but it's much better than forcing yourself to be in that relationship. You don't want to turn to cheating down the line either. End it as well as you possibly can.

Is this pic-related?

There's no concrete way to tell, I suppose the best way to tell is to take a look in the mirror, be honest with yourself, is he way out of your league? Does he have a pattern of dating really pretty girls before you? Did you meet him and start dating when he is between jobs, going through a breakup or having some other existential crisis or transitional period in his life? You don't even have to be ugly or unattractive in any way to be a practice gf but if something sounds too good to be true it just might be.

I used to think like this but then I started going out more, spending more time around women, dating and I realized women do the exact same shit, albeit for different motivations but the concept of faking feelings or deeper attraction to someone for your own personal gain is really nothing new to either sex, doesn't make it right but at the same time what is wrong about it either? That's one of the many risks you take putting yourself out there and leaving yourself vulnerable by seeking a romantic relationship.

That girl looks familiar. Where is the source of your pic, OP?